Looking for a House for Long-Term Rent in Trondheim and Surrounding Areas
- Ønskes fra
- 01.04.2025
- Antall beboere
- 2
- Møblering
- Delvis møblert
Ønsket område
Trondheim Sentrum
Trondheim Sør
Trondheim Vest
Trondheim Øst
We are looking to rent a private house in Trondheim, Trondheim's surroundings, Tiller, Heimdal, Ranheim, or even up to Vikhammer. We prefer a quiet location without direct neighbours or shared driveways/yards. The house should have at least two bedrooms and a living room, but more bedrooms are welcome. A garage or carport is desirable but not mandatory. As professionals in the transport sector, we own at least three vehicles.
Ideally, the house should be at least partially furnished or have essential kitchen and bathroom appliances. However, depending on the rental price, this can be discussed individually, as we are looking for a long-term rental.
The preferred rental budget is up to 25,000 NOK, depending on the house's condition. A higher rent may be considered for a property that fully meets our requirements or offers additional benefits.
We are two business partners in the transport industry who value peace, privacy, ample parking space, nature, walking, travelling, and sports activities. We are financially stable and ready to expand our living arrangements.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and will respond as soon as possible!
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
NB: Knappen for å vise hele beskrivelsen har kun en visuell effekt.
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