Perlite Pimpstein/Pumice Vermiculite NeemSeedsVirginOil Coconut Coir/Kokosfiber
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100% Ekte Organiske Produkter. Vennligst les alt nøye!!!
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1. Perlitt - Perlite Grain size 0-6.5mm
1Liter - 60.- / 5Liter - 250.- / 10Liter - 400.-
2. Pimpstein - Pumice Grain size 0-5mm
1Liter - 100.- / 5Liter - 450.- / 10Liter - 800.-
3. Vermikulitt - Vermiculite Grain size 0-5mm
1Liter - 80.- / 5Liter - 350.- / 10Liter - 600.-
4. Kokosfiber - Coconut Coir
5Liter - 100.-
10Liter - 150.-
5. Eterisk Neem Frø Virgin Olje - Essential Neem Seeds Virgin Oil
5.1 JSR Neem Oil / Neem Olje
Eterisk Neem Frø Virgin Olje 100ml
Essential Neem Seeds Virgin Oil 100ml
1 Bottle / 1 flaske 100ml - 250.- 🌿
5 Bottles/ 5 Flasker 100ml - 1000.- 👌
5.2 SWASTIK Neem Oil / Neem Olje
Eterisk Neem Frø Virgin Olje 200ml
Essential Neem Seeds Virgin Oil 200ml
1 Bottle / 1 flaske 200ml - 450.- 🌿🌿
5 Bottles/ 5 Flasker 200ml - 2000.- 👌
Selges i Fabrikk Emballasje - Forseglet flaske
Sold in Factory Packaging - Sealed bottle
100% Genuine Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Oil of Neem Seeds
100% Ekte Økologisk Kaldpresset Jomfruolje av Neemfrø
🧐Due to high quality you need only 1 ts per 0.5 L water👌
🧐På grunn av høy kvalitet trenger du bare 1 ts per 0,5 L vann👌
6. Premium Soil Mix /Premium Jordblanding
1Liter - 100.- / 5Liter - 400.- / 10 Liter - 700.-
👇 Recipe👇 / 👇Oppskriften👇
Premium Quality Soil mix for Aroids:
5L Coconut fiber, 2L Soil, 1L Bark, 1L Perlite, 1L Pumice
Good soil mixture for thirsty plants:
5L Coconut fiber, 2L Soil, 1L Bark, 1L Vermiculite, 1L Pumice
Remember to treat soil mixture with Virgin Neem Seed Oil
Premium Jordblanding for Aroider:
5L Kokosfiber, 2L Jord, 1L Bark, 1L Perlitt, 1L Pimpstein
God jorbdlanding for tørste planter:
5L Kokosfiber, 2L Jord, 1L Bark, 1L Vermikulitt, 1L Pimpstein
Husk å behandle jordblanding med Virgin Neem Frø Olje
7. Sphagnum mose 500 gram - 400.-
8. Reinmose 500 gram - 400.-
Aracea Familien - Aroider:
Aglaonema, Alocasia, Anthurium, Dieffenbachia, Epipremnum, Monstera, Philodendron, Scindapsus, Spathiphyllum, Syngonium, Zamioculcas og mange flere
1. Perlitt - Perlite
Perfekt for alle planter og sterkt anbefales for Aroider - Monstera, Philodendron, Anthurium, også Calathea, Dracaena, Pothos, Croton & Palmer og Kaktus
Er et produkt som blandes i jord for å gi luft og struktur. Mengden som blandes i jorda varierer etter hvilken konsistens som ønskes, men alt fra 20% til 50% er vanlig. Perlitt brukes til såing, stiklinger og alle typer planter som trenger en luftigere jord, både inne- og ute planter. Perlitt er helt sterilt og inneholder ingen næringsstoffer.
Dette er et naturlig vulkansk glass som inneholder en god del vann. Når den varmes opp til 900 grader, fordamper vannet og materialets volum øker 7–16 ganger. Det er som om det popper opp og blir isoporlignende.
2. Pimpstein - Pumice
Perfekt for alle planter og sterkt anbefales for Aroider - Monstera, Philodendron, Anthurium, også Calathea, Dracaena, Pothos, Croton & Palmer og Kaktus
Egnet for alle typer av planter, så vel som innendørs, utendørs, balkongen eller terrassen.
Vannholdingseffekten. Substratet er lett å vann og holder vannet mye lengre tid enn vanlig pottejord. Normalt 3-4 uker, om vinteren opptil 8 uker, avhengig av størrelse til beholderen.
Unik oksygenholding (luftholding) evne. Dette betyr at røttene alltid har tilgang til den nødvendige luften.
Miljøvennlig og rent materiale som kan gjenbrukes flere ganger.
Inneholder høyt innhold av silisium (Si) som beskytter anlegget mot soppbakterier og insekter.
Ideell for innemiljøer og for allergiker.
Sørgemygg og Vannflue liker ikke materialet på grunn av høyt silisiuminnhold.
Varig og holdbart produkt som ikke vil bryte ned eller synke sammen.
3.Vermikulitt - Vermiculite
Er ett naturlig og miljøvennlig jordforbedringmateriale. Vermikulitt er et vulkansk og lys reflekterende materiale med god evne til å absorbere og avgi fukte. Brukes som et jordforbedrende middel. Gjør jorden fuktighetsbevarende, varm og løs. Vermikulitt er et luftig materiale som utstyrer plantenes røtter med syre og bidrar til at frøene gror raskere og unge røtter roter seg bedre. Brukes med fordel som dekning ved lys groende frø for å bedre bevare fuktigheten.
4. Kokosfiber - Coconut Coir
Kokosfiber gir optimale vekstforhold for planter.
Kompakt, tilsett vann.
Fremgangsmåte: Legg Kokosfiber (10L) i en pose. Tilsett 1 liter vann i posen, og kna den i 5–10 minutter. Tilsett ytterligere 2 liter vann, og kna. Nå er jorden klar til bruk.
5. Eterisk Neem Frø Virgin Olje - Essential Neem Seeds Virgin Oil
100% Ekte Organisk Kaldpresset Virgin Olje av Neem Frø i Premium Kvalitet
100% Genuine Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Oil of Neem Seeds in Premium Quality
Flere typer Neem Olje / Several types of Neem Oil🧐👇
Ekte Organisk Kaldpresset Virgin Neem Frø Olje produseres fra Neem Frø som vokser i India på Indisk Neem Tre.
Oljen er rik på essensielle fettsyrer og trekker seg dypt inn i huden.
En flott førstehjelp mot tørre flekker og kan hjelpe til med å roe ned eksem,
irritasjon og psoriasis, samt reparere arr fra akne
Neemoljen er antiseptisk, og kan hjelpe til med å unngå infeksjon i små kutt og sår.
User Guide:
Neem Seed Oil is mixed in lukewarm water with green soap or Zalo.
The dosage is 2 teaspoon of oil and 2 teaspoon of soap per 0.5L of water.
First mix soap in water as the oil mixes more easily in soapy water
Neem Frø Olje blandes i lunket vann med grønnsåpe eller Zalo.
Doseringen er 2 teskje olje og 2 teskje såpe per 0.5L vann.
Bland først såpe i vann da oljen blandes lettere i såpevann
Neem (Azadirachta indica), also known as Indian Lilac, has been recognised for centuries in India for its many healing properties. Sometimes referred to as the ‘tree of marvels’ or ‘village pharmacy’, neem contains many substances with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial or immune-stimulating properties. The earliest medical texts in Sanskrit refer to the beneficial effects of its fruit, seeds, oil, leaves, root and bark. Each of these has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a range of health problems. In addition, in parts of the world where it has been introduced more recently such as South America and tropical Africa, it has already established a solid reputation for relieving various health issues.
Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is typically grown in tropical and semi-tropical regions. Neem trees also grow in islands located in the southern part of Iran. Its fruits and seeds are the source of neem oil.
Neem Oil, is pressed from seeds of Neem tree and it has unique skin healing and anti viral properties.Neem is an amazing gift from nature! It offers unbeaten and medically proven health and beauty benefits. The oil derived from neem seeds is ever more amazing! It is used as a main ingredient in many skin and hair care cosmetics. If you care about your beauty, you should definitely think about using neem oil!
Traditional use of Neem in India:
Back when the ancient Indian texts known as the Vedas were composed, neem was called “Sarva Roga Nivarini” meaning “curer of all ailments” and it is still thought of as such centuries later. The arrival of Portuguese, British and French colonists on the Indian sub-continent meant that some traditional practices, such as the use of neem to protect harvest and grain stores, were abandoned in favour of modern techniques. But the use of neem remains firmly ingrained in the Indian mindset and as well as being a treatment for various diseases, it continues to be used for toothpaste, soap, sacraments and food for millions of Indians.
The first studies on neem’s commercial potential were conducted by the Indian Institute of Sciences in Bangalore during the 1920s. Until 1933, neem cake (the pressed residue left after the oil has been extracted) was used to fertilise sugar cane crops and keep the termites away.
Mahatma Gandhi was a firm believer in the benefits of neem. He led prayer meetings at the Sabarmati Ashram under a neem tree and his daily diet included a chutney made from neem leaves.
Neem oil is not used for cooking purposes. In India, it is used for preparing cosmetics such as soaps, hair products, body hygiene creams, hand creams.
Lamp oil
In India, neem oil is used as lamp oil for pooja purposes. It is strongly believed that lighting neem oil in Hindu temples helps to improve ones' health and financial status.
Ayurvedic medicine
Neem oil has an extensive history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. However, there are very few peer reviewed studies evaluating the effects of neem oil in humans. It has been shown to be effective in limiting acute skin toxicity in head and neck cancer chemotherapy involving cisplatin.
The ingestion of neem oil is potentially toxic and can cause metabolic acidosis, seizures, kidney failure, encephalopathy and severe brain ischemia in infants and young children . Neem oil should not be consumed alone without any other solutions, particularly by pregnant women, women trying to conceive, or children. It can also be associated with allergic contact dermatitis.
Formulations made of neem oil also find wide usage as a biopesticide for organic farming, as it repels a wide variety of pests including the mealy bug, beet armyworm, aphids, the cabbage worm, thrips, whiteflies, mites, fungus gnats, beetles, moth larvae, mushroom flies, leafminers, caterpillars, locust, nematodes and the Japanese beetle. Neem oil is not known to be harmful to mammals, birds, earthworms or some beneficial insects such as butterflies, honeybees and ladybugs (ladybirds in UK English) if it is not concentrated directly into their area of habitat or on their food source. It can be used as a household pesticide for ant, bedbug, cockroach, housefly, sand fly, snail, termite and mosquitoes both as repellent and larvicide.
Neem extracts act as a phagorepellent (antifeedant) and by blocking the action of the insect molting hormone ecdysone. Azadirachtin is the most active of these growth regulators (limonoids), occurring at 0.2–0.4 % in the seeds of the neem tree.
Neem is a key ingredient in non-pesticidal management (NPM), providing a natural alternative to synthetic pesticides. Neem oil solution sprayed onto the crop.
To be effective, it must be applied repeatedly, at least every ten days.
Neem does not directly kill insects on the crop. It acts as an anti-feedant, repellent, and egg-laying deterrent and thus protect the crop from damage. The insects starve and die within a few days. Neem also suppresses the hatching of pest insects from their eggs. Neem-based fertilizers have been effective against the pest southern armyworm. Neem cake is often sold as a fertilizer.
Neem Oil and Psoriasis 🩺
Neem oil has been used to help treat chronic skin conditions such as acne, warts, ringworm, and eczema. Another skin condition neem oil helps treat is psoriasis. Psori asis is an autoimmune disease that causes scaly, red, and raised patches to appear on your skin, typically on the knees, scalp, or outside of the elbows.
Neem Oil is mainly composed of glycerides of palmitin, stearin, and linolic acids. Neem Oil is similar to Palm Oil. Both oils deposit stearin at low temperatures and especially after they solidify. This process is repeated with each cycle of freezing and thawing. Neem Oil has a high wax content and therefore clouds at 16°C (60.8°F) and tends to solidify at 12°C (53.6°F). At temperatures below 5°C (41°F), Neem Oil is solid and on thawing will deposit stearin. This can be filtered out if needed. It is also normal to find creamy globules of fatty acid deposits in Neem Oil stored at room temperature. These will melt on thawing.
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