DVD A til E - Nytt og brukt
Beskrivelse av varen
Liste oppdatert 09.03.2025
Porto etter Postens satser (1-3 filmer: 60,-).
_KUN_ forskuddsbetaling til bank eller Vipps.
10,- pr film hvis ikke annet er angitt.
Bilder sendes på forespørsel.
* = jeg har +1 av tittel / Leie = tidl. utleiefilm.
A Cinderella Story: Hilary Duff*
A Civil Action: John Travolta 20,-
A Clockwork Orange: Stanley Kubrick* 25,-
A Cup Of Love: Greg Kinnear
A Cure For Wellness: Gore Verbinsky 25,-
A Fistful Of Dynamite: Rod Steiger (Sp.Ed.)(2DVD) 50,-
A Good Year: Russell Crowe*
A Good Year / Sideways (2DVD)
A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints: Robert Downey Jr. 20,-
A History Of Violence: Viggo Mortensen*
A Knight's Tale: Heath Ledger*
A Knight's Tale: Heath Ledger (Ext.Ed.) 25,-
A Little Bit Of Heaven: Kate Hudson*
A Man Apart: Vin Diesel
A Man Called Horse: Richard Harris 50,-
A Merry Christmas Miracle: Robin Williams (Ny) 20,-
A Mighty Heart: Angelina Jolie
A Muppets Christmas; Letters To Santa 20,-
A Murder Of Crows: Tom Berenger
A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)* 25,-
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Dansk, norsk txt) 20,-
A Nightmare On Elm Street Collection (8DVD) 200,-
A Painted House: John Grisham 25,-
A Perfect Day: Rob Lowe
A Perfect World; Clint Eastwood Coll. 25,-
A Raisin In The Sun: Sean Combs
A Serious Man: Michael Stuhlbarg
A Sound Of Thunder: Edward Burns 20,-
A Street Cat Named Bob: Luke Treadaway (Ny) 20,-
A Streetcar Named Desire: Marlon Brando (2DVD) 25,-
A Tale Of Two Sisters: Kap-Su Kim (Svensk, norsk txt)
A Touch Of Tarantino (10DVD) 50,-
-Kill Bill 1
-Kill Bill 2
-Jackie Brown
-Reservoir Dogs
-From Dusk Till Dawn 1
-From Dusk Till Dawn 2
-From Dusk Till Dawn 3
-Full Tilt Boogie
-My Name Is Modesty Blaise
-Grand Theft Parsons
A Walk Among The Tombstones: Liam Neeson 20,-
A Walk To Remember: Mandy Moore
A Walk To Remember: Mandy Moore (Engelsk txt)*
A View To A Kill: Roger Moore
The A-Team: Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper
Abduction: Taylor Lautner (Leie)
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter*
Absolute Power; Clint Eastwood Coll. 25,-
The Abyss: James Cameron (Sp.Ed.)(2DVD) 50,-
The Accidental Spy: Jackie Chan 20,-
Ace Ventura; Pet Detective: Jim Carrey 20,-
Ace Ventura; Pet Detective: Jim Carrey (Engelsk txt)
Ace Ventura; When Nature Calls: Jim Carrey
Ace Ventura; When Nature Calls: Jim Carrey (Engelsk txt)
Across The Universe; All You Need Is Love: Jim Sturgess 25,-
Adventureland: Kristen Stewart
The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen: Uma Thurman (Ny) 25,-
The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane: Andrew Dice Clay* 20,-
Africa: The Serengeti (Engelsk txt)
After Earth: Will Smith
After.Life: Liam Neeson 20,-
After Sex: Zoe Zoldana
After The Storm: Armand Assante
After The Storm / Turbulence 3
After The Sunset: Pierce Brosnan
After The Sunset: Pierce Brosnan (Ny) 20,-
Against The Dark: Steven Seagal* 20,-
The Agatha Christie Coll.: Endless Night (Ny) 20,-
The Agatha Christie Coll.: Murder On The Orient Express (Studio Canal) 20,-
Age Of Heroes: Sean Bean---
Agent Cody Banks 2: Oppdrag London
Agora: Rachel Weisz 20,-
Air Strike: Robert Rusler
Airplane; Hjelp vi flyr : Robert Hays 50,-
Airplane / Airplane II; The Sequel (2DVD) 50,-
Airplane II; The Sequel: Robert Hays 50,-
Airport: Burt Lancaster (Engelsk, norsk txt) 20,-
The Alamo: Dennis Quaid
Alan Carr: Tooth Fairy Live (Engelsk DVD) 20,-
Albino Alligator: Matt Dillon
Alex Rider: Stormbreaker: Alicia Silverstone
Alex Rider: Stormbreaker / Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow (2DVD)
Alexander: Colin Farrell*
Alexander: Colin Farrell (2DVD)*
Alfa og Omega (Norsk tale)*
Alfie: Jude Law*
Alfred Hitchcock
-I tvilens skygge: Teresa Wright (The Hitchcock Coll.) 25,-
-Marnie: Sean Connery (The Hitchcock Coll.) 25,-
-Notorius: Cary Grant 25.-
-Rebecca: Laurence Olivier 25,-
-Sabotør: Priscilla Lane (The Hitchcock Coll.) 25,-
-Trollbunden: Gregory Peck 25,-
Ali: Will Smith
Alien: Sigourney Weaver*
Alien: Sigourney Weaver (2DVD)(Engelsk txt) 20,-
Alien 3: Sigourney Weaver
Alien 3: Sigourney Weaver (2DVD)(Svensk, norsk txt)
Alien; Covenant
Alien; Covenant (Ny) 20,-
Alien vs. Predator*
Alien vs. Predator (2DVD)
Alien vs. Predator; AVP2: Requiem (Engelsk txt)
Alien vs. Predator; AVP2: Requiem (Leie)
Alien Coll. (4DVD) 75,-
-Alien 3
-Alien Resurrection
Alien Quadrology (9DVD) 150,-
-Alien 3
-Alien Resurrection
Aliens: Sigourney Weaver (Spec.Ed.)*
Aliens In The Attic: Kevin Nealon (Leie)
All About Steve: Sandra Bullock
All About Steve: Sandra Bullock / Me & Marley: Jennifer Aniston (2DVD)
All American Orgy: Laura Siverman (Leie)
All The Boys Love Mandy Lane: Amber Heard
All The Kings Men: Sean Penn
All You've Got: Ciara & Adrienne Bailon
Alla älskar Alice: Lena Endre (Svensk txt)
Alle elsker Mary: Cameron Diaz / Jeg, meg & Irene: Jim Carrey (2DVD)*
Alle elsker Mary …enda mer: Cameron Diaz (Ny) 50,-
Alles helt (Norsk tale)
The Allstar Workout
Almost Famous: Kate Hudson (2DVD Bootleg Cut) 20,-
Alone: John Schrapnel
Along Came A Spider: Morgan Freeman (Engelsk txt)
Along Came Polly: Jennifer Aniston
Alt en jente kan ønske seg: Amanda Bynes*
Alt for henne: Diane Kruger
Alt om min buske: Ola Rapace (Svensk, norsk txt)
Alvin og gjengen
Alvin og gjengen 2
Alvin og gjengen 3; Chip-O-Hoi*
The Amazing Spider-Man: Andrew Garfield (Marvel) 20,-
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Andrew Garfield (Marvel) 20,-
America's Sweethearts: Julia Roberts
America's Sweethearts / Mona Lisa Smile (2DVD)
The American: George Clooney*
American Beauty: Kevin Spacey*
American Cousins
American Crude: Rob Schneider 20,-
American Dreamz: Hugh Grant (Ny)
American Dreamz / Intolerable Cruelty (2DVD)
American Gangster: Russell Crowe (2DVD)*
American Gangster: Russell Crowe (2DVD)(Ny) 20,-
American Gangster: Russell Crowe (Ext.Ed.)
American High: John Cho
American History X: Edward Norton*
American Ninja 2: Michael Dudikoff 25,-
American Ninja 5: David Bradley 25,-
-American Pie (Usensurert)*
-2 (Unrated)(Coll. Ed.)*
-2 (Unseen)
-Band Camp
-Beta House
-The Book Of Love
-The Naked Mile
-The Naked Mile (Ny) 20,-
The American Poop Movie
American Psycho
American Splendor (arthaus) 25,-
Amistad: Morgan Freeman*
The Amityville Horror: Ryan Reynolds (2005)* 20,-
The Amityville Horror: Ryan Reynolds (2005)(Ny) 25,-
The Amityville Horror: Ryan Reynolds (2005)(2DVD) 25,-
Amour: Jean Louis Trintignant (arthaus dvd 117) 50,-
An American Haunting: Sissy Spacek (Leie) 20,-
An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning
An Officer And A Gentleman: Richard Gere
Anacondas; The H+unt For The Blood Orchid: Johnny Messner*
Analyze That: Robert DeNiro*
Anastasia: Don Bluth (Animert)(1997)(Norsk tale)* 25,-
Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy: Will Ferrell*
And So It Goes: Diane Keaton (Ny) 25,-
Andy Kaufman: I'm From Hollywood (Sone1)
Angela: Donatella Finocchiaro
Angelos Vendetta: Stallone 20,-
Angels Don't Sleep Here: Roy Scheider
Angels In America: Meryl Streep (2DVD) 20,-
Angrepsplan: Ice-T 20,-
Angry Birds filmen
Animal Farm: Kelsey Grammer (Leie) 25,-
The Animatrix
Anna Karenina: Greta Garbo
Anna Karenina: Keira Knightley*
Annabelle 20,-
Annabelle (Ny) 25,-
Annabelle; Creation 20,-
Annie: Albert Finney*
Annie Get Your Gun: Betty Hutton 50,-
Annie Hall: Woody Allen* 20,-
Another Earth: William Mapother
The Ant Bully: Maurbølla (Norsk tale)
Antatt skyldig; Rendition: Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon
Antibody: Lance Henriksen 20,-
Anti Trust: Ryan Phillippe*
Antz (DreamWorks) 20,-
Antz (DreamWorks) 20,-
Anywhwere But Home: Reese Witherspoon
Aparecidos; De bortglemte 20,-
Apartment 1303: Noriko Nakagoshi 20,-
Apocalypse Now: Martin Sheen 25,-
Apocalypto: Mel Gibson*
Apokalypse nå! Redux*
Apokalypse nå! Redux (Ny) 25,-
Apollo 13: Tom Hanks (100th Anniversary)(Ny) 25,-
Apollo 13: Tom Hanks (Sp.Ed.)(2DVD) 25,-
Appaloosa: Renée Zellweger 25,-
Aquamarine: Emma Roberts
Arachnophobia: Jeff Daniels 25,-
Arrietas hemmelige verden (Studio Ghibli) 50,-
Argo: Ben Affleck
Aristocrats; Søstrene Lennox: Serena Gordon (BBC)(2DVD) 25,-
Arlington Road: Jeff Bridges
Armadill: Janus Metz (arthaus dvd 85) 50,-
Armageddon: Bruce Willis (2DVD)*
ARN: Riket ved veiens ende*
ARN: Tempelridderen*
ARN: Tempelridderen (Ny) 20,-
ARN: Tempelriddaren / Riket vid Vägens slut (2DVD) 25,-
ARN: Tempelriddaren / Riket vid Vägens slut (2DVD)(Svensk, norsk txt) 20,-
Arne Dahl
-Dödsmässa 20,-
-En midsommarnattsdröm 20,-
Art Heist: William Baldwin
The Art Of War: Wesley Snipes 20,-
The Art Of War II; Betrayal: Wesley Snipes 20,-
Arthur og Minimoyene: Pia Tjelta, Kåre Conradi, Alex Rosén
Arthurs julegaverace*
A.I. Artificial Intelligence: Steven Spielberg 20,-
A.I. Artificial Intelligence: Steven Spielberg (2DVD) 25,-
As Good As Dead: Andi MacDowell
Ash Wednesday: Elijah Wood* 20,-
Ask Me Anything: Britt Robertson
Assassin: Chang Shen, Shu Qi
The Assasination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford: Brad Pitt*
The Assasination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford: Brad Pitt (Engelsk txt)
The Assasination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford: Brad Pitt (2DVD)(Engelsk txt) 20,-
Asterix: hos britene (Norsk tale) 50,-
Asterix: og de olympiske leker* 50,-
Asterix: og gallerne (Norsk tale) 50,-
Asterix: og Vikingene (Norsk tale) 50,-
Asterix & Obelix: Møter Cæsar (Norsk tale)* 25,-
Asterix & Obelix: Oppdrag Kleopatra (Norsk tale)* 25,-
-Astrid Lindgrens jul 20,-
-Astrid Lindgrens jul (Ny) 25,-
-Brødrene Løvehjerte* 20,-
-Emil i Lønneberga* 20,-
-Emil i Lønneberga (Ny) 25,-
-Emil og grisungen 20,-
-Gi deg da, Marikken* 20,-
-Karlsson på taket* 20,-
-Karlsson på taket TV-serien: Olabilløpet 20,-
-Lotta flytter hjemmefra* 20,-
-Lotta fra Bråkmakergata* 20,-
-Marikken på Junibakken* 20,-
-Mer moro i Bakkebygrenda 20,-
-Nye streker fra Emil i Lønneberga 20,-
-Nye streker fra Emil i Lønneberget (Ny) 25,-
-Pippi Langstrømpe drar til sjøs* 20,-
-Pippi Langstrømpe på rømmen* 20,-
-Rasmus på loffen 20,-
-Rasmus på loffen (Ny) 25,-
-Ronja Røverdatter* 25,-
-Skrållan, Ruskprick og Knorrhane 20,-
-Skrållan, Ruskprick og Knorrhane (Ny) 25,-
-Tjorven, Båtsmann og Moses (Ny) 25,-
-Tjorven og Mysak 20,-
-Tjorven og Mysak (Ny) 25,-
-Tjorven og Skrållan 20,-
-Tjorven og Skrållan (Ny) 25,-
Astrid Lindgren matiné: Jovisst kan Lotta sykle / Emil og auksjonen i Backhorva
Astrid Lindgren matiné: Kalaset i Katthult / Emil i suppebollen 20,-
Astrid Lindgren matiné: Når sommeren kommer til Bakkebygrenda / Tjorven, Båtsman og Moses 20,-
Astrid Lindgren matiné: Tjorven og Mysak / Emil; Du kjære lille snekkerbod (Ny) 25,-
At First Sight: Mira Sorvino 25,-
At Last The 1948 Show: John Cleese (2DVD)(Uten txt) 100,-
-Breakfast At Tiffanys
-Funny Face
Attila; krigerfolkets hersker: Gerard Butler 25,-
Austin Powers; Goldmember: Mannen med det gyldne lem: Mike Myers*
Austin Powers; Spionen som spermet meg: Mike Myers*
Austin Powers; The Spy Who Shagged Me / Goldmember (2DVD) 20,-
Australia: Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman (2DVD)*
James Cameron's Avatar: Sam Worthington*
James Cameron's Avatar: Sam Worthington (NY) 20,-
The Avengers (Marvel)* 20,-
Avengers; Age Of Ultron (Marvel) 20,-
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (Marvel) 20,-
The Aviator: Leonardo DiCaprio
The Aviator: Leonardo DiCaprio (Ny) 20,-
The Aviator: Leonardo DiCaprio (2DVD)* 20,-
Avsløringen: Chris Cooper (Ny)
Avsporing: Jennifer Aniston*
Away From Her: Julie Christie (Ny) 25,-
Azumi: Aya Ueto 50,-
Azumi 2: Aya Ueto (Engelsk txt) 50,-
B13: 13th District - Luc Besson*
Babe / Babe; Pig In The City (2DVD) 50,-
Babel: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett*
Babel: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett (Engelsk txt)
Babel: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett (Ny) 20,-
Baby Driver: Ansel Elgort 20,-
The Baby's Room (Svensk, norsk txt)
Babycall: Noomi Rapace*
Babylon A.D.: Vin Diesel*
Back When We Were Grownups: Faye Dunaway
Bachelor Party 2; The Last Temptation (Unrated)
Bad Ass 2; Bad Asses: Danny Trejo, Danny Glover
Bad Boys: Martin Lawrence, Will Smith*
Bad Boys: Martin Lawrence, Will Smith (Engelsk, norsk txt)(Ny)
Bad Boys: Martin Lawrence, Will Smith (Ny) 20,-
Bad Boys / Bad Boys II (2DVD)
Bad Boys II: Martin Lawrence, Will Smith (2DVD)*
Bad Company: Anthony Hopkins, Chris Rock
Bad Lieutenant; Port Of Call New Orleans: Nicholas Cage
Bad Moms: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell
Bad Neighbours: Seth Rogen
Bad Santa: Billy Bob Thornton*
Bad Teacher: Cameron Diaz (Baddest Edition)
Bad Teacher: Cameron Diaz (School's Out Edition)
Bait: Jamie Foxx
Ballistic: Banderas, Luci Liu
Ballistic: Banderas, Luci Liu / Domino: Keira Knightley, Mickey Rourke / 13th District: Luc Besson (3DVD)
Bandidas: Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz 20,-
Bandits: Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton
Bangkok Dangerous: Nicolas Cage*
Banjos Likørstue (Dansk)
The Bank Job: Jason Statham*
Barb Wire: Pamela Anderson Lee 100,-
Barbara: Nina Hoss (arthaus dvd 114) 25,-
The Barchester Chronicles: Alan Rickman (BBC)(2DVD) 50,-
Barely Legal
Bark! Lisa Kudrow
Barnepiken: Jessica Chastain*
Baseketball: Trey Parker, Matt Stone
Basic: John Travolta*
Basic Instinct: Sharon Stone, Michael Douglas*
Basic Instinct: Sharon Stone, Michael Douglas (2DVD) 20,-
Basic Instinct 2: Sharon Stone*
Batman: Michael Keaton (2DVD) 25,-
Batman & Robin: Schwarzenegger, Clooney 20,-
Batman Begins: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman
Batman Begins: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman (2DVD)*
Batman Begins: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman (Ny)* 20,-
Batman Collection (Ny)(4DVD) 100,-
-Batman Returns
-Batman Forever
-Batman & Robin
Batman Returns: Michael Keaton* 20,-
Batman Returns: Michael Keaton (2DVD) 25,-
Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (DC Comics)*
The Battle Of Red Cliff: Tony Leung 20,-
The Battle Of Shaker Heights: Shia LaBeouf
Battle Royale: Takeshi Kitano (2DVD)(Arthaus)* 50,-
Battle Royale: Takeshi Kitano (2DVD)(Arthaus)(Ny) 75,-
Battlefield Earth: John Travolta
Battleship: Rihanna, Liam Neeson*
Battleship: Rihanna, Liam Neeson (Ny) 20,-
Battlestar Galactica (Engelsk txt) 20,-
Battlestar Galactica; Razor (Engelsk txt) 20,-
Baywatch: Dwayne Johnson*
Be Cool: John Travolta
Be Cool: John Travolta (Ny) 20,-
Be Cool: John Travolta (2DVD)
Be Kind Rewind: Jack Black*
The Beach: Leonardi Di Caprio*
Bean; Den store katastrofefilmen: Rowan Atkinson
Beasts of The Southern Wild (arthaus dvd 115) 50,-
Beautiful Creatures (2013)
The Beaver: Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster
Beavis And Butt-Head Do America 25,-
Beavis And Butt-Head Do America (Coll.Ed.)25,-
Because I Said So: Mandy Moore
BECK: Peter Haber
#17 Ekstrem tilstand (Leie)
#19 Gribben (Leie)
#20 Advokaten (Leie)
#23 Det tause skriket (Leie)
#26 Levende begravd
#32 Steinar 20,-
Bedrageren: Richard Gere
Beethoven & Beethovens andre (2DVD)* 20,-
Beethoven's tredje & Beethoven's fjerde (2DVD) 20,-
Beethovens juleeventyr 20,-
Beethovens store gjennombrudd 20,-
Begin Again; Forelsket i New York: Keira Knightley (Ny) 25,-
Behind Enemy Lines: Owen Wilson (Sp.Ed.)*
Behind Enemy Lines: Owen Wilson / Behind Enemy Lines II (2DVD)
Behind Enemy Lines: Thomas Ian Griffith
Behind Enemy Lines II; Axis Of Evil 20,-
Behind The Sun: Walter Salles
Being Flynn: Robert De Niro (Leie)
Beleiringen (Assault On Precinct 13): Ethan Hawke
Belle: Emily Watson
Below: Matt Davis*
Ben Hur: Charlton Heston 20,-
Beowulf: Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Angelina Jolie (2DVD)*
Beowulf: Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Angelina Jolie (2DVD)(Norsk txt)
Bernard på den øde øya og andre eventyr (Ep. 1-26) 20,-
Besettelsen: Gwyneth Paltrow, Aaron Eckhart (Leie)
2 (5DVD) 25,-
-He Knew He Was Right
3 (4DVD) 25,-
-The Way We Live Now
-The Barchester Chronicles
8 (4DVD) 25,-
-The Lost Prince
-The Mayor Of Casterbridge
-Consuming Passion
The Best Comedy DVD In The World (Engelsk)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: Judi Dench
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: Judi Dench (Ny) 20,-
Best Laid Plans: Stephen Graham, David O'Hara
The Best Man: Amy Smart (Leie)
-Enduro Challenge 25,-
-New M3 Takes On JDM Super Sports 25,-
-Skyline GT-R: The Prodigy 25,-
-Super Battle 25,-
-Vol.6: The 3550Z Shock!!! 25,-
The Best Of Me: Michelle Monaghan
Beverly Hills purk: Eddie Murphy
Bewitched: Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell (Spec.Ed.)
The Bhoy Who Would Be King: The Official Tribute To Henrik Larsson 20,-
-Jesus 20,-
-Moses 20,-
Bie filmen (DreamWorks)*
Bie filmen (DreamWorks)(Ny) 20,-
Bienes hemmelige liv: Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys
Big Daddy: Adam Sandler 20,-
Big Drama Movies (2DVD)
-Lewis & Clark & George: Rose McGowan
-Purgatory: Tanya Roberts
-Mindfield: Michael Ironside
Big Fish: Ewan McGregor
The Big Kahuna: Kevin Spacey 20,-
The Big Lebowski: John Goodman 20,-
Big Momma's House 2: Martin Lawrence*
Big Momma's House 2: Martin Lawrence (Leie)
The Big Red One: The Reconstruction: Lee Marvin (2DVD) 25,-
Big Stan: Rob Schneider
Big Trouble: Tim Allen
The Big Wedding: Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton
The Biggest Focker Collection Ever (3DVD) 50,-
Biker Boys: Laurence Fishburne, Kid Rock*
Bill Bailey: Live At The apollo - Part Troll (Engelsk)
The Bill Collector: Danny Trejo (Ny)
Bill Engvall's New All Stars Of Country Comedy Volume 2
Billy Elliot: Julie Walters 25,-
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk: Kristen Stewart 20,-
Billy Madison: Adam Sandler*
Bionicle 3; Et nett av skygger 20,-
Birdman: Michael Keaton (Ny) 25,-
Bizet's Carmen: Placido Domingo 50,-
Bjelleklang: Schwarzenegger 20,-
Bjørnen: Jean-Jacques Annaud 25,-
Black & White: Robert Downey Jr.
Black Beauty: Mark Lester (Svensk, Norsk txt)(Ny) 25,-
Black Book: Carice Van Houten
The Black Dahlia: Josh Hartnett, Scarlett Johansson
The Black Dahlia: Josh Hartnett, Scarlett Johansson (SteelBox)(2DVD) 25,-
Black Eagle: Van Damme, Sho Kosugi 50,-
Black Hawk Down: Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor*
The Black Heart: Josh Lucas, Lena Headey (Leie)
Blackmail: Bokeem Woodbine 25,-
Black Mask: Jet Li 25,-
Black Mass: Johnny Depp 20,-
Black Point: David Caruso
Black Sheep: The Violence Of The Lambs* 20,-
Black Snake Moan: Samuel L. Jackson*
Black Snake Moan: Samuel L. Jackson (Engelsk, norsk txt)
Black Swan: Natalie Portman, Vincent Kassel, Mila Kunis*
Black Swan: Natalie Portman, Vincent Kassel, Mila Kunis (Ny)
Black Water (Leie)
Blackout: Samuel L. Jackson (Slimcase)
Blade: Wesley Snipes (Engelsk txt)(Ny) 25,-
Blade II: Wesley Snipes (2DVD)*
Blade II: Wesley Snipes (Ny)* 20,-
Blade II / Blade Trinity (2DVD)
Blade Trinity: Wesley Snipes (2DVD)*
Blade Trinity: Wesley Snipes (2DVD)(Ny) 20,-
Blade Runner: Harrison Ford*
Blades Of Glory: Will Ferrell, Jon Heder*
Blades Of Glory: Will Ferrell, Jon Heder (Ny)
The Blair Witch 2; Book Of Shadows 20,-
The Blair Witch Project*
Blast: Vinnie Jones
Bless The Child: Kim Basinger 25,-
Blind Horizon: Val Kilmer / End Game: Cuba Gooding Jr. (2DVD)*
The Blind Side: Sandra Bullock*
The Bling Ring: Sofia Coppola
Blitz: Jason Statham (Svens, norsk txt)
Blonde Ambition: Jessica Simpson
Blonde And Blonder: Pamela Anderson 20,-
Blonde And Blonder: Pamela Anderson (Svensk, norsk txt)
Blood Diamond: Leonardi DiCaprio (2DVD)*
Blood Father: Mel Gibson
Blood Work: Clint Eastwood* 25,-
Bloodrayne: Kristanna Loken 25,-
Bloodsport: Van Damme (Dansk, norsk txt) 50,-
Blow: Penelope Cruz*
Blow: Penelope Cruz (Engelsk txt)
Blue Crush: Kate Bosworth* 20,-
The Blue Experience: In The Heart Of The Mediterranean Sea
The Blue Lagoon: Shields / Return To The Blue Lagoon: Jojovich (2DVD) 50,-
Blue Smoke: Scott Bakula 20,-
Blue Steel: John Wayne 50,-
Blue Streak: Martin Lawrence
Blueberry: Juliette Lewis (2DVD) 20,-
The Blues Brothers: Dan Aykroyd 25,-
The Blues Brothers: Dan Aykroyd (25th)(2DVD) 50,-
Blå er den sterkeste fargen (arthaus dvd 127) 50,-
Blå Mænd (2DVD) 25,-
Boat Trip: Cuba Gooding Jr.*
Body Of Lies: Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe*
The Bodyguard: Kevin Costner
The Bodyguard: Kevin Costner (Sp.Ed.)* 20,-
Bodyguards And Assassins: Donnie Yen 20,-
Bohemian Rhapsody: Rami Malek (Ny) 25,-
Boiler Room: Vin Diesel 25,-
Bokhandleren: Hend Sabri (The Silver Screen Selection)(Ny) 25,-
Boktyven: Emily Watson* 20,-
Bones: Snoop Dogg, Pam Grier 25,-
Boog & Elliot: Gutta på skauen (Norsk tale)* 20,-
Boog & Elliot 3: Sirkusvenner (Norsk tale)* 20,-
Boogeyman: Face Your Fear*
Boogeyman: Face Your Fear (Ny)* 20,-
Boogie Nights: Mark Wahlberg
The Book Of Eli: Denzel Washington*
Boomerang: Eddie Murphy 20,-
The Boondock Saints: Willem Dafoe, Norman Reedus* 20,-
The Boondock Saints: Willem Dafoe, Norman Reedus (Engelsk)
The Boondock Saints: Willem Dafoe / The Confession: Alec Baldwin
The Boondock Saints II; All Saints Day 20,-
Borat: Sacha Baron Cohen (Engelsk txt)
Borat: Sacha Baron Cohen (Slipcase)*
Border Run: Sharon Stone* 20,-
The Borderlands: Gordon Kennedy, Robin Hill (Engelsk)
Bordertown: Jennifer Lopez 20,-,
Born To Raise Hell: Steven Seagal
The Boss Baby (DreamWorks)*
Bottoms Up: Paris Hilton (Svensk, norsk txt)
Boulevard: Lance Henriksen
The Bounty Hunter: Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler
The Bourne Identity: Matt Damon (Ext. Explosive Ed.)*
The Bourne Identity: Matt Damon (Ext. Explosive Ed.)(Ny) 20,-
The Bourne Identity / The Bourne Supremacy / The Interpreter (3DVD) 20,-
The Bourne Identity / The Bourne Supremacy / The Bourne Ultimatum (3DVD)* 25,-
The Bourne Legacy: Jeremy Renner*
The Bourne Supremacy: Matt Damon*
The Bourne Supremacy: Matt Damon (Ny) 20,-
The Bourne Supremacy (Gåten Jason Bourne): Matt Damon*
The Bourne Ultimatum: Matt Damon*
The Bourne Ultimatum: Matt Damon (Engelsk txt)
Bowling For Columbine: Michael Moore*
Bowling For Columbine: Michael Moore (2DVD)(Engelsk txt) 20,-
The Box: Cameron Diaz*
Boys And Girls: Jason Biggs*
The Boys Are Back: Clive Owen
Boys Don't Cry: Hilary Swank, Chloë Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard (Svensk, norsk txt)
Boys Don't Cry / Thirteen (2DVD)
The Boys Next Door: Charlie Sheen / Purpose: Peter Coyote
Boys Of Abu Ghraib
Bratz; Genie Magic (Norsk tale)
Bratz; Super Babys (Norsk tale)
Bratz; The Movie (+idolbilder)(Norsk tale) 20,-
The Brave One: Jodie Foster
Braveheart: Mel Gibson*
Braveheart: Mel Gibson / Kingdom Of Heaven: Orlando Bloom (2DVD)
Breach: Chris Cooper (Svensk, norsk txt)
The Break-up: Jennifer Aniston*
Breakin' All The Rules: Jamie Foxx 20,-
Breakfast At Tiffany's: Audrey Hepburn*
Breakfast At Tiffany's: Audrey Hepburn (Ny) 20,-20,-
Breakfast At Tiffany's: Audrey Hepburn Coll.
Breakfast At Tiffany's: Audrey Hepburn Coll. (Ny) 25,-
The Breakfast Club: Molly Ringwald 25,-
Brennende i vinden
Bride & Prejudice
Bride Of Chucky: Chucky Gets Lucky: Jennifer Tilly 25,-
Bridesmaids (Ny) 20,-
The Bridges Of Madison County: Meryl Streep 25,-
Bridget Jones dagbok - Renée Zellweger*
Bridget Jones Diary / Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason (2DVD)
Bridget Jones; På randen: Renée Zellweger*
Bridget Jones's baby: Renée Zellweger (Ny) 20,-
Bridget Jones's 2; The Edge Of Reason: Renée Zellweger
Brief Encounter: Trevor Howard (Engelsk txt)
Bright Star: Abbie Cornish 20,-
Bring It On: Kirsten Dunst*
Bring It On; Again*
Bring It On; All Or Nothing*
Bring It On; All Or Nothing / In It To Win It (2DVD)
Bring It On; In It To Win It
Bringing Down The House: Steve Martin*
Broen til Terabithia: Josh Hutcherson (Norsk tale) 20,-
Brokeback Mountain: Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal*
Brokeback Mountain: Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal (Engelsk txt)
Brokedown Palace: Claire Danes 25,-
Broken Arrow: Travolta, Slater 20,-
Broken Flowers: Bill Murray (Leie)
Bron vid Remagan: George Segal (Svensk, norsk txt) 20,-
Bronco Billy: Clint Eastwood (Ny) 25,-
Brooklyn's Finest: Richard Gere
Brother: Takeshi Kitano (Leie)
Brotherhood Of The Wolf (Ulvenes klan): Mark Dacascos 25,-
Brothers: Natalie Portman
Bruce Almighty: Jim Carrey
Bruce Almighty / Dan In Real Life (2DVD)
-Four Rooms
-The Whole Ten Yards
Bruder i krig: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway*
Bruder i krig: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway (2DVD)*
Brutte omfavnelser: Penelope Cruz
Brüno: Sacha Baron Cohen (Leie)
Brüno: Sacha Baron Cohen (Svensk, norsk txt)(Ny)
Bryllupsnatten / Jane Austens Emma (2DVD)
Brødre: Connie Nielsen (Dansk, norsk txt)
Brødrene Grimm: Matt Damon, Heath Ledger
The Bucket List: Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman*
Bugsy Malone: Jodie Foster 25,-
Bullet To The Head: Stallone* 20,-
Bulletproof: Adam Sandler 20,-
Bulletproof Monk: Chow Yun Fat, Seann William Scott 20,-
Burlesque: Cher, Christina Aguilera
Burn After Reading: George Clooney, John Malkovich, Brad Pitt
The Burrowers: William Mapother (Ny) 25,-
The Butterfly Effect: Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart (2DVD)* 20,-
The Butterfly Effect: Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart (Director's Cut)*
The Butterfly Effect: Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart (Director's Cut)(Engelsk txt)
The Bye Bye Man: Carrie-Anne Moss 25,-
Cabin Fever: Rider Strong*
Cabin Fever; Patient Zero: Ryan Donowho
The Cabin In The Woods: Chris Hemsworth*
Cable Guy: Jim Carrey
Calcium Kid: Orlando Bloom
Cambridge Spies: Tom Hollander (BBC)(Dansk, norsk txt) 25,-
-Predikanten 20,-
-Steinhuggeren 20,-
Cape Fear: Robert DeNiro (2DVD) 25,-
Cape Fear / Memory (2DVD)
Capote: Philip Seymour Hoffman (Ny) 50,-
Captain America; The First Avenger: Chris Evans (Marvel)* 20,-
Captain Corelli's Mandolin: Nicolas Cage, Penélope Cruz (Engelsk txt)
Captain Phillips: Tom Hanks
Carlito's Way: Al Pacino*: Sean Combs
Carlito's Way; Rise To Power
Carmen Electra's The Lap Dance & Hip Hop: 4&5 Strip Your Way To Fitness 25,-
Casablanca: Ingrid Bergman (2DVD)* 25,-
Casanova: Heath Ledger, Sienna Miller
Case 39: Renée Zellweger*
Cashback: Emilia Fox
Casi Divas (Ny)
Casino: Sharon Stone (2DVD) 20,-
Casino: Sharon Stone (100th Annivarsary) 20,-
Casino Royale: Peter Sellers 50,-
Casino Royale 007: Daniel Craig (2DVD)*
Casino Royale 007: Daniel Craig (3DVD)(Deluxe.Ed.) 25,-
Casper: Bill Pullman, Christina Ricci* 20,-
Cassadaga: Kelen Coleman
Cassandra broen: Sophia Loren 25,-
Casualties: Mark Harmon 25,-
Catch A Fire: Tim Robbins 25,-
Catch Me If You Can: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks
Catch Me If You Can: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks (2DVD)*
Catch Me If You Can: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks (Ny) 20,-
Catherine's Dröm: Jane Seymour (Svensk, norsk txt) 20,-
Cats & Dogs 3 (Som hund og katt 3); Paws Unite!
Catwoman: Halle Berry* 20,-
The Cave: Cole Hauser, Piper Perabo*
The Cave: Cole Hauser, Piper Perabo (Ny) 20,-
The Caveman's Valentine: Samuel L. Jackson*
The Cavern: Sybil Temtshine (Leie)
Cell: John Cusack 25,-
The Cell: Jennifer Lopez 20,-
Cellular: Kim Basinger, Jason Statham* 20,-
Chain Of Command: Roy Scheider, Michael Biehn (Ny) 20,-
Chained: Julia Ormond*
Champions: Emilia Estevez (Walt Disney) 25,-
The Change-Up: Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman*
The Change-Up: Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman (Leie)
Changeling: Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich*
Chaos Theory: Ryan Reynolds 20,-
-City Lights (2DVD) 25,-
-Gold Rush (2DVD) 25,-
-The Kid (2DVD) 25,-
-The Kid (2DVD)(Ny) 50,-
-Modern Times (2DVD) 25,-
-Monsieur Verdoux 25,-
Charlie og sjokoladefabrikken: Johnny Depp (2DVD)*
Charlie St. Cloud: Zac Efron*
Charlie Wilson's War: Tom Hanks
Charlie's Angels: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu
Charlie's Angels (Unrated): Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu*
Chasing Amy: Ben Affleck
Chasing Mavericks: Gerard Butler (Leie)
Che; 2. del Geriljalederen: Benicio Del Toro (Ny) 20,-
Cheech & Chong Still Smokin 25,-
Cheech & Chong Up In Smoke 25,-
Cheerleading World Championships Helsinki 2007 20,-
The Cheetah Girls 2 (Cheetah-Licious Edition)(Walt Disney)
Chicago: Renée Zellweger*
Chicas historie del 1: Veien hjem (Penny) 25,-
Chicas historie del 2: En ny dag gryr (Penny) 25,-
Chicken Run (Engelsk txt)
Chihiro og heksene: Hayao Miyazaki (arthaus dvd 54)(2DVD) 50,-
Children Of Dune: Susan Sarandon (2DVD) 25,-
Children Of The Corn IV; Deadly Harvest 20,-
Chinatown: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway* 25,-
Chocolat: Johnny Depp, Juliette Binoche*
Chok Dee: Dida Diafat (Leie) 25,-
Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker
Chris Rock: Never Scared
The Chronicles Of Riddick: Vin Diesel*
The Chronicles Of Riddick: Vin Diesel (2DVD)
The Chronicles Of Riddick: Vin Diesel (2DVD)(SteelBook) 25,-
Churchill The Hollywood Years: Christian Slater, Neve Campbell
Churchill The Hollywood Years: Christian Slater, Neve Campbell (Ny) 20,-
The Cider House Rules (Siderhusreglene): Charlize Theron*
Cinderella Man: Russell Crowe, Renée Zellweger*
Cinema Paradiso
Cinema Paradiso (2DVD) 20,-
Cinema Paradiso (Ny) 20,-
The Circle: Matthias Hungerbühler, Sven Schelker (Tysk, engelsk txt) 25,-
City Heat: Clint Eastwood Coll. 50,-
City Of Angels: Nicolas Cage
City Of God: Velkommen til verdens mest brutale slum - i Rio de Janeiro
Clash Of The Titans: Sam Worthington*
Cleaner: Samuel L. Jackson*
Cleopatra: Elizabeth Taylor (Sp.Ed.)(3DVD) 50,-
Click: Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale*
The Client: Susan Sarandon, Tommy Lee Jones*
Cliffhanger: Stallone (Dansk, norsk txt) 25,-
The Clique: Elizabeth McLaughlin
Clockers; en Spike Lee joint 25,-
Clockstoppers: Jesse Bradford 25,-
Closer: Julia Roberts*
Cloud Atlas: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry (SME4094)* 20,-
Cloverfield: Some Thing Has Found Us*
Cloverfield: Some Thing Has Found Us (2DVD)(SteelBox) 20,-
Cloverfield: Some Thing Has Found Us (Engelsk, norsk txt)
Clueless: Alicia Silverstone* 20,-
Clueless: Alicia Silverstone (Whatever Ed.)* 25,-
Coach Carter: Samuel L. Jackson*
Cocktail: Tom Cruise* 20,-
Cocktail: Tom Cruise (Svensk, norsk txt)
Cobra: Stallone 50,-
Coco Before Chanel: Audrey Tautou (Engelsk txt)
Coco Chanel: Shirley MacLaine (2DVD) 25,-
The Code: Morgan Freeman, Antonio Banderas*
Cold Creek Manor: Sharon Stone 25,-
Cold Mountain: Nicole Kidman
Collateral: Tom Cruise*
Collateral: Tom Cruise (2DVD) 25,-
Collateral: Tom Cruise (Ny) 20,-
Collateral Damage: Schwarzenegger*
The Collector: Josh Stewart
The Collectors: Casper Van Dien, Rick Fox
College Kickboxers: Ken Rendall Johnsen (Men Of Action)
Colombiana: Zoe Zoldana
The Color Purple: Whoopi Goldberg 25,-
Coming To America: Eddie Murphy (2DVD) 50,-
Commando: Schwarzenegger (Svensk, norsk txt) 20,-
Complete Bertil: Robert Gustafsson (TV2) 20,-
Con Air: Nicolas Cage*
Con Air: Nicolas Cage (Extended) 20,-
Conan; The Destroyer: Schwarzenegger 25,-
The Condemned: Steve Austin, Vinnie Jones* 20,-
Confessions: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen: Lindsay Lohan*
The Conjuring / The Conjuring 2 (2DVD)(Ny) 25,-
The Conjuring 2: Vera Farmiga 20,-
The Constant Gardener: Ralph Fiennes*
Constantine: Keanu Reeves (2DVD)* 20,-
Contact: Jodie Foster 20,-
Containerkuppet: Kim Bodnia (Leie)
Contraband: Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale
The Contract: Cuba Gooding Jr., Helen Mirren
The Contract: Jeff Fahey (Hollywood Actions) 20,-
The Contract: Morgan Freeman*
Contract Killer: Jet Li 50,-
The Contractor: Wesley Snipes 20,-
Control: Samantha Morton, Sam Riley (Engelsk txt) 20,-
Convoy: Kris Kristofferson (Studio Canal)* 50,-
Cop Land: Ray Liotta, Robert Di Niro, Robert Patrick, Stallone*
Cop Land: Ray Liotta, Robert Di Niro, Robert Patrick, Stallone (Men Of Action) 20,-
Cop Land: Ray Liotta, Robert Di Niro, Robert Patrick, Stallone (Ny)* 20,-
Cop Out: Bruce Willis
The Core: Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank*
he Coe / Deep Impact: Elijah Wood (2DVD)
Coriolanus: Gerard Butler*
Cornelis: Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby (Svensk, norsk txt) 25,-
Coronado; Let The Revolution Begin: Kristin Dattilo
The Coroner: Jane Longenecker / Shadowbuilder: Bram Stoker
Corpse Bride; Tim Burton: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter*
Corpse Bride; Tim Burton: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter (Engelsk txt)
Cosmopolis: Robert Pattinson, David Cronenberg (Engelsk txt) 20,-
Cougar Club: Joe Mantegna, Faye Dunaway
Country Strong: Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw 20,-
The Covenant*
Covert One; The Hades Factor: Mira Sorvino 25,-
Cowboys & Aliens: Daniel Craig
Coyote Ugly: Piper Perabo*
Coyote Ugly: Piper Perabo (Svensk, norsk txt)*
Cradle 2 The Grave: Jet Li, DMX
Cradle 2 The Grave: Jet Li, DMX (Engelsk, norsk txt)
Cradle 2 The Grave: Jet Li, DMX (Leie)
Cradle Will Fall: Coleen Porch (Svensk, norsk txt)
Crank: Jason Statham*
Crank High Voltage: Jason Statham*
Crash: Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon*
The Crazies (SME2825) 25,-
Crazy Heart: Jeff Bridges*
Crazy, Stupid, Love.: Ryan Gosling*
Creed; The Legacy Of Rocky: Stallone 20,-
Crimes And Misdemeanors: Woody Allen 25,-
Criminal.: John C. Reilly, Maggie Gyllenhaal*
Crocodile Dundee: Paul Hogan 50,-
Crocodile Dundee II: Paul Hogan 50,-
Croods (Norsk tale)*
Crossing Over: Harrison Ford (Leie)
Crossroads: Britney Spears (2DVD)*
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon*
The Crow: Brandon Lee 25,-
The Crow: Brandon Lee (2DVD)(Coll.Ed)(Engelsk)* 25,-
The Crow: Brandon Lee (Ny) 50,-
The Crow II; City Of Angels: Brandon Lee 25,-
The Crow; Salvation (Svensk, norsk txt) 25,-
The Crow; Wicked Prayer: Edward Furlong (2DVD) 20,-
Cruel Intentions 2: Sarah Thompson 20,-
Cruel Intentions 3: Kerr Smith 20,-
Crunch: Candlelight Yoga
Crusty Demons: Nine Lives 25,-
CSI; Grave Danger: Marg Helgenberger 20,-
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett
Curse Of The Pink Panther: David Niven 75,-
Cursed: Christina Ricci, Wes Craven*
Cutting Edge: Ross Thomas
Cyrus: John C. Reilly (Ny) 20,-
D-Dagen; Menn og maskiner (National Geographic) 20,-
D-Tox: Stallone 25,-
D-War: Jason Behr, Amanda Brooks*
Da Vinci Koden (Ext.Cut)
Da Vinci Koden (Ext.Cut)(2DVD)*
Daddy Day Care: Eddie Murphy*
Daddy's Home 2: Mel Gibson 20,-
Dagboken: Ryan Gosling, Gena Rowlands
Dagon: H.P. Lovecraft 25,-
Daltry Calhoun: Johnny Knoxville* 20,-
Damenes Detektivbyrå: Jill Scott 20,-
Damenes Detektivbyrå; Kalabalik i Kalahari: Jill Scott 20,-
The Damned United: Michael Sheen (Engelsk txt)
Dan In Real Life: Steve Carell, Juliet Binoche, Sondre Lerche
Dance Flick
Dancer In The Dark: Björk 50,-
Dances With Wolves: Kevin Costner (Ny)* 75,-
Dangerous Water: Kathy Baker
Danielle Steel: A Perfect Stranger (Ny) 25,-
Danielle Steel: Forandringer (NY) 25,-
Danny The Dog: Jet Li
Dante's Peak: Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton
Daredevil: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner (Marvel)
Daredevil: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner (2DVD)(Marvel)
Daredevil: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner / Elektra: Jennifer Garner (2DVD)(Marvel)
The Darjeeling Limited: Owen Wilson
Dark Blue: Kurt Russell*
The Dark Knight: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger
The Dark Knight: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger (Ny)* 20,-
The Dark Knight: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger (2DVD)*
The Dark Knight: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger (2DVD)(Ny) 20,-
The Dark Knight Rises: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman
The Dark Knight Rises: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman (Ny)* 20,-
Dark Skies - The Movie: J.T. Walsh, Diane Salinger
Dark Water: Hitomi Kuroki
Dark Water: Jennifer Connelly*
Dark Waters: Sam Worthington (Svensk, norsk txt)20,-
Dark Woods (Villmark): Kristoffer Joner 25,-
Darkest Hour: Gary Oldman
The Darkling: F. Murray Abraham
Das Boot 20,-
Das Boot (2DVD) 25,-
Date Movie: Unrated
Date Movie / Epic Movie (2DVD)
Date Night: Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg*
Dawn Of The Dead: George A. Romero (Svensk, norsk txt)
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes: Andy Serkis
The Day After Tomorrow: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal*
The Day After Tomorrow: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal (2DVD)* 20,-
The Day After Tomorrow: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal (Engelsk txt)(Ny)
The Day After Tomorrow / Independence Day (Extended)(2DVD)
The Day After Tomorrow / X-Men 2 (2DVD)
The Day After Tomorrow / X-Men 2 (2DVD)(Ny) 20,-
Day Of The Apocalypse: Luke Perry
Day Of The Dead: George A. Romero 25,-
Day Of The Dead (inkl original verjon)(2DVD LTD.ED)(Svensk, norsk txt) 25,-
The Day The Earth Stood Still: Keanu Reeves 20,-
Daybreakers: Ethan Hawke*
Daybreakers: Ethan Hawke (Ny) 20,-
Days Of Thunder: Tom Cruise*
Days Of Thunder: Tom Cruise (Dansk, norsk txt)
DBadged; A Movie About Nothing But Volkswagens And Audis 50,-
De fem legendene (DreamWorks)(Norsk tale)*
De tre musketerer: Milla Jovovich*
De ubestikkelige: Kevin Costner*
De urørlige: Omar Sy
De vilda änglarna (The Wild Angels): Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra (Svensk, norsk txt) 25,-
De' ä kanon: Robert Gustafsson 25,-
De-Lovely: Kevin Kline (Ny) 25,-
Dead Fish: Gary Oldman*
Dead Mary: Dominique Swain (Svensk, norsk txt)
Dead Meat (Svensk, norsk txt)
Dead Presidents: Chris Tucker
Dead Silence: Donnie Wahlberg
Dear John: Channing Tatum*
Death At A Funeral: Martin Lawrence
Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof: Kurt Russell, Rose McGowan (2DVD)*
Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof: Kurt Russell, Rose McGowan (2DVD)(Ny) 20,-
Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof: Kurt Russell, Rose McGowan (Uncut & Unrated)(Leie)
Death Race: Jason Statham
Death Race 2: Luke Goss
Death Race 2: Luke Goss (engelsk txt)
Death Race 3; Inferno: Luke Goss (Ny) 25,-
Death Sentence: Kevin Bacon*
Death Train: Pierce Brosnan 20,-
Death Warrant: Van Damme 50,-
Death Wish: Bruce Willis 20,-
Death Wish: Charles Bronson 50,-
Death Wish 3: Charles Bronson 50,-
Death Wish 4: Charles Bronson 50,-
Death Wish 5: Charles Bronson 50,-
December Boys: Daniel Radcliffe 20,-
Decision To Leave: Park Chan-Wook (arthaus dvd 256) 25,-
Decline Of An Empire: Peter O'Toole 25,-
Deep Impact: Elijah Wood, Robert Duvall*
Deep Impact: Elijah Wood, Robert Duvall (Ny)(Svensk, norsk txt)
Deepwater Horizon: Mark Wahlberg
Deer Hunter: Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep
Deer Hunter: Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep (2DVD) 20,-
Deer Hunter: Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep (Engelsk)(The Essential War Coll.)
Defendor: Woody Harrelson*
Defiance: Daniel Craig
Déjà Vu: Denzel Washington*
Deliverance: Burt Reynolds (Engelsk txt)(Ny) 25,-
The Delivery: Fedja van Huet
Delta Force 4; Operation Zeus: Greg Collins 25,-
Delta Force 5; Operation Python 25,-
Demonliver: Connie Nielsen 25,-
Den 13. krigeren: Antonio Banderas
Den 13. krigeren / End Of Days: Schwarzenegger (2DVD)
Den 25. timen: Sofie Gråbøl
Den amerikanske gigolo: Richard Gere (Ny) 20,-
Den enestående Will Hunting: Robin Williams 20,-
Den engelske pasienten: Juliette Binoche
Den fabelaktige Amelie fra Montmartre* 25,-
Den fabelaktige Amelie fra Montmartre (Ny) 50,-
Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev (Norsk tale)*
Den forheksede Ella: Anne Hathaway*
Den grønne mil: Tom Hanks*
Den grønne mil: Tom Hanks (2DVD) 20,-
Den grønne mil: Tom Hanks (2DVD)(Ny) 25,-
Den innerste sirkel: Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie*
Den innerste sirkel: Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie (Ny) 20,-
Den lille prinsessen: Eleanor Bron
Den magiske leketøysbutikken: Dustin Hoffman
Den perfekte familien: Demi Moore*
Den rosa panteren; Filmsamlingen: Peter Sellers (6DVD) 150,-
Den rosa panteren 2: Steve Martin
Den Røde Drage: Anthony Hopkins (2DVD)* 20,-
Den siste Mimzy (Ny) 20,-
Den siste Mohikaner: Daniel Day-Lewis 25,-
Den siste speider: Bruce Willis 25,-
Den sjette sansen: Bruce Willis
Den sjette sansen: Bruce Willis (Ny) 20,-
Den store skjønnheten: Toni Servillo 25,-
Den stygge andungen og jeg
Den talentfulle Mr. Ripley: Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett
Den tredje bølgen: Jakob Eklund 20,-
Den uendelige historien 2: Jonathan Brandis 50,-
Den unge Jane Austen: Anne Hathaway (BBC)
Den ville låvefesten*
The Dentist: Corbin Bernsen 20,-
The Departed: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon (2DVD)*
The Departed: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon (2DVD)(Ny)
The Departed: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon (2DVD)(Engelsk txt)
Der Untergang: Det tredje rikets siste dager (2DVD)
Der Untergang: Det tredje rikets siste dager (2DVD)(SteelBox)* 25,-
Derailed: Jean-Claude Van Damme 20,-
The Descendants: George Clooney*
The Descent: Nedstigningen*
The Descent 2: Fear Runs Deep, Revenge Runs Deeper
Desperado: Antonio Banderas
Desperado: Antonio Banderas (Col.Ed.)(Engelsk txt)
Desperate Measures: Michael Keaton
Desperate timer: Pierce Brosnan, Gerard Butler (Leie)
Det absolutte mareritt: Ben Affleck, Tom Clancy
Det er aldri for sent Larry Crowne: Tom Hanks*
Det femte element: Bruce Willis
Det femte element: Bruce Willis (Luc Besson Coll) 25,-
Det glade vanvidd: Ben Mendelsohn 20,-
Det gylne kompasset: Nicole Kidman (2DVD)*
Det hvite båndet: Michael Haneke (Arthaus dvd 70)* 25,-
Det regner kjøttboller*
Det store blå: Luc Besson 25,-
Deuce Bigalow: Rob Schneider*
Deuce Bigalow; European Gigolo: Rob Schneider*
The Devil Inside: Fernanda Andrade*
The Devil Wears Prada: Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway*
The Devil Wears Prada: Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway (Ny)
The Devil Wears Prada / I dine sko (2DVD)
Devil's Child: Vera Farmiga (Svensk, norsk txt)
The Devil's Rejects: A Rob Zombie film 20,-
The Devil's Tomb: Ron Perlman (DVD+Blu-ray) 50,-
Diamonds In The Ruff 20,-
Diary Of The Dead: George A. Romero 25,-
The Dictator: Sacha Baron Cohen
Did You Hear About The Morgans?: Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker*
Die Another Day 007: Pierce Brosnan
Die Another Day 007: Pierce Brosnan (2DVD)*
Die Another Day 007: Pierce Brosnan (Leie)
Die Hard: Bruce Willis
Die Hard: Bruce Willis (Sp.Ed.)(2DVD) 20,-
Die Hard 2; Die Harder: Bruce Willis
Die Hard 2; Die Harder: Bruce Willis (Ny) 20,-
Die Hard 2; Die Harder: Bruce Willis (Sp.Ed.)(2DVD) 20,-
Die Hard i New York: Bruce Willis
Die Hard 4.0: Bruce Willis (Yippee-Ki-Yay Ed.)(2DVD)*
Die Hard 4.0: Bruce Willis (Yippee-Ki-Yay Ed.)(2DVD)(Ny) 20,-
DIE HARD 3DVD Gift Set (Engelsk txt) 25,-
-Die Hard
-Die Hard 2 - Die Harder
-Die Hard With A Vengeance
Die Hard Quadrilogy 1-4 (4DVD) 25,-
The Dilemma: Vince Vaughn, Kevin James*
Dine, mine & våre: Dennis Quaid*
Dinner For Schmucks: Steve Carell, Paul Rudd*
Dinner With Friends: Dennis Quaid
Dinosaurene kommer tilbake (2DVD)(BBC) 20,-
Dirty: Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Leie)
Dirty Dancing: Patrick Swayze*
Dirty Dancing 2*
Dirty Dancing 2 / Take The Lead: Antonio Banderas (2DVD)
Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood Coll. 12) 25,-
Dirty Sanchez: The Movie (Leie)
Dirty Sanchez: The Movie (Svensk leie, norsk txt)
Disaster (Leie)
Disclosure: Demi Moore (Engelsk txt) 25,-
-Alice In Wonderland: Johnny Depp
-Biler* 20,-
-Biler 2 (#12)* 20,-
-Biler 3 (#18)* 20,-
-Biler: Bills store eventyr*
-Buzz Lightyear fra Stjernekommandoen 25,-
-De utrolige (#6) 25,-
-De utrolige (2DVD)* 25,-
-Den gode dinosaur (#16)(Ny) 25,-
-Innsiden ut (#15)* 25,-
-Modig (#13)* 25,-
-Monterbedriften (#4)* 25,-
-Monsteruniversitetet (#14)* 25,-
-Monster's inc. (2DVD)(Engelsk, norsk txt) 25,-
-Monsters, inc. (2DVD)(Svensk, norsk txt) 25,-
-Oppdrag Dory (#17) 25,-
-Oppdrag Nemo (#5)(Ny) 25,-
-Oppdrag Nemo (2DVD)* 20,-
-Oppdrag Nemo (2DVD)(Slipcase) 25,-
-Rottatouille (2DVD(SlipCase)* 25,-
-Se opp (Norsk tale)* 25,-
-Småkryp 25,-
-Småkryp (#2) 25,-
-Toy Story (#1) 20,-
-Toy Story (Spesialutgave) 25,-
-Toy Story 2 25,-
-Toy Story 2 (Spesialutgave) 25,-
-Toy Story 3 25,-
-Wall-E (#9) 25,-
-Wall-E: 2DVD spesialutgave 25,-
-Wall-E: 2DVD spesialutgave* 25,-
District 13; Ultimatum: Luc Besson 20,-
Disturbia: Shia LaBeouf
Disturbia: Shia LaBeouf (Leie)
Doctor Dolittle 2: Eddie Murphy (Sp.Ed.) 20,-
Doctor Sleep: Stephen King 50,-
Doctor Strange: Benedict Cumberbatch (Marvel) 25,-
Dog Bite Dog: Edison Che 25,-
Dogma: Matt Damon
Dogtanian: En for alle, alle for en (Norsk tale)
Domestic Disturbance: John Travolta* 20,-
Domino: Keira Knightley, Micky Rourke*
Donnie Brasco: Al Pacino, Johnny Depp*
Donnie Brasco: Al Pacino, Johnny Depp (Ny)(Lyd&Bilde)
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark: Katie Holmes
Don't Breathe: Jane Levy 20,-
Don't Say A Word: Michael Douglas / Man On Fire (2DVD)
Doom: Karl Urban, The Rock*
Doom / Serenity (2DVD)*
Doomsday: 2033 Mankind Has An Expiration Date
Doomsday: 2033 Mankind Has An Expiration Date (SteelBox)* 25,-
The Door In The Floor: Kim Basinger 20,-
The Double: Richard Gere*
Double Jeopardy: Tommy Lee Jones 20,-
Down In The Valley: Edward Furlong*
Down Periscope: Kelsey Grammer 20,-
Down To You / Boys And Girls*
Down With Love: Renée Zellweger
Dr. Seuss' Grinchen: Jim Carrey (Svensk, norsk txt)
Dr. Seuss' Katten: Mike Myers 25,-
Dr. Seuss' Lorax skogens vokter*
Dr. T And The Women: Richard Gere*
Dracula: David Suchet 25,-
Dracula 2001: Wes Craven 25,-
Drag Me To Hell: Sam Raimi*
Drageløperen (Slipcase)*
Dragetreneren (DreamWorks)*
Dragetreneren (DreamWorks)(Ny) 25,-
Dragetreneren 2 (DreamWorks)*
Dragetreneren 2 (DreamWorks)(Ny)* 25,-
Dragon Blade: Jackie Chan (Ny) 20,-
Dragon Tiger Gate 25,-
DreamHouse: Naomi Watts
Dreamcatcher: Stephen King*
Dreamer: Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning
Dreamgirls: Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Beyoncé Knowles*
Dredd: Karl Urban, Lena Headey
Drillbit Taylor: Owen Wilson
Drittunger: Adam Gilbert Jespersen
Drive: Ryan Gosling*
Drive Angry: Nicolas Cage*
Drive Hard: John Cusack 20,-
Driven: Stallone*
Driven To Kill: Steven Seagal*
Driver: Ryan O'Neal 20,-
Du har mail: Tom Hanks 25,-
The Duchess: Keira Knightley
Dude, Where's My Car?: Ashton Kutcher*
Due Date: Robert Downey Jr.*
Due Date: Robert Downey Jr. (Engelsk txt)
The Duel: Andy Lay 25,-
The Duel: Liam Hemsworh 20,-
The Dukes Of Hazzard; The Beginning: Jonathan Bennet
The Dukes Of Hazzard; Unseen: Johnny Knoxville*
Dumplings: Miriam Yeung (Svensk, norsk txt)
Dum og dummere: Carrey, Daniels* 20,-
Dum og dummere: Carrey, Daniels (Ny) 25,-
Dungeons & Dragons: Marlon Wayans 25,-
Dunkirk: Harry Styles 20,-
Duplicity: Clive Owen, Julia Roberts
Duplicity: Clive Owen, Julia Roberts (Svensk leie, norsk txt)
Dusinet fullt: Steve Martin*
Dusinet fullt 2: Steve Martin*
Dusinet fullt 2: Steve Martin (Ny) 20,-
Dykkerklokken og sommerfuglen: Mathieu Amalric (Leie) 25,-
Dødelig våpen: Mel Gibson* 20,-
Dødelig våpen 2: Mel Gibson 20,-
Dødelig våpen 3: Mel Gibson 20,-
Dødelig våpen 4: Mel Gibson* 20,-
Dödens våning: Jaume Balaguero (Svensk, norsk txt) 25,-
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: Steven Spielberg 25,-
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: Oscar Edition 25,-
The Eagle: Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell
Eagle Eye: Shia LeBeouf*
Earth: The Power Of The Planet (2DVD)(Ny)
Earthsea (Jordsjø-krønikene): Danny Glover 20,-
Eastern Promises: Viggo Mortensen*
Eastern Promises: Viggo Mortensen (Engelsk txt)
Easy A: Emma Stone
Easy Rider: Peter Fonda 50,-
Easy Rider: Peter Fonda (Ny) 75,-
Eat This!: Anna Faris, Ryan Reynolds
Eat Pray Love - spis elsk lev: Julia Roberts*
ED tv: Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson
Ed Wood: Johnny Depp, Tim Burton* 20,-
Eddie: Whoopi Goldberg* 20,-
-Definite Article 20,-
-Dress To Kill 20,-
-Glorious 20,-
-Sexie Live 20,-
Eddie Izzard Four Live DVD Box Set (4DVD) 50,-
-Dress To Kill
-Definite Article
Eddie Izzard MMVI Live Box Set (6DVD)(Norsk txt) 100,-
-Definite Article
-Dress To Kill
Eddie Murphy: Raw (Engelsk txt)* 20,-
Eddie Skoller: Best Of (2DVD)(Ny) 50,-
Edge Of Darkness: Bob Peck (Engelsk txt)(2DVD)(BBC)(Ny) 25,-
Edge Of Darkness: Mel Gibson
Edison: Morgan Freeman, LL Cool J
Edmond: William H. Macy
Edward Saksehånd: Johnny Depp*
Edward Saksehånd / Wall Street (2DVD)
El Mariachi: Robert Rodriguez
El Mariachi: Robert Rodriguez (Svensk, norsk txt)
Elephant White: Kevin Bacon (Leie)
Elektra: Jennifer Garner (Marvel)* 20,-
Elizabeth: Cate Blanchett* 20,-
Elizabeth; The Golden Age: Cate Blanchett 20,-
Elizabeth; The Golden Age: Cate Blanchett (Ny) 25,-
Elisabeth 1: Helen Mirren*
Elisabethtown: Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst* 20,-
Ella den förtrollade (Svensk, norsk txt)
Elmo i Eventyrland: Jim Henson
Elser: Christian Friedel 20,-
Elsk meg igjen: Channing Tatum
Elsk meg om du tør!: Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard
Elvis Has Left The Building: Kim Basinger 20,-
Elvis: Jailhouse Rock 100,-
Elvis: Jailhouse Rock (Svensk, norsk txt) 50,-
Elvis: Love Me Tender 100,-
Elvis Presley: The Last 24 Hours
Emma: Kate Beckinsale
Emma: Doran Goodwin (BBC)(2DVD) 25,-
Empire: John Leguizamo 20,-
Employee Of The Month: Matt Dillon
En enkel plan: Bridget Fonda (Svensk, norsk txt)
En fiende iblant oss: Brad Pitt 20,-
En fisk ved navn Wanda: John Cleese (2DVD)(Spec.Ed.) 25,-
En hushjelp til besvær: Rowan Atkinson 20,-
En langvarig forlovelse: Audrey Tautou (2DVD) 20,-
En mann ved navn Ove: Rolf Lassgård 20,-
En offiser og en gentleman: Richard Gere*
En pingles dagbok 2: Roderick ruler
En pingles dagbok 3: Hundedager
En sang for Martin: Bille August (Dansk, norsk txt) 20,-
En shopoholikers bekjennelser: Isla Fischer*
En vampyrs bekjennelser: Tom Cruise (Spec.Ed.)*
En værsting på Wall Street: Whoopi Goldberg 20,-
End Of Days: Schwarzenegger 25,-
Endgame: Johnny Lee Miller
Enemy At The Gates: Jude Law* 20,-
Enemy Of The State: Will Smith
The Enforcer: Clint Eastwood Coll. (#15) 20,-
Englenes by: Nicolas Cage*
Engler & Demoner: Tom Hanks*
Ensam hemma (Svensk, norsk txt)
Ensam hemma 2 (Svensk, norsk txt)
Entrapment: Sean Connery 25,-
Epic; Skogens hemmelige rike (Norsk tale) 20,-
Epic Movie - Uncut: Kal Penn*
Equals: Nicholas Hoult, Kristen Stewart
Equilibrium: Christian Bale, Emily Watson
Equilibrium: Christian Bale, Emily Watson (Engelsk txt)
Eragon: Jeremy Irons (2DVD)*
Eragon: Jeremy Irons (Engelsk txt)
Eragon: Jeremy Irons (Ny) 20,-
Eragon / Natt på museet: Ben Stiller (2DVD)
Eraser: Schwarzenegger* 25,-
Escape To Athena: Roger Moore
Et døgn i New York: Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen* 20,-
Et døgn i New York: Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen (Leie)
Et spørsmål om ære: Tom Cruise, Demi Moore*
Eternal: Conrad Pla (Leie)
Even Money: Kim Basinger
Everyman's War (Engelsk txt)
Everything You Want: Shiri Appleby
Evig solskinn i et plettfritt sinn: Jim Carrey 20,-
Evil Aliens (Svensk, norsk txt)
The Evil Below / Inner Sanctum: Tanya Roberts
Evil Dead: Jane Levy, Shilo Fernandez (Ny) 20,-
Evil Dead: Sam Raimi (1983)(Sp.Ed.) 25,-
Evil Eyes: Adam Baldwin
Evil Remains: Ashley Scott 20,-
Evilenko: Malcolm McDowell (Svensk, norsk txt)
Excalibur: Nigel Terry 20,-
Exit Through The Gift Shop: Banksy 50,-
Exit Wounds: Steven Seagal, DMX*
Exodus; Brända av solen 2 (Svensk, norsk txt)
The Exorcism Of Emily Rose: Laura Linney
Exorcist: The Beginning*
The Exorcist: Linda Blair (1973) 25,-
Exorcisten: Linda Blair (2000)* 25,-
The Expendables: Stallone
-2 (Leie
-2 (Ny) 20,-
-3 (Ext. Cut)*
The Experiment: Adrien Brody
Extreme Dating: Devon Sawa, Jamie-Lynn Sigler
Extreme Ops: Rufus Sewell
The Eye: Jessica Alba
The Eye: Lee Sin-Je (Ny)
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