Canon camera 80D
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CANON EF 24-70MM F/4L IS USM 8000kr
CANON EF 70-200MM F/2.8L USM 7000kr (SOLGT)
SIGMA 10-20MM F/4-5.6 EX DC HSM LENS 2500kr
CANON 80D 8000kr
3 batteries
1 speedlight 430ex ii
1 rode mikrofon
Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM
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Optiske funksjoner/spesifikasjoner
Antall blenderlameller
Minste blenderåpning
Nærgrense (m)
0,38 (Makro)
Største forstørrelse (x)
0,7 (makro)
4 trinn
Ringformet USM¹
Forstørrelse med mellomring EF12 II
Forstørrelse med mellomring EF25 II
Fysiske spesifikasjoner
Filterdiameter (mm)
Maks. diameter x lengde (mm)2
83,4 x 93
Vekt (g)
CANON EF 70-200MM F/2.8L USM
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
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Optiske funksjoner/spesifikasjoner
Synsvinkel (horisontal, vertikal, diagonal)
29° - 10°, 19°30' - 7°, 34° - 12°
Objektivkonstruksjon (elementer/grupper)
Antall blenderlameller
Minste blenderåpning
Nærgrense (m)
Største forstørrelse (x)
0,16 (ved 200 mm)
E-67U / E-67II
Forstørrelse med mellomring EF12 II
0.22 - 0.06
Forstørrelse med mellomring EF25 II
0.41 - 0.14
Fysiske spesifikasjoner
Filterdiameter (mm)
Maks. diameter x lengde (mm)1
84.6 x 193.6
Vekt (g)
Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM Lens Review: Of all the lenses I have sold over the years (about 5) this is the one lens I wish I had back in my bag.
I sold this lens and its brother, the Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 EX DC lens, to get the Canon 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens.
I love my Canon 15-85mm lens. But it came at a price. It made me realize the value of the Sigma 10-20mm EX DC HSM.
The Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM is a wide angle lens and so is the Canon 15-85mm that I bought to replace it. There is a huge difference between 10mm and 15mm. I really miss shooting at 10mm.
I shoot with a Canon EOS 60D (for now) and anytime you shoot with a camera with a crop factor you are, by the nature of its smaller sensor, increasing the focal length of your lens every time you shoot.
This can be advantageous when you want to zoom in closer. But when you want to pull back (to take in an entire room for example) the crop factor of the Canon 60D becomes disadvantageous. I miss my Sigma 10-20mm EX DC HSM and being able to pull back to capture almost everything around me. Now, I only have my GoPro to capture wide angle shots. The GoPro is an awesome camera but it shoots fisheye and that creates major lens distortion and the GoPro becomes useless in low light.
I miss the wide 10mm of the Sigma 10-20mm but that is not the only reason I miss this lens.
Built Quality - Sigma's EX label is given to their highest quality lenses. Canon has the L and Sigma has the EX. This lens feels good and solid. In my theoretical brick wall test (where I, in theory, throw a lens against a brick wall) I feel as though the Sigma would not shatter. As with all lenses tested in this theory, it would probably not work anymore. But the lens feels solid enough to survive a crushing blow with a brick wall should I actually do something that stupid to a lens. The Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM feels well balanced on my Canon 60D and it looks very much at home there.
Image Quality - Most wide angle lenses are going to see some amount of vignetting and flare when pulled back to its widest focal length. The Sigma is no exception. It does have some vignetting and flare issues but this is expected and the amount of both was not enough to consider it a con. On the contrary, I felt the Sigma 10-20mm handled both as well as could be expected. Pictures were sharp and I seldom felt that the lens was the culprit in a bad picture. Often, it was user error.
Auto-Focus - HSM stands for HyperSonic Motor. This is Sigma's term for quiet focusing created by its internal workings. Canon calls it USM (UltraSonic Motor). The Sigma focuses fast, accurately and silently. It would hunt to find focus in low light situations. But again, this is to be expected given that its widest aperture is f/4. The occasional focus-hunt is not enough for me to consider it to be a con in this review.
Lens Distortion - An issue most wide angle lenses face is distortion around the edges of pictures. This can create a stretched look on faces but can go unnoticed when shooting landscapes. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom can correct this if it becomes a problem. But I never had any major issues with lens distortion with the Sigma 10-20mm lens. I did have some group shots where it was an issue, but for the most part this lens handled a common problem found with other comparative lenses well.
Price - Coming in around or under $500, I think this is a very fair price for those of us hunting for bargains.
I honestly don't have anything bad to say about this lens. But to give you a fair assessment I can offer some things that I wish the lens could do or that it had built into it to help you determine if this lens is right for your needs.
Aperture - Ideally, it would be nice to have a wider aperture. Sigma did make the Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 EX DC HSM which will allow more light in throughout the entire focal range. If you are going to be using this lens in low light situations, you may want to opt for the constant f/3.5 version. But that is going to cost you another $150.
Optical Stabilization - Most wide angle lenses don't come with OS (Canon's term is IS - Image Stabilization) because you only really need this technology in telephoto lenses to reduce image blur caused when zoomed in tight and using a slower shutter speed. With all wide angle lenses your movements are naturally absorbed. So, there's no real need to put this kind of tech in a wide angle lens. However, it would be nice to have when shooting at night without a tripod. But this technology would probably add another $100-200 to the cost of the lens.
As you can see, it adds substantial cost to any lens to get it to perform well in low light.
Talk is cheap. Here are some pictures from a trip to Colombia taken with my Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM lens and a Canon EOS 30D.
The Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC
Speedlite 430EX II
Speedlite 430EX II er en kraftig og fleksibel blits som vil utvide fotograferingsmulighetene dine med et ledetall på 43, trådløs slavefunksjonalitet, ni egendefinerte funksjoner og en blitszoom som dekker 24 mm til 105 mm.
E-TTL II blitsmåling
Ledetall på 43*
Funksjon for trådløs slaveblits
24 til 105 mm blitszoom med 14 mm spredningspanel
Rask og stille oppladning
Tilbehørssko i metall
Hodet kan roteres 180 grader
Detaljerte funksjoner
Se en mer detaljert visning av Canon Speedlite 430EX II
E-TTL II blitsmåling
Den kompakte og kraftige Speedlite 430EX II er lett å ta med seg, og med et ledetall på 43 passer den til fotografering med både indirekte blitsbelysning og telefoto-objektiv. E-TTL II-måling med kompatible kameraer gir nøyaktig blitseksponering i alle situasjoner, selv når du spretter lys mot en vegg eller et tak.
For mer kontroll kan blitsstyrken justeres manuellt i 1/3-trinns intervaller fra 1/1 til 1/64.
24 til 105 mm automatisk blitszoom
Når den brukes med et kompatibelt EOS digitalt speilreflekskamera vil Speedlite 430EX II automatisk registrere kameraets sensorstørrelse og justere blitszoomen for optimal scenedekning. Dette gjør at du kan utnytte lyset bedre, og forbedrer både batterikapasiteten og oppladningstiden.
Den automatiske blitszoomen dekker området fra 24 mm til 105 mm og har et 14 mm vidvinkel spredningspanel som gir blitsdekning i en rekke forskjellige opptaksforhold.
Hodet kan både roteres og tiltes og gjør det enklere å skape indirekte blitsbelysning ved bruk av en enkel påmontert blits.
Trådløs slave
Speedlite 430EX II kan brukes som en trådløs slave når den styres av en annen passende hovedblits. Fordi den er så liten og kraftig er den en ideell slaveblits hvis du vil lage et bærbart studio kombinert med flere blitser.
Speedlite 430EX II drives av 4 stk AA-batterier og er lett nok og kompakt nok til å holde tritt med deg. Oppladningstiden er omtrent 20 % raskere enn tidligere modeller, og er nesten lydløs slik at du unngår å skremme bort dyr og fugler.
En tilbehørssko i metall og en rask utløsermekanisme sørger for at koblingen mellom kamearaet og Speedlite-blitsen er både enkel og sikker.
Når den brukes med et kompatibelt kamera kan alle aspekter av blitskontrollen styres fra kameraets meny, inkludert blitsstyrken og alle de ni egendefinerte funksjonene.**
Speedlite 430EX II dekker 1-9 AF-punkter og kan sende ut et infrarødt fokuslys som skaper kontrast slik at objektivet kan fokusere når du fotograferer i svak belysning.
* målt i meter ved 105 mm innstilling og ISO 100
** kun med kompatible EOS-kameramodeller
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