The Little Mermaid Dinglehopper børste, fra WDW
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Tilstand: Helt ny - Uåpnet/med lapp
Ny og ubrukt hårbørste (lapp er dessverre falt av) fra den Lille Havfruen. Formet som en gaffel, den som Ariel fant da hun undersøkte et skip som lå på havets bunn.
Info lånt fra nettet:
"The Dinglehopper (a.k.a. the fork) is an artifact from the sunken ship which Ariel and Flounder explore early in The Little Mermaid. It is in fact a fairly ordinary object, but Ariel prizes the item as it is an artifact of the human world. Scuttle, whom Ariel and Flounder consult after their discoveries, identifies this object as "the dinglehopper." According to him, it is used to comb the hair and thus achieve an aesthetically-pleasing appearance. In reality, the dinglehopper is an eating utensil; a three-tined fork"
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