Vinyl 381 LP-er fra 70/80 årene, utenlandske musikere liste - oppdatert 5.9.24
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Her kan du finne mange godbiter
Nedenfor finner du 3 lister, disse er beskrevet som
- Liste 1 som er helt nederst
- Liste 2 i midten og øverst
- Liste 3 øverst i annonsen
Liste nr 3 nedenfor, inneholder 151 titler, sist oppdatert den 27.3.2024
Navn / Gruppe Tittel på LP-Platen
Adolphson & Falk Över tid ock rum
America Hardbor
America History of
Armatrading, Johan My self I
Armatrading, Johan Show some emotion
Armatrading, Johan Back to the night
Armatrading, Johan The key
Armatrading, Johan To the limit
Armatrading, Johan Walk under ladders
Armstrong, Frankie Songs and ballades
Armstron, Louis In east europe
Asmussen, Svend Dance alone with
Bergmann, Marie Hjertat lüst
Bermann, Marie Instant energi
Bergmann, Marie Iris
Bonoff, Carla C.B.
Brandelius, Harry Jag hör en gammal melodi
Brandelius, Harry Gamla favoritter med gammal favorit
Brooks, Elkie Live and learn
Brown, Jackson Hold out
Brown, Jackson Layers in love
Brown, Jackson Lifes in the balance
Brown, Jackson The pretender
Brown, Jackson Renning on empty
Captain & Tenvile Love will keep us together
Carnes, Kim Mistaken identy
Carter, Charlene Used to be
Carter, Charlene Musical charps
Carter, Charlene I´ve never been to me
Carter, Jackie Treat me like a woman
Cilla og Artie Cilla og Artie
Clayderman, Richard Ballades
Collins, Judith Hard times for lovers
Collins, Judith Bread and roses
Collins, Judith Living
Commitments Commitments
Dave Clark Five Play good old rock and roll
DeBurg, Chris Eastern wind
DeBurg, Chris Crusader
Diverse Danceparty
Diverse Twenty golden smashhit
Diverse scottish sing-along
Diverse Nigros spirituell
Diverse "Partytime / POLYDOR ""i metallboks"""
Diverse Die lustige Witwe
Diverse My fair lady
Diverse Oliver
Diverse My fair lady/south paciific
Diverse We are the world
Diverse FAME
Diverse HAIR
Diverse "HAIR ""litt ulik cover fra den over"""
Diverse HITS 1964
Diverse Original hits of the 60´s
Diverse Stars on 45
Diverse Dukebox Jive
Diverse Folk ballades
Duran Duran Arena
Elimann, Yvonne Nightflight
Fanny Rock and roll survivors
Faragher, Bros B.F.
Fathsdomino Greatest hits
Fältskog, Agneta Wrap your arms around me
Fogelberg, Dan Capture angels
Fogelberg, Dan Souvernirs
Fogelberg, Dan & Kim Weisberg Twin Songs of differens mothers
Folei, Ellen E.F.
Folei, Ellen Nightout
Folei, Ellen Another breath
Fristorp, Jøran Luxliv
Fr David """Words"""
Gibb, Berry Now voyager
Grey, Olivia I´m just a woman
Golden Avantar I change of heart
Hemmingson, Merit Balsam
Houston, Whitney How will I know
Ian, Jennis Miracle row
Jackson Hawke For ever
Jeffris, Garland Escape artist
King, Carole Fantasy
Kikky Midnight sunshine
Kongston trio where have all the flowers gone
Kongston trio Midnight special
Lama Curses and broken glass
Lapp-Lisa Sjung igjen den kjära songen
Lewis, Carl Brake it up
Lee, Leaty Little arrows
Lehrer, Tom That was the year that comes
Lindfors, Lill Du ár den ende
Loggins & Mesina Finale
Logo The best of
Lords of Dixie land Babyface
Martina I feel the heart move
Mc Guire, Berry & the new Chirsty Minstrel Mc Guire, Berry & the new Chirsty Minstrel
Mc Kenna, Mae Walk on wather
McTell, Ralph Streets of London
Melany Please love me
Midler, Bette B.M.
Miller, Glenn The Glenn Miller story
Moustaki, Georges G.M.
Muldaur, Maria Sweet harmony
Muldaur, Maria Southern winds
Murray, Ann What about me
Nesmith, Michael Nevada fighter
Oldfield, Sally Plaging in the flame
Partrigde family Crossword puzzle
Partrigde family Album
Paxton, Tom How come the sun
Paxton, Tom Someting in my life
Poco Head of the heels
Preservation Haal Jazz Band When the saints go marching'in
Ramel, Powel 1942-1954
Rankarna & Mats Rådberg We where´nt born in Tennessee
Ready, Helen The best of
Reeves, Jim 12 Songs of christmas
Royring Jelly Royring Jelly
Robeson, Paul The best of
Robeson, Paul The best of II
Rush, Tom Wrong end of the Rainbow
Røde mor Sylversters drøm
Sad cafe Facades
Sayer, Leo Another year
Sharkey, Feareal F.S.
Shaw, Malena Sweet beginnings
Snow, Phoebe Second childhood
Snow, Phoebe It looks like snow
Stuert, Al Twentyefour carrots
Stuert, Dave Spiritual cowboys
Svenne og Lotta Letters
Sweet, Rachel .. and than he kissed me
Sweet, Rachel Protect the innosent
Tane & Massay Tane and Massay
Thorleifs Gråt ingen tårer
Tikaran, Tanita Ancient heart
Travels, Mary Its in everone of us
Trier, Troels Dukkehuset
Trille Alltid har jeg længsel
Trille Hej søster
Trille Små skridt
Tyla, Sean Just poped up
Toyah Anthen
Uggla, Magnus Den ljusande framtid er vår
Young, Karen Hot shot
Warnes, Jennifer J.W.
West, Albert Special
Wintergarden Wintergarden
Zager & Evens 2525
Liste nr 2 inneholder 59 titler, sist oppdatert den 7.3.2024
Ace An Ace album
Ace Time for another
Andrews, Sheila Lovesick
Any Trouble wheels in motion
Any Trouble A.T.
B.J.Thomas Everybody loves a rain song
Baez, Johan From every stages
Benton, Barbi Barbidoll
Benton, Barbi Somthing new
Bjørling, Jussie Jussie Bjørling
Bolton, Micael Soul provider
Cafe jaces International
Curiostity killed the Cats Keep your distanse
Dee, Kiki Stay with me
Dickson, Barbara Morning comes
Diverse Rider Jonatann og dragen Plaque
Diverse Sanger for de små
Domnerius, Arne Evergreens fra Kanaen
Dore, Charlie where to now
Drainsfield, Robin & Berry Popular to country belif
Dylland, Bob Insider
F.R.David """Words"""
Fältskog, Agnethe Rap your arms around me
Gayle, Chrystal The most buitifull Songs of
Gold, Frane Gold restles
Golde, Fanne Restlest
Guillory, Isaac Side one
Gyllene tider sommartider remix 89
Hoola Bandola band Fri information
Jackson, Michael Bad
Jara, Victor Presente
Larson, Nicolette Radioland
Larson, Nicolette In the nick of time
Lefever, Milon Love rustler
Lindfors, Lill Du er det varmaste jag har
Mc Culloch, Gordianna Sheeth and knife
Mc Kenna, Mae Everything that touches med
Melani Best
Murry, Ann I will always love you
Murry, Ann Keeping in toutch
Nationalteatheren Røverkungens ø
Oldfield, Sally In CONSERT
Oliva Newton John Physical
Parker, Graham & the roumor Houlin wind
Peter, Paul and Mary Reunion
Peter, Paul and Mary The best of
Peterson, Collen Taking my boots of
Rasa Dancing on the head of the serpent
Robertson, Robbie Robbie Robertson
Ronstadt, Linda Simple dreams
Ronstadt, Linda Fasten down the wind
Sager, Carole Byer C.B.S.
Sandberg, Mia Hälften av min kudde
Simen, Paul Paul Simon
Stevens, Cat Teaser and the firecat
Stuwart, Rod Fullish behavier
Tzuke, Judie Sporths car
Tzuke, Judie I am the phoenix
Warwick, Dionne Heartbreaker
Liste nr 1 nedenfor inneholder 151 titler, sist oppdatert «27.3.2024»
Navn / Gruppe Tittel på LP-Platen
Afselius, Bjørn "& Wiehe ""A/W"""
Albion country band Battle of the field
Arne Domnerius kvartett Evergreens fra Kanan
Báckmann, Py Belle de jour
Baez, Joan Hits/Greatest and others
Bee Gees Spirit having flown
Bergman, Marie
Bergmann, Thorsten Nils Ferlin
Bergmann, Thorsten Visor i tidløsa
Bergmann, Thorsten Dan Andersson: Helgdagskveld i tømmerkoian
Broberg, Robban Robert synger Broberg
Bonds, Gerry U.S. On the line
Bonds, Gerry U.S. Dedication
Boomtown, RATS V DEEP
Boomtown, RATS Mondo Bongo
Bread Lost without your love
Carnes, Kim Sailing
Carpenters Horzon
City Vackra damar
Cocer, Joe Live
Culture Club colour by numbers
Denver, John Windsong
Denver, John An evening with
Diverse 40 folks favorites
Diverse Do they know its christmas
Diverse Disinhari ited
Diverse Canadien rock theatre
Diverse The music for unisef concert
Diverse Die aktuelle hitbox II
Diverse 15 monster hist vol 1
Diverse 15 monster hist vol 2
Diverse visefestivalen i Vastervik
Diverse Out of Africa
Diverse Watership down
Dr. Laban No coke
Dr. Hook Making love and music
Dr. Hook A little bit more
Dubliners Hometown
Dubliners Together again
Elton, John Rock of the westies
Elton, John Leather Jacket
Ensamma Hjertan En massa hjertan
Essex, David D.E
Faitfull, Marianne Childs adventure
Faitfull, Marianne Broken English
Freestyle Fantacy
Freddy and the dreamers Freddy and the dreamers
Fria Proteatern sanger fran Ljogarbenken
Geldorf, Bob Deep in the heart of nowhere
Hambe, Alf Samlar på øer
Hambe, Alf Hvem blåser i fløit fron undranrnas rand
Hemmingson, Merit Gjâstabud
Hollis The history of
Hos Anna ÅH ….
Human league Dare!
Ian, Janis Presens company
Ian, Janis Stars
Ian, Janis Aftertones
Ian, Janis Betjene the lines
Ives Burl Live in europe
Jeffrys, Garland Guts for love
Jeffrys, Garland Gohost writer
Jomfru Ane band J.A.B
Joplin, Scott the entertainer
Kate&Anna Mc Garrigle Dancer with the bruised niece
Kate&Anna Mc Garrigle K.A.M.G
King, Carol Touch thesky
King, Carol Thorough bred
King, Carol welcome home
Kirkpatrick, John Scredsand patches
Landslaget Northeren Lighs
Limahl Don't suppose
Anne Linett Band A.L.B
Larsen, Kim K.L & Bellami : Kielgasten
Ledin, Tomas Lookin´ for a good time
Ledin, Tomas Korten på bordet
Lindell, Johan Från andre sidan
Linderholm, Gøsta Gøstas besta (signert LP)
Linderholm, Gøsta Livskraft
Little river band Timexure
Logan, Johnny I am not in love
Lovich, Lene Lene Lovich
Lundell, Ulf Lengre innåt landet
Lundell, Ulf Kjær og galen
Lyn, Vera The best of
MacCOLL, Ewan Bundook Ballads
Mc Donald, Alastair Sings sobert burns
Mc Lena, Don Prime time
Mc Lena, Don Tapestry
Mc Lena, Don D.M.L
Mc Lena, Don Chain lightning
Mc Lena, Don Homeless brother
Malurt Vindusskigger
Mamas and Papas monday monday
Middel in the road M.I.T.R
Moms Apple pie M.A.P
New kids of the block Merry merry christmas
Nile,Willie Golden down
Nile,Willie W.N.
O´Conner, Hazel Breaking glasses
Page, Jim In the act
Parker, Graham Heat treatment
Paxton, Tom The complete
Prior, Moddy Changing winds
Radio First step
Radio Radiowave
Radio Black paint white colour
Roumerf & Graham Parker Stick to me
Ross, Diana D.R.
Ross, Diana Love child
Ross, Diana & Supremes Reflection
Ross, Diana & Tempetation On Brodway
Ross, Diana & Tempetation Diana
Roxy music AVALON
Roumer Purity of essence
Rumour Rumour
Sainte Marie, Buffy A golden Hour of
Sajonmaa, Arja Tango Jalousie
Sajonmaa, Arja Tango Jalousie
Sajonmaa, Arja Samma himmel samma sol
Salomonsen, Sanne Sanne
Salomonsen, Sanne """& Anne Linett"" Krig og kjærlighet"
Simon, Paul One trick pony
Skifs, Bjørn Bjørns bästa
Skoller, Eddie … han med
Skoller, Eddie Musik blev mitt liv
Spandau Ballet JOURNEY to glorie
Spandau Ballet Diamend
Springsteen, Bruce 45 RPM / Brilliant disquise
Stewart, Al Zero she flies
Stivell, Alan From celtic roots
Streisand, Barbara Guilty
Taylor, Kate K.T.
Tenpoole Tudor T.T.
Transmission Vamp Velveteen
Tom Tom Club Tom Tom club
Traum, Happy & Artie Hard times in the country
Trille Dit og Dat og andre børnesanger
Trille En lille bunke krummer
Trille Halvmånetid
Twiggy Twiggy
Vega, Zusanne Solitude standing
Vega, Zusanne Days of open hand
Warwich, Dionne Heartbreaker
Wie, Michael Alt er forandrat
Wickstrøm, Rolf Hjerteslag
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Sist endret: 7.3.2025 kl. 17:18 ・ FINN-kode: 337663543