363 (Semi)populærvitenskapelige bøker (matematikk, fysikk, biologi m.m)
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Jeg legger til salgs enkelte (semi)populære bøker innenfor områdene matematikk, fysikk, romfart, astronomi, biologi, geologi, kjemi, historie og samfunn + andre. Hver tittel har et prisforslag fra meg, men jeg tar imot bud fra eventuelle interesserte kjøpere. Fiks ferdig, Norgespakke osv er alle mulige.
Oppdatering 25.10: Av opprinnelig 363 titler gjenstår 254. Av 109 solgte titler er langt de fleste fra matematikkseksjonen. Det er lagt til bilder av samtlige bøker. Alle utsolgte titler er samtidig blitt fjernet fra teksten.
Inndelingen i teksten er som følger:
Fysikk, astronomi, romfart
Biologi, geologi, kjemi, geografi
Historie, samfunn
Very Short Introductions (Oxford University Press)
50 Ideas You Really Need to Know
Definitive Visual Guides (DK)
Elwes, Richard, Maths in 100 Key Breakthroughs. Quercus 2013. Paperback. Kr 70.
Glendinning, Paul: Maths in Minutes: 200 Key Concepts Explained in an Instant. Quercus 2012. Paperback. Kr 30.
Nahin, Paul J, Chases and Escapes: The Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion. Princeton 2007. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Nahin, Paul J, How to Fall Slower Than Gravity. Princeton 2018. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Rosenhouse, Jason, Monty Hall Problem: The Remarkable Story of Math's Most Contentious Brain Teaser. Oxford 2009. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Bodanis, David, Electric Universe: How Electricity Switched on the Modern World. Three Rivers Press 2005. Paperback. Kr 30.
Brekke et al, Universet. Cappelen Damm 2011. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Cohen, I Bernhard, Birth of a New Physics (rev & updated). W.W. Norton 1985. Paperback. Kr 30.
Crease, Mann, The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics. Rutgers University Press 1996. Paperback. Kr 70.
Dickinson, Terence, Hubble's Universe: Greatest Discoveries and Last Images. Firefly Books 2012. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Einevoll, Gaute T, Hva er fysikk. Universitetsforlaget 2007. Paperback. Kr 30.
Einevoll, Newth, Naturens kode: Har fysikken avslørt naturens hemmeligheter. Gyldendal 2006. Paperback. Kr 40.
Favrholdt, David, Filosoffen Niels Bohr. Informations forlag 2009. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Hazen, Robert, Superconductors: The Breakthrough. Unwin 1988. Paperback. Kr 20.
Heilbronn, J.L, Galileo. Oxford 2010. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Jones, Barrie W, Pluto: Sentinel of the Outer Solar System. Cambridge 2010. Hardcover. Kr 30.
Kragh, Helge S, Conceptions of Cosmos: From Myths to the Accelerating Universe: A History of Cosmology. Oxford 2007. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Nelson, William M, Relativity Made Real: Under the Hood of Einstein's Theory. Createspace 2013. Paperback. Kr 40.
Montgomery, Scott L, Månen: Mytene. Historien. Ferdene. Cappelen Damm 2009. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Moore, Patrick, Teach Yourself Astronomy. Teach Yourself 2008. Paperback. Kr 30.
Muller, Richard A, Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines. W.W. Norton 2008. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Murdin, Paul, Secrets of the Universe: How We Discovered the Cosmos. Thames & Hudson 2009. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Rees, Martin, Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning. Basic Books 2003. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Schechter, Bruce, The Path of No Resistance: The Story of the Revolution in Superconductivity. Simon and Schuster 1989. Hardcover (uten varebind). Kr 30.
Sessler, Wilson, Engines Of Discovery: A Century Of Particle Accelerators. World Scientific 2014 (revised and expanded). Paperback. Kr 100.
Silk, Joseph, The Big Bang. Owl Books 2002. Paperback. Kr 70.
von Baeyer, Hans Christian, Taming the Atom: The Emergence of the Visible Microworld. Dover 2003. Paperback. Kr 30.
von Baeyer, Hans Christian, Warmth Disperses and Time Passes: The History of Heat. Modern Library 1999. Paperback. Kr 40.
Watson et al, Astronomica: Galakser, stjerner, planeter, romferder. Spektrum 2009. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Arthus-Bertrand, Yann, Jorden sett fra himmelen: Et flyportrett av kloden vår. Vigmostad & Bjørke 2006. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Bizony, Piers, The Search for Aliens: A Rough Guide to Life on Other Worlds (Rough Guides). Rough Guides 2012. Paperback. Kr 20.
Bowler, Peter J, Evolution: The History of an Idea. University of California Press 2003. Paperback. Kr 40.
Brown, Lloyd A, The Story of Maps. Dover 1979. Paperback. Kr 50.
Buckley et al, Været: En visuell guide til meteorologi. Spektrum 2009. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Cotterill, Rodney, The Material World. Cambridge 2008 (ny, utvidet utgave). Hardcover. Kr 100.
Darling, David, Life Everywhere: The Maverick Science of Astrobiology. Basic Books 2001. Paperback. Kr 30.
Davies, Paul, The Eerie Silence: Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence. Houghton Mifflin 2010. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Fellowes, Battey, 30-Second Evolution: The 50 most significant ideas and events, each explained in half a minute. Icon Books 2015. Hardcover. Kr 30.
Fry et al, The Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate Change: A Complete Visual Guide. University of California Press 2008. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Goetzmann, Williams, The Atlas of North American Exploration: From the Norse Voyages to the Race to the Pole. University of Oklahoma 1992. Paperback. Kr 70.
Gold, Thomas, The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth Of Fossil Fuels. Copernicus Books 2001. Paperback. Kr 50.
Grip, Rodhe, Vattnets väg från regn til bäck. Hallgren & Fallgren 1994 (2000). Paperback. Kr 100.
Hazen, Robert, Genesis: The Scientific Quest for Life's Origins. Joseph Henry Press 2005. Paperback. Kr 20.
Hessen, Dag Olav, Hva er biologi. Universitetsforlaget 2005. Paperback. Kr 30.
Kolstad, Paasche, Hva er klima. Universitetsforlaget 2009. Paperback. Kr 30.
Lister et al, Grensesprengende kjemi. Norsk kjemisk selskap 2005. Paperback. Kr 70.
McElheny, Victor K, Drawing the Map of Life: Inside the Human Genome Project. Basic Books 2010. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Milner, Richard, Darwin's Universe: Evolution from A to Z. University of California Press. Hardcover. Kr 100.
Tudge, Colin, The Link: Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor. Little, Brown and Company 2009. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Uhlenbroek, Charlotte, Animal Life. DK Publishing 2011. Paperback. Kr 70.
Ward, Brownlee, The Life and Death of Planet Earth: How the New Science of Astrobiology Charts the Ultimate Fate of Our World. Owl Books 2004. Kr 30.
Ward, Peter, Life as We Do Not Know It: The NASA Search for (and Synthesis of) Alien Life. Penguin 2007. Paperback. Kr 30.
Ward, Brownlee, Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe. Copernicus 2000. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Zimmer, Carl, The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution. Roberts and Company 2010. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Ascherson, Neal, Black Sea. Hill and Wang 1996. Paperback. Kr 40.
Burrow, John, A History of Histories: Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century. Penguin 2009. Paperback. Kr 40.
Chazournes, Yves de, Arctica: Utforsk polene. Spektrum 2011. Hardcover. Kr 100.
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, 1492: The Year Our World Began. Bloomsbury 2011. Paperback. Kr 40.
Kaletsky, Anatole, Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy in the Aftermath of Crisis. Public Affairs 2010. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Kunnskapsforlaget, Historisk atlas: Fra menneskets opprinnelse til i dag. Kunnskapsforlaget 2008. Hardcover. Kr 100.
Man, John, Marco Polo: Reisen til Xanadu og Kublai Khans eventyrlige rike. Gyldendal 2010. Hardcover (langsgående flenge i bokomslaget). Kr 40.
Marron, Donald (ed), Økonomi på 30 sekunder: De 50 mest tankevekkende økonomiske teoriene. Vigmostad & Bjørke 2017. Hardcover. Kr 30.
McNeill & McNeill, The Human Web: A Bird's-Eye View of World History. W.W. Norton 2003. Paperback. Kr 40.
Nelson, Craig, The Age of Radiance: The Epic Rise and Dramatic Fall of the Atomic Era. Scribner 2014. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Vig, Perry Johansson, Kinas historie. Portal forlag 2014. Innbundet. Kr 50.
Wells, Spencer, Pandora's Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization. Random House 2010. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Abbate, Janet, Inventing the Internet. MIT Press 1999. Paperback. Kr 50.
Bernal, J.D, Vitenskapens historie (fire bind). Pax forlag 1978. Paperback. Kr 100.
Chalmers, A.F, What is This Thing Called Science? Open University Press 1999. Paperback. Kr 50.
French, Steven, Science: Key Concepts in Philosphy. Continuum 2007. Paperback. Kr 30.
Lindberg, David C, The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, Prehistory to A.D. 1450. University of Chicago Press 2008. Paperback. Kr 50.
Macmillan, Malcolm, Freud Evaluated: The Completed Arc. MIT Press 1997. Paperback. Kr 50.
National Geographic, The Science Book. Peter Delius Verlag 2008. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Shapin, Steven, The Scientific Revolution. The University of Chicago Press. Paperback. Kr 30.
The New Yorker Magazine, The Big New Yorker Book of Cats. William Heinemann 2013. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Nedenstående titler er tilgjengelige. Prisen er kr 25,- pr stk.
1. Classics (Beard & Henderson)
2. Music (Cook)
10. Archaeology (Bahn)
14. The Bible (Riches)
16. History (Arnold)
29. Logic (Priest)
30. Descartes (Sorell)
33. Hume (Ayer)
38. Augustine (Chadwick)
50. Kant (Scruton)
51. Cosmology (Coles)
55. Philosophy (Craig)
73. Poststructuralism (Belsey)
74. Postmodernism (Butler)
86. Globalization (Steger)
88. The History of Astronomy (Hoskin)
90. The Earth (Redfern)
100. Evolution (Charlesworth)
101. Molecules (Ball)
104. The Elements (Ball)
108. Capitalism (Fulcher)
112. Ancient Egypt (Shaw)
113. Hieroglyphs (Wilson)
113. Hieroglyphs (Wilson)
145. Global Catastrophes (McGuire)
150. The Roman Empire (Kelly)
156. Economics (Dasgupta)
185. Geography (Matthews & Herbert) [dårlig kvalitet, men lesbar]
186. The Meaning of Life (Eagleton) [dårlig kvalitet, men lesbar]
193. The History of Life (Benton) [dårlig kvalitet, men lesbar]
204. Superconductivity (Blundell)
258. Late Antiquity (Clark)
302. Chinese Litterature (Knight)
311. Rivers (Middleton)
320. Languages (Anderson)
338. Martyrdom (Mitchell)
352. Bacteria (Amyes)
356. The Trojan War (Cline)
371. Causation (Mumford & Anjum)
374. The Ancient Near East (Podany)
389. The Etruscans (Smith)
393. Alexander the Great (Bowden)
403. Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture (Riggs)
404. The Middle Ages (Rubin)
424. Ancient Assyria (Radner)
474. Combinatorics (Wilson)
480. Babylonia (Bryce)
500. Measurement (Hand)
==50 Ideas You Really Need to Know==========
Baker, Joanne, 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2007. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Baker, Joanne, 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2007. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Baker, Joanne, 50 Quantum Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2013. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Baker, Joanne, Universe: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2010. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Chatfield, Tom, 50 Digital Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2011. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Crilly, Tony, 50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2007. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Crofton, Ian, World History: 50 Key Milestones You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2011. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Dupré, Ben, 50 Political Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2011. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Furnham, Adrian, 50 Psychology Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2008. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Henderson, Mark, 50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2008. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Hodge, Susie, 50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2011. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Russel-Walling, Edward, 50 Management Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2007. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Stanford, Peter, Religion: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2010. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Sutherland, John, 50 Literature Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2010. Hardcover. Kr 40.
Wilkinson, Philip, 50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus 2010. Hardcover. Kr 40.
== Definitive Visual Guides (DK)===========
Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. DK Publishing 2001. Kr 70.
Animal Life. DK Publishing 2008. Hardcover. Kr 70.
Art: Over 2,500 Works from Cave to Contemporary. DK Publishing 2008. Hardcover. Kr 150.
Earth. DK Publishing 2005. Hardcover. Kr 70.
History: The Definitive Visual Guide : From the Dawn of Civilization to the Present Day. DK Publishing 2007. Kr 70.
Human: The Definitive Visual Guide. DK Publishing 2004. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Ocean: The World's Last Wilderness Revealed. DK Publishing 2006. Kr 100.
Prehistoric Life: The Definitive Visual History of Life on Earth. DK Publishing 2009. Kr 70.
Science: The Definitive Visual Guide. DK Publishing 2009. Hardcover. Kr 50.
Timelines of History: The Ultimate Visual Guide to the Events That Shaped the World. DK Publishing 2011. Kr 70.
Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide. DK Publishing. Hardcover. Kr 50.
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