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Sister act 2
18- year old virgin, CCV
100 years of horror , Diary of a serial killer / Three (ny i plast)
1066 , Slaget ved Hastings - skjebneåret-
186 dollars to freedom
1980: savnet , SME-2827
1983: av jord er du kommet , SME-2828
55 dager i Peking, SME-252
A better tomorrow 3, love and death in Saigon
A man called horse
A shock to the system , 5 star collection
A shot at glory , Global video 5834
A very Harold & Kumar Christmas
A walk among the Tombstones
Age of heroes
Airplane / Airplane 2: the sequel
Al s Lads
Albino alligator, global video 3692
Alexander , special 2 disk edition
Alfred Hitchcock Foreign Correspondent , SME-246
Alien collection
Alien Covenant
Alien hunter , James Spader
Alien Origin , Takeone
Alien vs Predator / Alien
All quiet on the Western front ,Jupiter 7764
Alle elsker Mary
Alle elsker Mary
Alone in the dark
Alone in the dark 2
Along for the ride
Alpha force
American Crude ny i plast
American gigolo
American Pie , Beta house
American pie , Reunion
American psycho 2
American Yakuza 2 , Michael Rooker
Amour , SME-Q4087
An Education
Andron , Danny Glover
Annie hall
Another Gay movie , SME-2695
Ant-man wasp
AO den siste Neandertaleren
Apocalypse watch
Apocalypse watch / den tredje tvilling SME-2004
Asterix & Obelix oppdrag Kleopatra
Asterix i Roma
Asterix og Cæsars overraskelse
Astrid Lindgrens Lotta fra bråkmakergata
At war with the army , Jerry Lewis
Automata , Antonio Banderas
AVP 2 requiem
Babylon 5 the lost tales
Backstab , U9ON SC 10014
Backyard Traspatio
Balibo Mørklagggningen , CCV ny i plast
Band on the run
Band on the run
Band on the run
Bangkok Hilton , SME-047
Bang-Rajan , Global video 5507
Barbarella , Jane Fonda
Barely legal
Barnet , Arthaus 8757
Battle of the bulge
Battle of the damned , Dolph Lundgren
Beethovens femte
Belly, a hype Williams film
Bent, Film av Sean Mathias ny i plast
Beowulf , directors cut
Berlinerpoplene ligge i grønne enger
Beverly hills purk trilogy , 1-3
Beyblade gå i spinn 6**solgt**
Beyblade metal fusion Krigarna på den øde øn , svensk tale
Beyond borders der håpet overlever
Beyond treatment, Royal horror collection
Big , Tom Hanks
big fat liar
Big Momma s house / Big Momma s house 2
Big trouble in little China , John Carpenter
Bigger stronger faster
Bikini spring break
Billionaire boys club
Billy Elliot
Black Angel , Tinto Brass
Black Christmas
Black eagle , Jupiter 8408
Black moon rising, Linda Hamilton Jupiter3332
Blast , Rutger Hauer , Jupiter 4038
Bloodsport 3, Daniel Bernhardt
Blue crush 2
Boys on the run
Brimstone & Treacle , Sting
Broadway Danny Rose
Broderskab , Nicolo Donato ny i plast
Brotherhood of evil, CCV
Bryllups sangeren , Adam Sandler
Bryllupssangeren ny i plast
Bullet in the head, scanbox 5513
Bully a year in the life of Americas bullying crisis
By og gate , Buss og trikk
C ( r ) ook
Caligula (ny i plast)
Campire Tales/ The deadzone (2 i 1 dvd)
Cargo , Martin Rapold CCV ny i plast
Cargo , Martin Rapold CCV ny i plast
Carnival of souls
Casablanca , Humphrey Bogart
Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart
Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart
Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart ny i plast
Caspers spøkelsesjul
Chain reaction
Cheech & Chong still smoking
Cheech & Chong up in smoke
Chelsea walls
Chinatown , special collectors edition
Choke , MSM film 5863
Chris Kattan live
Christiano Ronaldo the world at his feet
Christmas at the Riviera
Christopher and his kind
Christopher and his kind ny i plast
City of God i Rio De Janeiro
Close encounters of the third kind 30th anniversary ultimate edition
Code of honor , Steven Seagal
Conan den uovervinnelige
Conquerors Hannibal , History channel dvd
Cooper mountain / How to irritate people
Country strong , ny i plast
Creed the lagacy of Rocky
Creepshow 2, SME-145
Crime scene Jar City , Baltasar Kormakur ny i plast
Crocodile Dundee
Cross of Iron , SME-086
Cyrano De Bergerac , Jose Ferrer
Dallas buyers club , SME-L7172
Danielle steel s Jewels / Jewels 2 , SME 298/299
Danielle Steels Jewels 1, SME-298
Danielle Steels Jewels 2 , SME-299
Danser med ulver , Special edition
Dark Vengeance , Steven Seagal
Das Boot , spesialutgave
Das boot , the directors cut spesialutgave
Dave Chappelle , Killing them softly sone 1
De 400 slagene , Francois Truffaut
De ville , ungdommens musikteater (revy)
Dead stop , Global video 3075
Deadline Torp
Dean Spanley , CCV ny i plast
Death train , BE DN0002
Death wish 4
December boys
Decoys 2 , CCV
Delicatessen, engelsk tekst
Delta farce
Delta force 3 , Replay 5189
Den Amerikanske gigolo
Den fabelaktige Amelie fra Montmartre
Den siste Fleksnes
Dennis , Jetix episode 23,24 og 25
Der Fuhrers elite , SME-648
Det beste fra bla.bla.bla, Anne Kat Hærland
Det forbudte riket , Jackie Chan
Dickie Roberts, former child star
Die Eberhoffer Triple-box , Sebastian Bezzel , Tysk språk og tekst
Direct contact
Direct Contract
Dirty dancing
Dogma , ny i plast
Dont be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood
Dorm Daze 2 college 2 @ sea
Double impact , JCVD
Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde , CCV
Dr. Strangelove
Dracula , Bram Stokers
Dracula 2001
Dracula 2001
Dracula 2001 / Prophecy 2
Dracula untold
Dragon blade , Jackie Chan
Dragon eyes , Jean-Claude van damme
Dragon heart , Dennis Quaid
Dreamers , Bernardo Bertolucci
Drillbit Taylor
Drillbit Taylor
Dumbo , Colin Farrell
Egypt gjenoppdagelsen av den tapte verden , BBC
Ekspedisjonen Tangaroa , 1947 Kon-Tiki 2006
Elephant white , SME 2963
Ellen Page Tracey
En dag i April
En dag til i solen , Bent Hamer
End of days
End of Innocence
Enter the Shootfighter , Michael Worth
Et helt nytt liv
Et iskaldt kappløp Amundsen vs Scott , BBC ny i plast
Etter bryllupet , Mads Mikkelsen
Ettor & Nollor
Event Horizon
Evig solskinn i ett plettfritt sinn
Eye of the needle
Fail -safe , Henry Fonda Walter Matthau
Fanthomas sesong 1 og 2
Fantomet , svensk cover med Norsk tekst
Farewell to the king , SME-137
Fat pizza , CCV
Father of my children , Artificial eye 487
Fear city , SME-189
Federico Fellinis 8 1/2
Fighter , SME-L3729
Filth and wisdom, En film av Madonna
Final destination 3 , 2-disc thrill ride edition
Final mission / Flight of the black angel
Fingersmith/Kieslowski Veronikas to liv , 2disk i 1
Fink! , Sam Worthington ny i plast
Fink! , Sam Worthington ny i plast
Firestorm , U9ON 10050
Five graves to cairo
Flags of our fathers
Flintstones / Flintsones in Viva rock Vegas
Forced to kill , REPLAY 6901
Forgotten silver , Peter Jackson
Forrest Gump (ny i plast)
Fortune hunters , Gallery movie
Forviklinger , CCV
Four Lions
Fox kids Peter Pan episode 1-4
Fredag den 13 de
Freeway , Kiefer Sutherland Jupiter 3698
Frihetens regn/Shawshank redemption , SME-163
From dusk till dawn
From dusk till dawn
From dusk till dawn 2 Texas blood money
From dusk till dawn 2 Texas blood money
From dusk till dawn 3 The hangmans daughter
From dusk till dawn 3 The hangmans daughter
Frykten er mitt våpen , SME-175
Gary Cooper Meet John Doe
Ghostbusters 2
Gold , Matthew McConaughey
Goldmember , Austin powers
Graham Norton at the Roundhouse
Grandma s boy
Gravity , Sandra Bullock
Grease 2
Greven av Monte Cristo , SME-198
Grizzly Falls, Global video 4675
Gunfight at the o.k Corral
Guttene fra st.Judes
H2O , Halloween 20 år etter
Hackers , sone 1
Haisommer 3
Halloween 5
Hamilton 2 , Michael Persbrandt
Hamilton, Peter Stormare
Hard to kill
Heat , 2-disk special edition
Heldiggrisen Babe i byen
Hellbound - Hellraiser 2 , SME-031
Hellraiser 2 , Hellbound
Hells angels on wheels
Henry of Navarre
Henry portrait of a serial killer
Her , Joaquin Phoenix
High Octane 3
High road to China , SME-199
Highlander 2 , SME-010
Highlander 2 , the renegade version
Hitler rise of evil
Honeymoon in Vegas
Honningsvågrevyen kaster perler fra svin
Horseplay , Marcus Graham
Hostel 1-3
Hostel part 2 unrated
Hostel part 2 unrated directors cut
How to deal , Mandy Moore
Hvem lurte Roger Rabbit
Høl i huet , Chevy Chase (ny i plast)
Høysommer , Norske klassikere
I rosens navn , Sean Connery
Ice 2020 , Stephen Moyer
If these walls could talk 2 ,
Immortel , Thomas Kretschmann
In a valley of violence
In cold blood , SME-103
In the heart of the sea
In the name of the king: A dungeon siege tale
In the name of the king: two worlds
Independence day
Inju the geisha killer
Inspektør spack
Interceptor force
Ivanhoe , den komplette tv mini-serien
Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher never og back
Jackie Brown
Jackpot , SME-143
Jakten på rød oktober
Jay and Silent Bob strike back
Jay and Silent Bob strike back
Jerry Lewis dr Jekyll and mr Hyde ny i plast
Jimmy Fallon the best of Satuday night live
Joe dirt
John Ford goes to war , sone 1
Jubel med Juster
Jumanji , collectors edition
Jumanjii the next level
Jurassic park , collectors edition
Jurassic park 3
Kaptein sabeltann og skatten i Kjuttaviga, Jubileumsutgave
Kickboxer 2 the road back , Jupiter 4395
King Kong , Jackson production diaries
King Solomons mines
Kiss of the dragon
Klassefesten , Bjørn Kjellman
Knock Off
Kvinner uten menn , SME Q-2936
L.A. Confidential , Russel Crowe
La Horde , SME-L3930
Lars and the real girl
Legend of the fist
Legenden om Enyo samleboks 1 del 1-13 ny i plast
Legionnaire, JCVD
Les Miserables , Gerard Depardieu ( Engelsk version, med Norsk tekst)
Letters from a killer , Global video 3974 ny i plast
Life is Beautiful
Life s a beach
Life with father, Carat 120153
Lion Hart , Jean-claude van damme
Live from Baghdad
Livet er en slager
Living the dream , Kristian valen
Lords of the street
Lost in space
Lost in space
Love and bullets
Love and bullets , SME-210
Love dont cost a thing
Love object , Desmond Harrington
Love stinks
Loving Vicent
Madagaskar pingvinene et førjuls natteritt
Madagaskar pingvinene Kong Julien Dag
Madagaskar pingvinene operasjon pingvin
Madagaskar pingvinene Oppdrag jul
Madagaskar pingvinene på oppdrag
Madea s family reunion
Man of tai chi
Mannen med den nakne pistol 33 1/3
Manon og kilden Jean de florette 2 , SME-134
Maria Larssons evige øyeblikk
Marvel , Thor Ragnarok (ny i plast)
Maskens sønn
Mathieu og korguttene
Me and you and everyone we know , Arthaus
Meet the feebles
Mega shark vs Giant Octopus
Mercenary for justice , Steven Seagal
Midnight man / Viper , Lorenzo Lamas
Miffy & Boris og vennene deres ny i plast
Miffy & snuffy og vennene deres ny i plast
Mikey , BE
Miracle st Anna , CCV
Miracle st Anna , CCV
Mitt navn er Nobody, SME-013
Mitt navn er nobody/mitt navn er fortsatt nobody, SME-2022
Mob War , Jake LaMotta
Moby Dick , SME-061
Money talks , Charlie Sheen
Monkey Business , The Marx brothers
Monster in law , Svigermonster
Mortal kombat legacy
Mot veggen
Motorsykkelmus fra Mars : Historien begynner 1
Moulin rouge
Moving target , Jupiter 5273
Mr Magoo , Leslie Nielsen
Mutiny on the bounty
My bodyguard , Matt Dillon
My soul to take
Mystics , ny i plast
Møte i Toscana , Juliette Binoche
Møte med Margueritte , Gerard Depardieu
Nefertiti resurrected
Network , Another world 5058N
New town killers , CCV ny i plast
New york , i love you
Night and the city , SME-069
Night and the city ,SME-069
Nims Island
Nine lives , Paris Hilton
No retreat no surender 1 ,2 og 3 , ikke Norsk tekst
Nordmennenes egen historie Tyskerne kommer
North by Northwest , Hitchcock guld samlarutgåve
Northmen a viking saga
Notes of a scandal
Nowhere boy
Nye 48 timer
Nye 48 timer gutta er tilbake i byen
Og for broke
Once upon a time in … Hollywood
Once upon a time in America
Once upon a time in China 2 , hong kong legends
Once upon a time in the west
Once upon a time/ Desperado/ El Mariachi
Once were warriors , SME-346E ny i plast
One eyed monster , Ron Jeremy
One flew over the cuckoo s nest (engelsk tekst)
Ong bak2
Open house
Operation delta force 2
operation delta force 4/ operation delta force 5
Operation Takedown . Replay 5096
Osmosis Jones , slipcase
Out Cold , Victoria Silvstedt
Outlaw Justice
Palast der winde
Paper man
Paper soldiers
Paranoid park , Gus van sants
Paranormal activity 3
Paris , Texas Wim Wenders
Pat Garrett Billy the kid
Pennies from heaven , Dennis Potters , BBC
Peter Pan , P.J Hogan
Picasso 8 historias de amor , sonefri men uegelsk tekst
Picasso el hombre y su obra , engelsk tekst
Piranha , SME-2925
Piranha 2
Piranha 2 , SME-L7045
Pirates , Global video 7248
Pitch black
Planet of the apes , Special edition 2-disk sone 1
Planet of the apes , Special edition med slipcover 2-disk
Play it to the bone
Pluto Nash
Pompeii , Kit Harington
Power rangers , 2017
Praha , Mads Mikkelsen
Premium rush
Pride fighting championship best moments 1-8
Priest unrated
Princess of thieves
Prison block/Prison block 2 , SME 2174
Private Valentine , Blonde & Dangerous
Private Valentine , Blonde & Dangerous
Private Valentine , Blonde & Dangerous
Professor Layton and the eternal diva**solgt**
Prom night , Jamie lee Curtis
Propell , May Kristin Kaspersen
Pulp Fiction
Purgatory , BE 6435
På veien til Bueno Aires , SME-Q4057
Ragtime , Jupiter 7249
Rain man
Rare exports
Ready player one
Red surf
Rent , Rosario Dawson
Requiem for a dream , SME-Q2605
Requiem for Billy the kid , sone 1
Rescue dawn
Return to Nims Island
Revenge for Jolly!
Revenge of the nerds/Revenge of the nerds 2 ,sone 1
Revykongen, Dag Frøland
Road house
Road rage , Global video 5245
Robin Hood , Taron Egerton
Robocop trilogy
Rocket Science, CCV
Rogue One star wars story
Rolandz the movie ny i plast
Romance & Cigarettes
Ruby Cairo , SME-287
Runaway hearts , U9ON 10122
Runaway train , Jon Woight
Sabotage , BE dn0010
Salvation Boulevard
Samurai sword
Sand sharks , takeone 12002
Sannhetens time , ny i plast
Santa fe trail/ Sagebrush trail/Billy the kid returns , ikke norsk tekst
Sarah Waters Fingersmith
Sauls sønn , SME-Q4297
Savage Islands , Tommy Lee Jones
School of life
Scooby-doo 2 monstre på frifot
Send mer snop
Shadowlands , Debra Winger
Shalako , SME-124 ny i plast
Shark boy
Shark swarm , Maneater series sone 1
Sinners and Saints , Tom Berenger
Siste runde
Sixteen candles
Skipped parts , MSM film
Slaget om den forbudte by
Smokingen , Jackie Chan
Snakes on a plane
Sniper Ultimate kill , Tom Berenger
Snoop doggs hood of horror
Snoop doggs hood of horror
Snoop doggs hood of horror
Solar storm , doomsday series
Son of rambow
Son of the dragon , CCV ny i plast
Sonic x volum 3
Sophie Scholls siste dager , SME-Q792
sos sommer of Sam
Sound of music
South Pacific
Stalking Santa , Chris Clark ny i plast
Star Trek beyond
Star trek the wrath of khan
Star wars the rise of skywalker
Starship troopers
Steel sharks
Stephen king s The Stand
Street fighter the legend of chun-Li
Street fighter the legend of chun-Li
Streets of fire
Submerged , Steven Seagal
Suite 16 , Global video 3608
Sunes verden optimisten
Swing vote
Tai-Pan , Jupiter 7253
Tales from Earthsea , CCV
Teenage mutant ninja turtles 3 , sone 1
Tegnerens Kontrakt , Michael Nyman
Tenebre / Deep red , Dario Argento collection volume 3
Tess, Roman Polanski
Tha last Chapter , Michael Ironside
The 6 th day/ Last action hero
The Abyss special edition
The Accidental spy , Jackie Chan
The adventures of Baron Munchausen
The Alamo
The Amityville horror
The Amityville horror , (ny i plast)
The Base , Global video 5287
The baytown Outlaws
The beat that my heart skipped , Romain Duris (ny i plast)
The big hit , Mark Wahlberg
The big sleep
The birds , Hitchcock collection
The Boondock saints
The Boondock saints
The boys club
The breakfast club
The baader Meinhof complex
The Cannonball run
The cell
The city of lost children
The Conqueror son of Conan
The Contract , Morgan Freeman ny i plast
The Cove, delfinbukten
The Covenant
The D Train , Jack Black
The Da Vinci Project , seeking the truth
The darkest minds
The day of the locust , Sone 1
The duel at silver creek , Audie Murphy
The Eliminator
The EX , Global video 3249
The EX , Global video 3249
The Executioners , SME-275
The expendables 2
The Expert
The eye
The fall of the Roman Empire , SME-036
The Flinstones i Viva rock vegas ( Vivarockvegas)
The foreigner
The Godfather ny i plast
The Godfather part 2 ny i plast
The Godfather Part 3 ny i plast
The good the bad the ugly
The grand Budapest hotel
The Hard corps
The hard word , Guy Pearce
The high priestess - pope Joan
The high priestess - pope Joan
The Hours De Luxe edition
The human stain
The hunter
The hunter
The Jerk / The Jerk 2 , Steve Martin
The jungle book ny i plast
The karate kid 1, 2 og 3 steelbook
The king and I
The kingdom
The Lena Baker story , CCV
The Lena Baker story , CCV
The Librarian
The locals
The longest day
The magnificent seven
The marine , John Cena
The marine , John Cena
The Mask ny i plast
The mask of Zorro , sone 1
The Meg
The Mighty
The nest
The neverending story , SME-303
The nutty Professor , Jerry Lewis ny i plast
The order/ Knight moves
The Outsiders, Francis ford coppola
The passion of christFanny og Alexander , Ingmar Bergman
The perks of being a wallflower
The place beyond the pines
The punisher , Tom Jane
The Queen , ny i plast
The Replicant , Van Damme
The Replicant , Van Damme
The road to Guantanamo
The running man , SME-001
The running man , SME-001
The science of sleep
The second arrival
The shawshank redemption
The silence of the lambs
The silent flute
The skulls 3
The spa
The spy who shagged me / Goldmember
The sword and the sorcerer , SME-182
The ten Commandments
The tenants
The Terminator
The Tesseract
The Thing
The transporter refueled
The traveller , Ian Wright ny i plast
The untouchables , Paramount
The warriors , Paramount collection
The waterboy
The wood
Things to do in Denver when youre dead
THX 1138, The George Lucas Directors cut
Ticker , Steven Seagal
Tiger warsaw , SME-173
Tilbake til fremtiden trilogy( Back to the future)
Tilbake til fremtiden trilogy( Back to the future)
TinTin det hemmeliga vapnet
Titanic , special edition Leonardo DiCaprio
Titta vi spøkar 2
Tom Clancy Op center
Tomme tønner 2 det brune gullet
Tommy s inferno
Total Recall
Transformers darknes rising sesong 1 del 1
Transporter 2
Transporter 3
Trash girls the filmed parts -2006 Trash tv
Treasure guards
Treasure guards
Treasure guards , Anna Friel
Tremors a cold day in hell
True grit
True Romance, Midget entertainment 118
Tusen bitar , en film om Bjørn Afzelius
Tusen og en natt , Andy Serkins jason scott lee
Tørk aldri tårer uten hansker
U.S.Seals 2
Umberto D , AWE 0077N
Undercover brother
Unnatural Causes ,Tara Reid ny i plast
Urban Legend Trilogy , boxset
Urban legends final cut
Urban legends final cut
Used cars ny i plast
Vacancy/Vacancy 2 the first cut
Vampire hunters , Tsui Hark s
Vampires : Los Muertos
Vanguard , Jackie Chan
Venus & Vegas
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Villmarkens sønn
Virtual weapon, CCV ny i plast
Voyage of the damned , SME-174
Vålerenga elsket og hatet
Wag the dod , festival series ny i plast
Walker payne , CCV
Walking with dinosaurs new blood , BBC ny i plast
Wall Street
Wall street
Watchers , Corey Haim
Way of the Vampire
Waynes world 2
Wedlock, SME-101
Weird Science
Welcome to the jungle
Were the red fern grows
What we do in the shadows , AWE0603N
When Harry met Sally
When worlds collide , George pal s Klassiske science fiction
White vengeance
Who is Cletis Tout, MSM 5243 ny i plast
wild west show / The flying leathernecks , John Wayne SME-250/390
Wing Commander
Wing Commander
Winners & sinners , SME-215
Witch Crow , Mark Dacascos
Wooly boys
World trade center , Oliver Stone
You and i love and desire
Young people fu**ing , CCV
Zift , en gangsters historie CCV ny i plast
Ådalen 31 , Bo Widerbergs , ny i plast**solgt**
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Sist endret: 30.11.2024 kl. 15:04 ・ FINN-kode: 375402781