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Tittel (prod.år/Genre/antall plater/type) pris:
1984 (1984/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
2001 (1968/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
2010 - The Year We Make Contact (1984/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
2012 (2009/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
A Scanner Darkly (2006/Scifi/1/BLURAY) kr 50
A.I. (2001/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Adventures of Indiana Jones (2008/Fantasy/5/DVD) kr 125
Adventures of Tintin (2011/Action/1/DVD) kr 25
Alien: Covenant (2017/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Alien: Prometheus (2012/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Alita - Battle Angel (2019/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Annihiliation (2018/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Arrival (2016/Scifi/1/BLURAY) kr 50
Avatar (2009/Scifi/3/BLURAY) kr 150
Avengers Assembled (2019/Scifi/4/DVD) kr 100
Babylon 5 - 1 - Signs and Portents (1994/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Babylon 5 - 2 - The Coming of Shadows (1995/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Babylon 5 - 3 - Point of no Return (1996/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Babylon 5 - 4 - No Surrender, No Retreat (1997/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Babylon 5 - 5 - The Wheel of Fire (1998/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Babylon 5 - The Gathering (1993/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Babylon 5 - The Movie Collection (1999/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Batman Legacy (2005/Scifi/4/DVD) kr 100
Battlestar Galactica (1979/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Battlestar Galactica (2003/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Battlestar Galactica - Blood & Chrome (2012/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Series (2009/Scifi/25/DVD) kr 625
Black Adder (1999/Comedy/6/DVD) kr 150
Blade Runner (1982/Scifi/2/BLURAY) kr 100
Blade Runner 2049 (2017/Scifi/1/BLURAY) kr 50
Blindpassasjer (Marco Polo) (1978/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Book of Blood (2008/Horror/1/DVD) kr 25
Borat (2007/Comedy/1/DVD) kr 25
Bourne Identity (2003/Triller/1/DVD) kr 25
Caprica 1 (2010/Scifi/4/DVD) kr 100
Caprica 2 (2010/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Captain Marvel (2019/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Childhood’s End (2015/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Close Encounters of the 3rd Degree (1977/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Corpse Bride (2005/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Dark City (1990/Thriller/1/BLURAY) kr 50
Dark Matter 1 (2015/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Dark Matter 2 (2016/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Day after Tomorrow (2004/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Day Watch (2006/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Deadpool (2016/Scifi/1/BLURAY) kr 50
Delikatessen (1991/Comedy/1/DVD) kr 25
Dirk Gently (2010/Comedy/2/DVD) kr 50
Discworld - Colour of Magic (2008/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Discworld - Hogfather (2006/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
District 9 (2009/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Earthsea (2004/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Elysium (2013/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Equilibrium (2002/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Evolution (2001/Comedy/1/DVD) kr 25
Existenz (1999/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Fantastic 4 (2006/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Farscape (2003/Scifi/34/DVD) kr 850
Fifth Element / Abyss / Aliens (1997/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Final Fantasy (2001/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Final Fantasy - Advent Children (2005/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Firefly (2003/Scifi/4/DVD) kr 100
Flyvende Dolker (2003/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Futurama - Bender’s Big Score (2008/SciCom/1/DVD) kr 25
Futurama - Bender’s Game (2009/SciCom/1/DVD) kr 25
Futurama - Into the Wild Green Yonder (2009/SciCom/1/DVD) kr 25
Futurama - The Beast with a Billion Backs (2008/SciCom/1/DVD) kr 25
Futurama S1 (1999/SciCom/3/DVD) kr 75
Futurama S2 (2000/SciCom/4/DVD) kr 100
Futurama S3 (2001/SciCom/4/DVD) kr 100
Futurama S4 (2002/SciCom/4/DVD) kr 100
Futurama S5+6 (2009/SciCom/4/DVD) kr 100
Futurama S7 (2010/SciCom/2/DVD) kr 50
Futurama S8 (2011/SciCom/2/DVD) kr 50
Gattaca (1997/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Ghost in the Shell (2017/Scifi/1/BLURAY) kr 50
Golden Compass (2007/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Good Omens (2019/Comedy/2/BLURAY) kr 100
Gormengast (2001/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Guardians of the Galaxy - 1 (2014/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Guardians of the Galaxy - 2 (2017/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets (1998/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows 1 (2010/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows 2 (2011/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire (2005/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Harry Potter - Half-Blood Prince (2009/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix (2007/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Harry Potter - Philosopher's Stone (1997/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Harry Potter - Prisoner of Azkaban (2004/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1981/SciCom/2/DVD) kr 50
Hobbit (2014/Fantasy/3/DVD) kr 75
Hyperdrive (2007/SciCom/3/DVD) kr 75
Inception (2010/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Independence Day (1996/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Inferno (2018/Thriller/2/BLURAY) kr 100
Infinite Worlds of H.G.Wells (2005/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Jeff Dunham (2007/Comedy/3/DVD) kr 75
John Carter (2012/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1969/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Jumper (2008/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Lange flate ballær (2006/Comedy/2/DVD) kr 50
Last Mimzy (2007/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Lathe of Heaven (1979/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Live Aid (1985/Music/4/DVD) kr 100
Lost in Space (1998/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Mad Max Triology (2015/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Martian Chronicals (1979/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Masters of Science Fiction (2008/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Matrix (1999/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Matrix Reloaded (2003/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Matrix Revolutions (2003/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Meaning of Life (1983/Comedy/2/DVD) kr 50
Metropolis (1927/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Minority Report (2002/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Mirrormask (2006/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Mission to Mars (2000/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1974/Comedy/2/DVD) kr 50
Monty Python Live! (1988/Comedy/2/DVD) kr 50
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (1974/Comedy/14/DVD) kr 350
Night Watch (2004/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Nightmare Before Christmas (1993/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Pan’s Labyrinth (2007/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Picard (2020/Scifi/3/BLURAY) kr 150
Pink Floyd - The Wall (1982/Music/1/DVD) kr 25
Pirates of the Caribbean - At World’s End (2007/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man’s Chest (2006/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (2011/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
PIrates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Planet of the Apes (1973/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Planet of the Apes (2001/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Planet of the Apes - TV-series (1974/Scifi/4/DVD) kr 100
Police Academy - The Complete Collection (1994/Comedy/7/DVD) kr 175
Privates on Parade (Fronten er Pyton) (1982/Comedy/1/DVD) kr 25
Puppet Masters (1994/SciCom/1/DVD) kr 25
Rocky Horrow Picture Show (1975/Music/2/DVD) kr 50
Serenity (2005/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Sherlock Holmes (2011/Mystery/2/DVD) kr 50
Simpsons - Season 1 (1990/Comedy/3/DVD) kr 75
Simpsons - Season 10 (1999/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 11 (2000/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 12 (2001/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 13 (2002/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 2 (1991/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 20 (2009/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 3 (1992/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 4 (1993/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 5 (1994/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 6 (1995/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 7 (1996/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 8 (1997/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Simpsons - Season 9 (1998/Comedy/4/DVD) kr 100
Snowpiercer (2013/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Solaris (2003/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Sound of Thunder (2005/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Spider-Man (2002/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Spider-Man 2 (2004/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Spider-Man 3 (2007/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Star Gate (1994/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Star Gate SG1 The Complete Series (2008/Scifi/60/DVD) kr 1 500
Star Gate Universe The Complete Series (2011/Scifi/10/DVD) kr 250
Star Trek (2009/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 1 (1993/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 2 (1994/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 3 (1995/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 4 (1996/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 5 (1997/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 6 (1998/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Season 7 (1999/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Discovery - Season 1 (2018/Scifi/4/BLURAY) kr 200
Star Trek - Discovery - Season 2 (2019/Scifi/4/BLURAY) kr 200
Star Trek - Discovery - Season 3 (2020/Scifi/4/BLURAY) kr 200
Star Trek - Enterprise - Season 1 (2002/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Enterprise - Season 2 (2003/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Enterprise - Season 3 (2004/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Enterprise - Season 4 (2005/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Star Trek - Into Darkness (2013/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Star Trek - Nemesis (2002/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Star Trek - Next.Gen - Movies (1998/Scifi/3/DVD) kr 75
Star Trek - The Original Series (1969/Scifi/23/DVD) kr 575
Star Trek - TNG - Season 1 (1988/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - TNG - Season 2 (1989/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - TNG - Season 3 (1990/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - TNG - Season 4 (1991/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - TNG - Season 5 (1992/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - TNG - Season 6 (1993/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - TNG - Season 7 (1994/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Voyager - Season 1 (1995/Scifi/6/DVD) kr 150
Star Trek - Voyager - Season 2 (1996/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Trek - Voyager - Season 3 (1997/Scifi/7/DVD) kr 175
Star Wars 4: A New Hope (1977/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back (1980/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Star Wars 6: Return of the Jedi (1983/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Superman I (1978/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Superman II (1980/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Superman III (1983/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Supernova 1 (2006/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Terminator - Dark Fate (2019/SciCom/1/DVD) kr 25
Terminator - Genisys (2015/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Terminator - The Sarah Conner Chronicals (2012/Scifi/9/DVD) kr 225
Terminator Quadrilogy (2009/Scifi/4/DVD) kr 100
The Fog (1979/Horror/1/DVD) kr 25
The Midnight Meat Train (2009/Horror/1/BLURAY) kr 50
The Simpsons Movie (2007/Comedy/1/DVD) kr 25
Time Machine (2002/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Tomb Raider (2001/Action/1/DVD) kr 25
Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life (2003/Fantasy/1/DVD) kr 25
Tron Legacy (2010/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
Twin Peaks (1990/Mystery/10/DVD) kr 250
Van Helsing (2004/Fantasy/2/DVD) kr 50
Watchmen (2009/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
Wolverine (2013/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
X-Men (2001/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
X-Men 2 (2003/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
X-Men: First Class (2011/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006/Scifi/2/DVD) kr 50
X-Men: Wolverine (2009/Scifi/1/DVD) kr 25
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Sist endret: 28.2.2025 kl. 14:38 ・ FINN-kode: 376005198