Korallpacket till jul!
Beskrivelse av varen
Christmas is around the corner. Give yourself a colorful gift. 😉
SMALL, 1799 nok.
Favia spp, Pink moon coral x1
Favites pentagona, war coral x1
Favia spp, Christmas moon coral x1
Gonipora sp, neongreen with glitter x1
Bernardphora stutchburyi, rainbow. x1
Bernardphora stutchburyi, wine red. x1
Euphyllia paraanchora, yellow tips, x3
Duncanopsammia axifuga, x5
MEDIUM, 3965 nok.
Favia spp, Pink moon coral x2
Favites pentagona, war coral x2
Favia spp, Christmas moon coral x2
Gonipora sp, neongreen with glitter x1
Bernardphora stutchburyi, rainbow. x2
Bernardphora stutchburyi, wine red. x2
Euphyllia paraanchora, yellow tips, x6
Duncanopsammia axifuga, x5
Cyphastrea spp, premium green x1
Turbinaria reniformis, yellow x1
LARGE, 5845 nok.
Favia spp, Pink moon coral x3
Favites pentagona, war coral x3
Favia spp, Christmas moon coral x2
Favia spp, Neongreen x1
Gonipora sp, neongreen with glitter x1
Goniopora sp, red x1
Goniopora sp, blue/purple x1
Bernardphora stutchburyi, rainbow. x2
Bernardphora stutchburyi, wine red. x2
Euphyllia paraanchora, yellow tips, x10
Euphyllia paraanchora, bicolor, x2
Duncanopsammia axifuga, x5
Cyphastrea spp, premium green x1
Turbinaria reniformis, yellow x1
Echniophora spp, pink alien eye x1
Acanthastrea lordhowensis, borderline rainbow x6 polyps
Want one of these packages - send us a pm!
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Sist endret: 18.11.2024, 20:26 ・ FINN-kode: 381187747