Beskrivelse av varen
Tilstand: Pent brukt - I god stand
Støvsuger med to motorer. Er noen år gammel, men kun brukt noen få timer. Følger med poser og munnstykke med børste.
A powerful, simple solution for Wet and Dry vacuum users, the ALTO Maxxi Series of budget wet and dry vacuum cleaners was economical to buy and use. They feature a simple, washable cloth filter and 75 litre container, along with a built-in drain hose and 2 motors on the WD 7 DUO model.
* Max Power: 3000Watt * IEC Power: 2700Watt * Supply: 230V @ 50Hz
* Airflow: 4100Lit/Minute * Depression: 215 mB 21.5 KPa
* Working Sound Level: 69 dB(A) * Container Volume: 35 Litres
* Dimensions: 72cm Long x 60cm Wide x 100cm High * Mass: 22Kg
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Sist endret: 20.11.2024, 18:53 ・ FINN-kode: 381469923