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Mange bøker (engelsk, dansk, norsk, italiensk språk). Selges enkeltvis for 20-125 kr + frakt. Listen oppdateres etter hvert som det selges bøker.
1 New Mexico - a history
2 New Mexico - four square leagues
3 Shoal of Time- a history of Hawaiian Islands
4 The Island Edge of America
5 In search of the old ones
6 David Trads - Amerika - hvor er du?
7 Michael Moore - Dumme hvide mænd
8 Bill Bryson - At home
9 Shirin Ebadi - Iran Awakening
10 Jeffrey Sachs - The end of poverty
11 Eric Hobsbawn - How to change the world
12 Naomi Klein - this changes everything
13 Naomi Klein - no logo
14 Kristian Hustad - Vahid
15 Vittorio Zucconi - Gli spiriti non dimeticano
16 Mimmo Franzinelli - Squadristi
17 Marx Ahora La Habana no 19/2005
18 Jorge Valdes - El segiendo frente del Che en el Congo
19 Erika Flatland - Grænsen
20 Mark Adams - Turn right at Machu Picchu
21 Tiziano Terzani - A fortune-teller told me
22 Bye og Hoel - dette er Cuba, alt annet er løgn
23 Carsten Jensen - Oprøret mod tyngdeloven
24 John Andersen - Mit Grønland
25 Scott - Journals
26 Geir Hasle - Isens menn
27 Nipisat for inclusion on the World Heritage list
28 Machiavelli- Il principe
29 The Gentleman's guide to travel
30 NATO Handbook
31 Bryson - notes from a small Island
32 Olga Kharitidi - Den første cirkel
33 Jon Ronson - The psycopath test
34 Adshead and Horn - the devil you know.
35 Kærlighed, folk, frihed
36 Malcolm Gladwell - Blink
37 Mark Manson - The subtle art of not giving a fuck
38 Russell - Hyldest til lediggang
39 Mark Kurlansky - Cod
40 Mark Kurlansky - Salt
41 Ben Schott - Schotts originale samling af uundværlig viden
42 Helle Stangerup - Saxo
43 Knud Rasmussen Myter og sagn fra Grønland
44 De Islandske sagaer 1
45 De islandske sagaer 2
46 De Islandske sagaer 3
47 Susanne Mortensen - Francesco, ridderen af Guds nåde
48 Lady Gregory's complete Irish mythology
49 Wilkins - Mysteries of Ancient South America
50 Andrade - Haena- through the eyes of the ancestors
51 Westervelt - Myths and legends of Hawaii
52 Don't look back - Hawaiian myths made New
53 Nishimoto and Wilson - Strange Tales from Japan
54 Homer - The Odyssey
55 Snorre - Kongesaga
56 Sønderjysk almanak 2006
57 Japanese Tales from times past
58 Thomas Beck - Astrologisk leksikon
59 Boyle - renewable energy, power for a sustainable future
60 Mauborgne - blue Ocean strategy
61 Hans Chr. Bugge - Lærebok i miljøforvaltningsrett
62 Miller - Cases in environmental politics
63 Ten commitments
64 Eco-sufficiency and global justice
65 Clive Ponting - A new Green history of the World
66 Fahn - A land on fire
68 Sam Spoon - The disappearing spoon
69 Bill Bryson - a short history of nearly everything
70 Charles Darwin- the origin of species
71 Harari - Sapiens, a brief history of mankind
72 Ecologia del Peru
73 The geology of Australia
74 Hawkings univers illustreret
75 Stjerner og planeter
76 Planets
77 Charles Lyell - Principles of Geology
78 How fossils refute Darwinism
79 Salman Rushdie - Kniv
80 A brief history of Japan
81 The Sami peoples of the North
82 Geographica
83 The new Children's atlas
84 Philip's modern school atlas
85 Folkeskolens atlas
86 Jorden, illustreret oppslagsværk
87 Dinosaurus
88 Dinosaur country
89 Tree
90 Wild orchids of Thailand
91 Havets hemmeligheter
92 Southern Africa's mammals, a field guide
93 Fugleatlas
94 Gyldendals store stjernehåndbog
95 Illusteret Danmarks historie 1
96 Illustreret Danmarks historie 2
97 Vernon Pratt - Environment and Philosophy
98 Hjertet tager aldrig fejl
99 Bear Heart - Vinden er min moder
100 Stephen Batchelor - Buddhisme uden religion
101 Lovelock - Gaia
102 Tor Nørretranders - Verden vokser
103 Tor Nørretranders - Det udelelige
106 Søren Kierkegaard - Enten eller I
107 Søren Kierkegaard - Enten eller II
109 De europæiske ideers historie
110 Illustreret filosofihistorie
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