Scarlet and Violet (REVERSE HOLO)
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Oppdatert (28.01.25)
Scarlet and Violet Base
007/198 Tropius
012/198 Gogoat
021/198 Smoliv
028/198 Capsakid
029/198 Scovillain
034/198 Houndoom
038/198 Skeledirge
041/198 Armarouge
044/198 Magikarp
051/198 Bruxish
055/198 Wiglett
058/198 Cetoddle
070/198 Rotom
071/198 Toxel
080/198 Miraidon
090/198 Drifblim
092/198 Floette
097/198 Fidough
105/198 Greavard
108/198 Primeape
113/198 Riolu
119/198 Silicobra
120/198 Sandaconda
126/198 Grimer
130/198 Croagunk
135/198 Maschiff
144/198 Chansey
151/198 Skwovet
152/198 Greedent
159/198 Tandemaus
160/198 Tandemaus
173/198 Energy Switch
174/198 Exp. Share
183/198 Penny
185/198 Poké Ball
194/198 Switch
197/198 Vitality Band
Paldea Evolved:
034/193 Fuecoco
036/193 Crocalor
044/193 Marill
066/193 Voltorb
080/193 Wattrel
088/193 Mismagius
099/193 Rabsca
111/193 Pupitar
114/193 Croagunk
119/193 Falinks
123/193 Garganacl
136/193 Sableye
161/193 Vigoroth
181/193 Fighting Au Lait
185/193 Iono
190/193 Jet Energy (25kr)
192/193 Reversal Energy
Obsidian Flames:
001/197 Oddish
005/197 Shuckle
016/197 Bounsweet
020/197 Dolliv
021/197 Arboliva
025/197 Scovillain
041/197 Volcarona
046/197 Carvanha
048/197 Buizel
053/197 Cubchoo
058/197 Wiglett
061/197 Finizen
063/197 Magnemite
072/197 Toxtricity
075/197 Tadbulb
087/197 Snubbull
093/197 Solrock
097/197 Sinistea
098/197 Polteageist
103/197 Diglett
110/197 Bonsly
118/197 Toedscool
121/197 Glimmet
129/197 Paldean Clodsire
131/197 Houndour
139/197 Salandit
144/197 Bronzor
147/197 Excadrill
155/197 Varoom
157/197 Dratini
161/197 Drampa
166/197 Eevee
175/197 Bunnelby
182/197 Lechonk
186/197 Arven
194/197 Ryme
195/197 Team Star Grunt
197/197 Vengeful Punch
012/165 Butterfree
016/165 Pidgey
042/165 Golbat
044/165 Gloom
047/165 Parasect
060/165 Poliwag
061/165 Poliwhirl
064/165 Kadabra
071/165 Victreebel
072/165 Tentacool
086/165 Seel
096/165 Drowzee
118/165 Goldeen
120/165 Staryu
164/165 Protective Goggles
Paradox Rift:
004/182 Pansage
005/182 Simisage
007/182 Crustle
013/182 Nymble
014/182 Nymble
018/182 Wo-Chien
025/182 Charcadet
033/182 Remoraid
034/182 Octillery
035/182 Feebas
037/182 Snorunt
041/182 Panpour
043/182 Vanillite
048/182 Wimpod
064/182 Joltik
072/182 Xatu
083/182 Tinkatink
084/182 Tinkatuff
090/182 Onix
091/182 Gligar
095/182 Gabite
106/182 Flamigo
110/182 Zubat
114/182 Purrloin
127/182 Ferroseed
138/182 Orthworm
148/182 Whismur
163/182 Earthen Vessel (50kr)
167/182 Mela
170/182 Professor Sada's Vitality
171/182 Professor Turo's Scenario
180/182 Techno Radar
Paldean Fates:
001/091 Pineco
003/091 Maractus
004/091 Toedscool
007/091 Charmander
009/091 Magmar
012/091 Camerupt
013/091 Heat Rotom
020/091 Chinchou
025/091 Natu
027/091 Ralts
034/091 Cottonee
044/091 Gimmighoul
046/091 Primeape
048/091 Phanpy
055/091 Gastly
056/091 Haunter
058/091 Paldean Wooper
065/091 Revavroom
070/091 Cyclizar
071/091 Lechonk
074/091 Maushold
082/091 Nemona
089/091 Rare Candy
090/091 Technical Machine: Crisis Punch
Temporal Forces:
003/162 Seedot
006/162 Shroomish
007/162 Breloom
013/162 Shaymin
019/162 Dhelmise
033/162 Torracat
037/162 Centiskorch
039/162 Totodile
044/162 Keldeo
064/162 Marill
067/162 Latias
070/162 Solosis
073/162 Elgyem
082/162 Meditite
091/162 Mudbray
092/162 Mudsdale
100/162 Ekans
105/162 Poochyena
110/162 Forretress
117/162 Melmetal
118/162 Iron Treads
129/162 Dudunsparce
130/162 Skitty
151/162 Heavy Baton
155/162 Morty's Conviction
161/162 Mist Energy
Twilight Masquerade:
004/167 Spinarak
008/167 Heracross
010/167 Illumise
012/167 Phantump
015/167 Thwackey
017/167 Applin
019/167 Iron Leaves
020/167 Poltchageist
030/167 Torkoal
032/167 Monferno
035/167 Darmanitan
036/167 Litwick
037/167 Lampent
039/167 Chi-Yu
043/167 Poliwrath
047/167 Corphish
050/167 Milotic
052/167 Glalie
053/167 Froslass
058/167 Cramorant
069/167 Emolga
071/167 Heliolisk
072/167 Morpeko
074/167 Bellibolt
083/167 Girafarig
086/167 Flabébé
087/167 Floette
090/167 Slurpuff
092/167 Palossand
099/167 Hisuian Growlithe
101/167 Nosepass
105/167 Conkeldurr
108/167 Glimmet
110/167 Ting-Lu
113/167 Poochyena
123/167 Heatran
124/167 Varoom
125/167 Revavroom
135/167 Eevee
136/167 Snorlax
142/167 Accompanying Flute
143/167 Bug Catching Set
151/167 Hassel
154/167 Kieran
159/167 Ogre's Mask
Shrouded Fable:
002/064 Galvantula
004/064 Dartrix
008/064 Houndoom
009/064 Iron Moth
010/064 Horsea
014/064 Weavile
021/064 Cresselia
025/064 Bloodmoon Ursaluna
047/064 Kyurem
048/064 Meowth
054/064 Academy at Night
Stellar Crown:
003/142 Ledian
011/142 Eldegoss
021/142 Pansear
022/142 Reshiram
024/142 Salazzle
026/142 Scorbunny
027/142 Raboot
034/142 Azumarill
043/142 Chewtle
046/142 Electabuzz
049/142 Lanturn
056/142 Pawmi
058/142 Slowking
066/142 Fidough
070/142 Greavard
075/142 Rhydon
078/142 Meditite
086/142 Diancie
090/142 Koraidon
102/142 Meltan
107/142 Archaludon
108/142 Varoom
115/142 Noctowl
116/142 Glameow
117/142 Purugly
120/142 Tornadus
121/142 Fletchling
126/142 Lechonk
Surging Sparks:
006/191 Spewpa
008/191 Morelull
010/191 Dhelmise
011/191 Zarude
012/191 Capsakid
013/191 Rellor
016/191 Vulpix
018/191 Paldean Tauros
020/191 Castform Sunny Form
021/191 Victini
022/191 Pansear
023/191 Simisear
024/191 Larvesta
026/191 Oricorio
027/191 Sizzlipede
028/191 Centiskorch
030/191 Crocalor
032/191 Charcadet
033/191 Charcadet
034/191 Armarouge
038/191 Gouging Fire
039/191 Paldean Tauros
043/191 Spheal
044/191 Sealeo
046/191 Shellos
049/191 Bruxish
050/191 Quaxly
051/191 Quaxwell
053/191 Cetoddle
054/191 Cetitan
055/191 Iron Bundle
058/191 Magnemite
061/191 Rotom
062/191 Blitzle
063/191 Zebstrika
066/191 Wattrel
067/191 Kilowattrel
070/191 Togepi
071/191 Togetic
073/191 Marill
080/191 Azelf
081/191 Sigilyph
082/191 Yamask
084/191 Espurr
085/191 Meowstic
087/191 Dedenne
088/191 Xerneas
089/191 Oricorio
090/191 Sandygast
096/191 Flutter Mane
097/191 Gimmighoul
099/191 Primeape
100/191 Annihilape
102/191 Phanpy
104/191 Trapinch
105/191 Vibrava
107/191 Gastrodon
109/191 Excadrill
111/191 Passimian
112/191 Clobbopus
113/191 Grapploct
114/191 Glimmet
115/191 Glimmora
116/191 Koraidon
117/191 Deino
118/191 Zweilous
120/191 Shroodle
121/191 Grafaiai
124/191 Skarmory
125/191 Registeel
126/191 Bronzor
127/191 Bronzong
128/191 Klefki
129/191 Duraludon
132/191 Iron Crown
134/191 Altaria
138/191 Applin
140/191 Appletun
145/191 Slakoth
148/191 Swablu
149/191 Zangoose
150/191 Kecleon
152/191 Rufflet
153/191 Braviary
154/191 Helioptile
156/191 Oranguru
157/191 Tandemaus
158/191 Maushold
161/191 Terapagos
163/191 Babiri Berry
165/191 Call Bell
166/191 Chill Teaser Toy
170/191 Cyrano
175/191 Dusk Ball
177/191 Gravity Mountain
178/191 Jasmine's Gaze
179/191 Lisia's Appeal
180/191 Lively Stadium
187/191 Surfer
189/191 Tera Orb
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