30 ml naturlig Cyperus oil
Beskrivelse av varen
Tilstand: Helt ny - Uåpnet/med lapp
30 ml naturlig Cyperus oil
100 kron per flaske + frakt 70 kron
for eksempel 5 flasker olje 570 kr
5 stk olje(500) + frakt(70 kr) = 570 kr.
En alternativ til laser, reduserer hårvekst, ifølge studie har tilsvarende resultat som Alexandrite laser. Du kan lese studiet i linken nede i annonsen. Produsenten er kjent for qualitet i nord Afrika og Midtøsten.
So, have you heard about Cyperus oil? Yes, I’m talking about the powerhouse of health benefits. Which is just waiting to be explored by you! And taken for all of its health benefits. So, this remarkable natural extract is actually from the Cyperus rotundus plant. This source of wellness has been cherished for centuries. Packed with a myriad of nutrients and beneficial compounds, Cyperus oil is not just any ordinary oil. So, try to imagine how your well-being takes center stage. And every drop of this oil works in harmony with your body to promote overall health and vitality. So, as you delve into the realm of natural remedies, Cyperus oil stands out for its potent properties. Thus, they are big in the health and wellness industry. So, that is why we invite you to embrace this ancient remedy as your ally in the journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Start to let the essence of Cyperus oil take you on a journey towards a more balanced and vibrant life. By the way check out what the NIH has to say about Cyperus oil for hair removal. We quote their conclusion: “Cyperus rotundus essential oil is as effective as the Alexandrite laser for decreasing the growth of axillary hair (both dark and white).”
فوائد زيت السعد للشعر
يعمل على منع نمو الشعر ، حيث يعد من الطرق الآمنة لمنع نمو الشعر، بسبب احتوائه على مادة الفلافونويد، والبوليفينولات، والليجنان،التي لها تأثير مضاد للاندروجين، فعاليته لا تقل أهمية عن الليزر، عند استخدامه بصفة مستمرة مرتين يوميًا لمدة ستة أشهر
فوائد زيت السعد للبشرة
تفتيح البشرة، بالرغم من عدم تواجد تجارب سريرية، إلا أن تجارب الناس كان لها تأثير.
تخفيف أمراض الجلد الناتجة من التعرض لأشعة الشمس الضارة، والمتمثلة في: التهاب البشرة، وتغير لون البشرة، وتجعد البشرة وإصابته بالشيخوخة.
Cyperus oil
زیت السعد
Alternativ for laser
Naturally Reducing Body Hair Growth
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Sist endret: 9.2.2025 kl. 13:18 ・ FINN-kode: 390728470