Norske Promo - Cd-Singler - Ltd. editions - 35% Rabatt
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Fra privat samling Tatt Godt Vare på - Norske Uspilte promo Cd er - Cd-Singler - Cd-ep. Når det gjelder gradering - Graderes spille run-off på cd - Cd er kan få enkelt slitasje rundt spillebånd når de oppbevares fks i card sleeve over lengre tid. Dette påvirker ikke avspilling i lyd kvalitet - bare utseende rundt spillebånd. 90-95% av disse er aldri spilt. Er cd gradert Ex+ regnes de som uspilt. - Porto ekstra. --- Tilbud 35% Rabatt på veiledende priser.
30% rabatt i begrenset periode !
Åge Aleksandersen – Akkurat No - 1991 - 2 spors Cd-Single Inkl. Genseren -
Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDPR 2 - SLeeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Various – Radio-Video - 1990 - Frank Aleksandersen - small town . slyboy og 3 andre band - Revolution Records – REV 4711 - Ex+ / Ex+ Kr 100
Åge Aleksandersen - Various – Nei Til EU - 1994 - 21 spors Cd album med bl.a Jan Eggum, Mari Boine, Sverre Kjelsberg etc- Sleeve Ex Ex+ Cd Ex+ ----Kr 200 ----
Morten Abel – Morten Abel - 2004 -EMI – 07243 5605862 0 - 10 Track best of promo Cd only compilation - Card Sleeve Ex /Ex (-) Ørliten vrekk topp høyre front sleeve - Så å si usynlig - Spør - Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 100
Act – September Field - 1985 - Odeon – 1A 262 13 7484 4 - 10 spors MC / Kassette Album - NM NM Kr 200
A-ha - Kjetil Bjerkestrand & Magne Furuholmen – In The Hands Of Fools - 1996
Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDPR 661 - 1 spors promo cd - Sleeve/Cd: Ex+/Ex+ Kr 250
Abra Kadavra – Helt Fin Av Solskinn - Card Sleeve - 1996 - Parlophone – ABRAPROMO1 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Abra Kadavra – Hjerned On Asjon - 1996 - Parlophone – Cd Singel 7243 8 66039 2 0 - 2 spors - Sleeve Ex+ NM Cd Ex+ NM --- Solgt ----
Abra Kadavra – Hjerned On Asjon - 1996 - Promo - 1 spors - Parlophone – BP 01 - Kr 100
Asfalt – Asfalt - (M Magne høyland) - Digipack - Mega Records – PROMCD 2705 - 4 spors Inkl. Du E Den Gladaste, Takk Skal Du Ha, Slektningar og Onna Ei Større Vinga. Sleeve/Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Bigbang – Frontside Rock 'N' Roll - 2002 - Cdr - 10 track ALbum Promo - Warner Music Norway - Printed Warner logo Norway Cdr and Tracklisting , but also Warner Music Norway cdr. Upc code :0927444252. release date 11.03.02 - Promo only - not for sale Text - Presented in Jewel Case sleeve. Ex+ Ex+ NM Kr 100
Bel Canto – Disappear Club 5 - 2001 - 1 spors promo - Wea Records– BCPROMO 0101 - Sleeve/Cd: Ex+ Kr 150
The Beautiful People – Sedated Times - 2004 - Public Demand Records – PDR 002 - Cdr 3 track promo Ep - Made by the band - Inkl. Every Day, Fucked Myself Up On A Friday Night and Sedated Times - Promo printed on Cd - Few made - Ex / Ex / Ex+ Kr 150
Ane Brun – Songs 2003 - 2013 - Sealed - 2cd-promo - Uk - Balloon Ranger Recordings – DEMPRCD13 - Kr 150
Ane Brun Feat. Ron Sexsmith – Song No. 6 - 2 spors - DetErMine Records – DEMCDS05, V2 – VVR5032103 Signert av Ane Brun - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 200
Bjelleklang - God Jul - RCA – 74321 127122 - 2 spors - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ NM - Solgt ---
Bo Kaspers Orkester – Amerika - 1996 - Sony Music – 485119-2 Sweden - 4 spors - CD Ex/Ex- Kr 50
Bjørn Torske – Hard Trafikk - 2001 - 2 track Cd-single - Tellé – TELLÉ 011 - Incl. Hard Trafikk (Original Version) and Very Heavy Traffic (And The Lefthanded Re-Work) - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 100
The Beautiful People – Sedated Times -
Kari Bremnes – Alle Vet Jo Det - 1993 - Cohen På Norsk - Kirkelig Kulturverksted – FXS 22 - 1 spors - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Kari Bremnes – Månens Kraft - 1993 - Kirkelig Kulturverksted – FXCD 123 PROMO - Quality Cd Ex+ Ex --Solgt---
Chocolate Overdose – Under This Blanket - 1993 - Warner Music Norway AS – Germany
4509 93427 2 - 2 spors - SEALED - SEALED - Kr 150
Chocolate Overdose – The Rat And The Dinosaur - Uten Sleeve - 1992 - 4 Track - WEA – 4509-90837-2 - Cd Ex / Ex Minus - Gis vekk Gratis ved kjøp av 2 stk Cd er.
Rock Furore – RFCD-5 - 1993 - 8 spors Rock Furore Sampler - Uten Magasin - M Chocolate Overdose I Had A Friend, Meduza Almost There, Israelvis Albino Blue etc. Cd Ex+ Kr 80
Cato Salsa Experience – A Good Tip For A Good Time -
Garralda Records – 11 track Album promo cd-r that reads promo on back sleeve - A part of the design - Sleeve Ex Cd Vg+ (Masse hairlines) Kr 100
CC Cowboys – Er Det Ikke Typisk - 1998 - 2spors - RCA Records – CCCPROMO 0198 - Sleeve/Cd: Ex+ NM - Kr 100
CC Cowboys – River I - 1996 - RCA – CCCPR 0196 - 1 spors - Sleeve/Cd Ex+
Kr 100
CC Cowboys – Tigergutt - Rare 1992 - 2 spors Cd Single - RCA – 74321-11205-2 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ Kr 200
CC Cowboys – People In Motion - 3 spors Cd-single - RCA – 74321149132 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 130
Somebody's Darling & CC Cowboys – Dans Meg Gjennom Kropp Og Ånd - Cohen på norsk 1993 - Kirkelig Kulturverksted – FXS 18 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Ex - Rare - Kr 150
DeLillos – 1000 Smil - 1996 - Sonet – TCD 9697 - 6 spors Cd - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 175
De Lillos – Sne Og Is (Vår Herre Ga Oss Denne Mulighet Til Å Gli) - 1994 - Promo cd -
Sonet – Prolill 067-2 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Ex+ - Solgt -
De Lillos – Neste Sommer - Cd Single - 1993 - Sonet – TCD 9678 - Sleeve Ex+ Ex Cd Ex Kr 100
DeLillos – Stakkars Oslo/Utkaster - 1994 - 2 spors - Sonet – PROLILL 074 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 250 - Tilbud kr 200
Various – Ellediller & Krokofanter - Sjelden - Cd - 1996 - Digipack - DeLillos - Racer - Motorpsycho - 14 spors Cd - Sleeve Ex+ NM Cd Ex+ NM ---Solgt---
Dum Dum Boys – 1001 Watt - Ram Cd V – 1st press Grey Plastic Sleeve – Ex+ NM nm Kr 150
DumDum Boys – Hagelangs - 1994 - 1 Spors promo cd - Oh Yeah! – RAMPROMO - Ex+ NM solgt
DumDum Boys – En Vill En - 1994 - 1 spors promo Cd - RARE - Oh Yeah! – RAMPROMO V - Ex+ NM -solgt -
Dum Dum Boys – Ludium – yellow Cover - RAM CDIV – Ex+ Ex+ Kr 100
Dum Dum Boys - Bapshuariari - 1991- 6 spors mini album CD - Reissue Released in a standard clear jewel case with an 8-panel folded booklet. - Ram xv - Red pitcure CD - Sleeve / Cd: Ex+ kr 150
DumDum Boys – Ikke Faen - 1998 - 1spors cd singel - Oh Yeah! – RAM CDS XVIII - Sleev/Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Dum Dum Boys - Transit Cd radio promo Oh Yeah! – 1992 - 1spors RADIO-PROMO - Card Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Solgt
Dum Dum Boys -Bade naken promo Cd - 1 spors - RAMPROMO 9603 Sleeve Ex/Ex+ Cd Ex+/Ex - solgt -
DumDum Boys – Mitt Hjertes Trell - 1994 - Oh Yeah! – RAMCDM 1 - 3 spors Cd Single Inkl. Hva var det med det da og Gatelangs. Sleeve EX+ Cd Ex Kr 100
Dum Dum Boys / Racer – Bønda Fra Nord 2000 - 1 spors Cd - Oh No! – Romertall tototo - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Dum Dum Boys / Racer – Kan Det Være Nødvendig Å Være Så Sint? - Debut - 1995 - Cd-Single - Oh No! – Romertall I - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 200
Di Derre – Pen - 1995 - 1 spors promo - Tomato Records – PROPEN - Sleeve Ex/VG+(Liten bøy bakside ) Cd Ex (+) ---solgt---
Di Derre – Børs Cafe - 1995 - Sonet – PROBØRS 2 spors promo cd - Sleeve Ex(+) Cd Ex ---solgt---
Di Derre – Rumba Med Gunn (1-2-3) - 1994 - Sonet – PRO RUMBA1 spors Promo Cd - Sleeve Ex/Vg+ (liten bøy bakside) Cd Ex ---solgt----
Di Derre – Jenter - 1994 - Promo Cd - 1spor - Tomato Records – PRODI 028-2 - Cd / Sleeve Ex+/Ex --solgt--
Dronning Mauds Land – Tiden Kler Seg Naken - Digipack Cd - 1994 - 14 spor -
Kirkelig Kulturverksted – FXCD 145 - Ex+ Ex+ Kr 175
Dronning Mauds Land - Pust på meg - 3 spors promo cd - Rare - Inkl. La Oss Glemme Denne Dagen og lengter meg syk - Sleeve/Cd: Ex+/Ex+ Kr 275
Dance With A Stranger – Long December Nights - Norsk Plateproduksjon – 1994 - IDCDPR 45 - Sleeve/Cd Ex+/Ex Kr solgt
Dance With A Stranger – Cruel World - Tynn Digipack Sleeve - 1994 -
Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDPR 40 - Sleeve/Cd Ex+/Ex solgt
Thomas Dybdahl – John Wayne EP - 2001 - Checkpoint Charlie Audio Productions – CCAP011 - 5 spors Ep + 9 spors Bonus spor Instrumental Reisen til amerika. Sleeve Ex Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM kr 100
Thomas Dybdahl - Signert av Thomas - Various – By:Larm Live Kristiansand 07.03-10.03 - 2002 - 3 CCd-set - BYLARM 2002 - 47 Sanger med 47 Norske Artister - Bl.a Thomas Dybdahl , Ane Brun, Lano Places, Surfer Rosa, Pekka Volt og mangen flere. Sleeve Ex-/Vg+ (litt slitasje kant) Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 350
Pre-Thomas Dybdahl - Quadraphonics – Q - 2002 - Oslove – OSLCD 012 - 11 track album - Thomas Dybdahl first band - Stavanger Rogaland - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 175
Bjørn Eidsvåg - Various – God Radio-Jul Med Bjørn, Cato, Ole Edvard Og Kirsten! - Cd promo Card Sleeve - Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDPR 1993 - Sleeve/Cd Ex/Ex Kr 100
Jan Eggum – På 'An Igjen - 1996 - Cd promo - Grappa – grcds 166 Sleeve/Cd Ex/Ex Ex Kr --aolgt---
Jan Eggum – Kor E Alle Helter Hen? - Cd Single - 1993 - 2 spors - Grappa – GRCDS 142 - 2 spors - Sleeve / Cd Ex+/Ex Kr 150
Erik Og Kriss – Gull Og Grønne Skoger - Cd Album - 2007 - Hip Hop - MTG – MTG CD 81212 - Sleeve/Cd Ex - Kr 130
Flying Norwegians – Old Lady - 1994 - 1 spors Promo Cd - Fjording – PROFLY 002 - Sleeve/Cd: Ex/Ex Kr 150
Danko - Fjeld - Andersen - (Joans Fjeld) - 1991 - Promo Sampler Danko - Fjeld - AndersenPolygram - Dank-promo 01 - 3 spors Incl. Drifting Away, When the morning Comes and Angels In The snow - RARE - thin jewel Case sleeve - Cd Ex+ Kr 450
Jonas Fjeld - Ole Paus - To Rustne Herrer – Tordensky - 1996 - Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDPR 601 - Sleeve/Cd Ex/Ex Kr 100
Jonas Fjeld – Engler I Sneen - 1999 - Norsk Plateproduksjon – JFPROMO 0199 - Promo - Remastered Versjon - Sleeve / Cd: Ex+ / Ex Kr 100
Jonas Fjeld - Omtrent som før - JFPROMO299- 1 spors promo - Remastered - RARE - Cd/Sleeve Ex+ Kr 400
Go-Go Gorilla – Go Go Gorilla - Cd maxi - 1992 - Sonet – TCD 9659 - 4 SPORS CD single - Sleeve Ex Ex- Cd Vg+(lette hairlines) Kr 65
Trond Granlund Nobody Ever Killed billy the kid - Card Sleeve - 4 track promo sampler?/Cd-maxi - Incl. Nobody ever killed Billy The Kid, Driftin, Quit Your lowdown ways and Gonna Ball - Rare to Find - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Ex- Kr 350
Gatas Parlament – Naturkraft - 1997 - Cd Ep - Natur Og Ungdom – XGP004 - 4 spors - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Solgt
Gatas Parlament – Nå Om Da'n - 2002 - Tee Productions – TEES 1013 - Cd Maxi - 4 track - Incl. Album Version, Radio Version, Video and Instrumental version. Sleeve Vg+ (Liten bøy topp høyre/noen rynker her og der) Cd Ex
Gatas Parlament – Slå Tilbake! - RARE 1996 - XGP002 - Cd Ep - 5 track - Inkl. Vanvittig Utopi, Faen Til Prat (Remix), Fram Kamerater, File Transfer Protocol (Dub) og Vanvittig Utopi (Instrumental) - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ --Solgt
Gartnerlosjen – Due - 1995 - Tylden & Co – GTACD 8044 - 16 Tracks - This is the special edition of "Due", and it comes in a cardboard box with 1 envolope with vegetable seeds, and 7 or 8 coasters with the lyrics and info printed on.Package of vegetable seeds included is:
Ever Green - Hvit Vinterkål Kvislar - Norsk Frø. It may differ. Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ NM -- Solgt ---
Ian Hunter – Red Letter Day - 1994 - Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDPR 44 - 2 spors promo cd Incl short and long version - Card Sleeve - Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Magne Høyland - Asfalt - Manna – 3 Stråler Fra Det Fyssta Lyset - 1993 -
CNR – MHS 001 -3 spors promo cd - Sleeve/Cd: Ex+/Ex -- Solgt ---
Hellbillies – Bra Den Eg Har - 1997 - BMG Norway AS – HBPR 0397 - Card Sleeve EX+ Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Hellbillies – Krasafaren Steinbu/Treski Blues - 1998 - BMG Norway AS – HBPR 0198 - 2 spors - Card Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Ex Ex Kr 300
Hellbillies – Urban Twang - BMG - 2001 - 857 386 994 2 - 13 TRACKS
CDr - Album - Promo - Cdr Ex+ Ex --- Solgt ---
Hellbillies – På Ål stasjon - 1996 - BMG Norway AS – HBPR 0196 - 1 spors promo cd - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Kr 100
The Respatexans (Hellbillies) – Hardship Volunteer - 1998 - RCA – Respatex Promo 0398 - 1 spors promo Card sleeve - Card Sleeve Ex Ex(-) - Litt wear bakside - Slitasje punkt spine - Cd Ex+ Ex - Kr 150
Various – Inn Fra Kulda - 2001 - Tylden & Co – GTAS 92 - 4 track album sampler - Inkl. Odd Børretzen Og Lars Martin Myhre Is This Love / Is This Love, Mari Boine Beasadat Ja Báhtarat / Running Away, Definite M/ Apollo (7) & Nasibu Jeg Skjøt Snuten / I Shot The Sheriff og Henning Kvitnes– En Frelsessang / Redemtion Song. Card Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ NM Kr 150
Imbalance – Burial Of Consciousness - 2004 - Cdr - Self released 4 track Ep - Rare Norwegian Thrash Metal band from Oslo - Sleeve/Cdr Ex+ Kr 250
Imbalance – Bestial By Nature - 2006 - Cdr Promo - Printed Cdr - 3 track - Sleeve Ex+/Ex+ Norwegian Thrash Metal band from Oslo - Kr 275
Jack In The Box – Rockjumping - 1993 - Criminal Records – CR 160932 - Rare - Cd Mini Album - 5 spors - Discoveredd and Release by Tnt `s Ronnie Le Tekrø - Legendary Norway Hard Rock - Sleeve Ex Ex+ Cd Ex+ Ex+ Kr 295
Jeremy (Tog) – EP - Ex-Stavanger Band - 2006 - 4 spors -
Brilliance Records – BRILCD001 - Signert - Kr 100
Johndoe – Pyromantikk - 2004 - Columbia – COL 675260 1 - 1 spors Cd Single - M bl.a Thomas Ryjord (Desperado) - Sleeve Ex+ Nm Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Dag Kolsrud – Someone To Love - M Jørn Lande - 1991 - MD Records – MD 100027 - 2 spors - Someone to love - O\ holy Night - Uten sleeve - Kun cd - Cd kvalitet Vg+ Kr 150
Kings Of Convenience – Riot On An Empty Street - 2004 - EMI – CDSOURDJ 099 - 12 spors album promo - Card Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Kr 75
Kaizers Orchestra – Død Manns Tango - 2002 - Broiler Farm – BFCDS4 - 3 Spors Cd Ep - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Kaizers Orchestra / Stolpesko - 2002 - Promo Cd - WEA – 5050466-2211-2-4, Frelsesarmeen – none - 11 spors Card Sleeve Promo m Paal Flaata (Midnight Choir) En Neve Jord, Kaizers Orchestra Markveien, Jonas Fjeld Som I Gresset - Sleeve/Cd Ex+
Kr 100
Various – :Larm | 5 År - BYLARM - 2002 - Virgin – 7243 812297 2 - 2cd-set m 27 Norske Artistrer Bl.a Kaizers Orchestra - Ompa Til Du Dør, Tungtvann, Morten Abel, Kings of Convience og mange flere. Sleeev Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Various – by:Larm Live Stavanger 2005 - Skambankt - 3 cd-set - Bylarm Promo - Inkl. 50 sanger og artister - Bl.a Skambankt Desertør (Mener å ha lest dette er en demo versjon ikke på platen) , Purified in Blood, The Vineyards og mangen flere. - Still sealed --- Kr 175
Pre-Kaizers Orchestra / Pre-Skambankt / Terje Vinterstø - Watershed - Catch Us If You Can - 1999 - 4Track Cd-ep - Aaron Records – Aaron cd 11 - Incl. Souvenirs For A Hundred Years, Still Confused, A Musing Tune and The Drifter - Rare to find - Very low numbers pressed - Digipack Ex Ex- Ex- Cd Ex- Ex- (kun lette hairliens) - --Solgt--
Espen Lind – Black Sunday - digipack sliver - 2000 - Universal – LINDPROMO 01 - Sleeve Ex+ Ex Cd Vg+ Kr 100
Espen Lind – Red - 1997 - 10 spors Album Promo Cd - For promotion Use Only on cd - Jewel Case Sleeve - Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Leif & Kompisane - Stranddag - 3 spors Cd single - 1993 - xscd 31 Inkl.- I natt så ska me drømma og Kanon Beibe. Sleeve / Cd: Ex+ Kr 250
Leif & Kompisane – Alt Eg Har Igjen - 1995 - Tomato Records – PROLEIF 029 - 1 spors promo - Uten Sleeve - solgt ---
Leif & Kompisane – Det Va Du Så Sa Hu Va Så Bra - Tomato Records – XSCD 32 - 1996 - 4 spors cd single - Ex Cd Ex Kr 100
Leif & Kompisane – Vikingtiå E Tebage - 2000 - Braathens – BPCDS-002 - 3 spors - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 150
Luxus Leverpostei – Mannen Fra Nord - Signert av hele bandet - 6 spors mini Cd album/CD-R kun for salg på gruppens Facebook side i 2017 i Kun utgitt i 300 eksemplarer. Denne er aldri spilt - kun tatt ut av sleeve en gang for å ta bildet av CD en ! --- Sjelden ---
Kr 650 Tilbud Kr 550
Lava – The Rhythm Of Love - 1990 - 1 spors promo cd - Mercury – LAVA 1-2 -Jewel Case - Cd Ex+ NM Kr 150
Locomotives – Rainbow - 2 spors promo cd - 1997 - BMG Norway AS – LOCOPROMO 0297 - Card Sleeve - Incl. Kaboose Edit and album version - Limited to 500 numbered copies. All with different handpainted sleeve designs. - 2 eksemplarer med 2 forskjellige nummer tilgjengelig. Nummer 305/500 og 350/500. Card Sleeve Ex/Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM - ---Begge 2 Solgt----
Locomotives – Mind - 1996 - Digipack - 4 track Debut ep - BMG Norway AS – 74321 401322 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM SOLGT
Locomotives – Atomic - 1998 - 1 spors cd single - digi pack - BMG Norway AS – Locopromo 0199 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ NM SOLGT
Marit Larsen – Under The Surface (Sampler) - 2006 - 4 spors album sampler -
Virgin – 00946 355794 2 0 - Card Sleeve Ex Ex- Ex Cd Ex+ NM Kr 150
Marit Larsen / M2M – Shades Of Purple - 2000 - USA - Album promo - Atlantic – 83258-2P - Jewl Case promo innlay tracklisting backsleeve - Ex Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 125
Olav Larsen & The Alabama Rodeo Stars – Christmas Song For Anna - Promo Cd - Private pressing - Low Numbers - 1 track - Ex+ / Ex+ NM Kr 100
Midnight Ramblers – Demo For Sale - Stavanger Stones Tribute Band - 3 spors - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ --- Solgt -----
Madrugada - New Depression Ep - 1999 - Norway - 4 track Cd-ep -
Virgin – 7243 8 95757 2 9 Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 300
Madrugada – The Nightly Disease Vol. II - 2001 - Norway - Cd Ep - 3 track - Virgin – 7243 8 97424 2 8 - Sleeve Ex+ Ex Cd Ex+ NM Kr 75
Madrugada – Ready - 2002 - Norway - Virgin – 7243 5 46789 2 9- 4 track Cd Ep - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Kr 75
Mercury Motors – Humbleberry Wine - 1996 - 1 spors promo cd - Digipack -
Rodeløkka Grammofon – PROMCD2697 - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 75
Mercury Motors – Is It You - 1 spors promo cd - Sonet – PRO MERC 064 -Sleeve Ex (ørlite wear bakside) Cd Ex+ Kr 75
Mercury Motors – Fade Away! - 1997 - 1spors radio promo - Rodeløkka Grammofon – PROMCD2726 - Card Sleeve Ex Minus (litt wear) Cd Ex+ -- Rare --- Kr 200
Lene Marlin – Unforgivable Sinner - 2 spors Cd singel - 1998 - October -
Virgin – 7243 8 9543827 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 75
Midnight Choir – Talk To Me - 1994 - Fjording – PROMID 004 - 1 spors promo cd - Card sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Midnight Choir – Gypsy Rider - 1994 - Fjording – PROMID 003 - 1 spors promo Cd - Ex+ Ex+ Kr 100
Midnight Choir – When Wedding Bell Ring - 1997 - 1 Track Promo Cd - Mega Records – Promcd 2724 - White Digipack Sleeve Ex+ Cd EX+ NM Kr 100
Midnight Choir – Sister Of Mercy - 1996 - 24:00 – Promcd 2703 - 1 Track Promo Cd - Digipack Sleeve Ex+ Ex Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Manifestation - As We Wait - Cdr Demo -
Manifest – Promo 2002 - Cdr - 4 track - Norweagian Death & Trash metal band - Incl. Contagious, Manufactured Lie, 1000 Years Of Oppression and Devil In mInd - Printed Sleeev & Handwritten Cdr - Low number pressed - Top Quality - Ex+/Ex+ Kr 175
Marius Müller's Funhouse – Plugged! - 1994 - Sonet – PROFUN 081 - Red Card Sleeve - 3 track Inc. Papa Was A Rolling Stone, Boom Boom and All Along The Watchtower - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 150
Motorpsycho Presents The International Tussler Society – Satan's Favourite Son - Columbia – 2004 - Stickman Records - 1 Track promo - Sleeve Vg+ (Lett wear front/bak sleeve) Cd Ex+ NM Kr 200
Nøkken – Nøkken 1978-1984- 2002 - Cdr-5 Track smapler promo - Inkl. Bussen, Like før isen går, Stanse vinden, Hør Marianne & Reserveasjonsreggae. S2 Records - Printed Label, Artist and tracklisting disc. Sleeve Ex Cdr: Ex+ nm Kr 175
Lillebjørn Nilsen – Fort Gjort Å Glemme / Så Nære Vi Var - 1993 - Grappa – GRCDS 146 - 2 spors Cd Single - Sleeve Ex Ex+ Cd Ex+ --Solgt ----
No Hand Path – First Farewell - 2006 - Black Metal - Cdr - Black Metal - 3 versions of The Deepest Journey - Ex+ Ex+ Kr 100
Northern Comfort – If You Call This Love - 1993 - 3 spors cd-singel - EMI – 1375 812 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM ---Solgt ---
Northern Comfort – Stand Right Up - 1993 - 2 spors Cd-single -
EMI Norsk AS – 1375 882 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM --Solgt---
Not From Amerika – Radio Invader - 3 spors private pressig - Cd singler from the beand itself - Rare Stavanger Band Release - Incl. Radio Invader (Radio version), Asking for it (Radio Version) and When I Sat down (Radio Edit). Sleeve Ex+ Ex Cd Vg+ Solgt
Purified in Blood - Rumble in Rhodos - Vishu - zoom 2005 - 3 spors promo Card - Ex / Ex - Kr 150
Private Eye – Addicted To You - 1990 - Desperado Records – CD DS52 - 3 spors Cd maxi single - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex Kr 275
Pogo Pops – The Great Fall - 1992 -Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDS 22 - Incl. Man Inside My Head - Sleeve Ex/Ex+ Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 100
Pogo Pops / Frank* – Souvenir - Digipack - 1997 - Rodeløkka Grammofon – MRCXCD 2864 - 3 spors - Ex+/Ex+ Kr 75
Prima Vera – Brakara - MC / Kassette - 1978 - RCA Victor – PK 40029 - Ex Ex Kr 100
The Rambelins – The Rambelins - Spiritpromo 1 - 1994 - Feu0l press - 4 spors oppgitt på sleeve og Cd - Men dette er en feilpress som ble makulert og som inneholder hele The Rambelins albumet. Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 250
Rabalder - Eu Eller Eu kje - 1994 - Hallo Records HCD 9401 - Rare 4 track cd with Ex-Ingenting guitarist Tom Mølstre and Modesty Blaise vocalist Pete Johansen - Incl. Eu Eller Eu kje , Pengane Eller Livè, I Sandnes and Evighetsmaskin. Sleeve/Cd Ex+ NM - Rare - Low numbers pressed - Solgt
Trine Rein – Summernight Magic - 1994 - Finland - EMI – EMI PROMO 9402 - 2 spors promo Inkl. You Win Again - Cd Ex+ nm Kr 75
Trine Rein – Stay With Me Baby - 1994 - EMI Norsk AS – 50999 1375972 - 2 track cd-single - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 75
Trine Rein – Just Missed The Train - 1993 - EMI – 1375 802 - 2 spors Cd-single - Sleeve Vg+ (Bølget sleeve/Fukt skade) Cd Ex Kr 50
Real Ones – First Night On Earth - 2011 - Warner – 5052498450022 - 9 Track Cd-r Album Promo - Sleeve/Cd-r Vg+ (Hairlines) - Få laget - Kr 150
Raga Rockers – The Beginning Of The Raga Rockers - 1992 - Cd Album -
Sonet – SCD 15046 - M 3 Bonus Spor - Sleeve Ex+ Cd EX+ Ex Kr 150
Sauda Viseklubb/Sauda Røde Kors - Me Viser til Raudekross - MC / KASSETTE - Svk 01 - 14 Sangher - Ex+ Ex+ --- Reserbert ----
Something Odd – Fuggel I Karmen - Odd Nordstoga - Digipaclk Sleeve - RCA – SOM.ODD.PROMO.0198 - 1track Radio promo - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 80
St. Thomas – Let's Grow Together (The Comeback Of St. Thomas) - 2004 - 13 Track Album Promo Cd - Racing Junior – RJCD 024 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 200
Saint Thomas – Children Of The New Brigade - 10 Track Album promo in unique Cardboard sleeve with Promotion Vopy Not for sale Sleeve - RARE - Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM Kr 275
Saint Thomas – Morning Dancer EP - Cdr ep - 2004 - 4 track Morning Dancer, The Play, The Mexican Father and Book on hold. Presented in Thin Jewel Case with copy of the cover and white printed artist, title and Racing Junior logo Cdr. - RARE - low numbers pressed - Ex+/Ex+ Kr 225 Tilbud Kr 175
She Said Destroy - Armageddon Anyoone? 2004 - 3 track Cdr Promo/demo - Rare - Incl.- Armageddon, Anyone? Swallow My Tongue and Joy To The World: The Coming Of Khali - progressive death/Black metal band from Oslo, Norway Ex/ Ex Ex+ Kr 300
Halvdan Sivertsen – Aldri Så Nær... - Promo Cd - 1 spors - 1996 - Mega Records – Promcd 2706 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 75
Halvdan Sivertsen - Pus Har løpetid - Mega Records – PROMCD 2715 - 1996 - 1 spors promo cd - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Sterk Naken Og Biltyvene – Hva Med Stakkars Meg Da? - 1995 - Sonet – PROSNOB 078 - 2 spors promo Radio Version and Hawai Version - Sleeve Ex/Ex- (Liten brett topp høyre hjørne) Cd Ex+ Ex Kr 150
Sterk Naken Og Biltyvene – Lille Dukke - 1993 - Sonet – PROSNOB 066 - 1 spors promo cd - Sleeve Ex Ex+ Cd Ex Kr 100
Halvdan Sivertsen – Pus Har Løpetid
Secret Garden – You Raise Me Up - 2001 - 2 spors promo - Incl. album and complete version - Mercury – RAISEPROMO 01 - Card sleeve Ex Cd ex+ Ex Kr 50
Secret Garden – Songs From A Secret Garden - Mercury – 1995 - 731452 82302 - Uk - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Kr 100
Seigmen – Slaver Av Solen - 2-cd - 1996 - 1:70 Label / Sony -
1:70 – ENS 662 799 2 - 7 spors - RARE - Digipack Ex+ Ex Cds Ex+ NM Kr 400
Seigmen – Hjernen Er Alene - 5 spors cd-ep - 1996 - 1:70 – ENS 477 351 2 - Digipack - Sleeve Ex+ Ex Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 150
Seigmen – Metropolis - 1995 - Digipack - 1:70 – ENS 662 532 2 - 3 track Inkl. Hjernen er alene (Live Roskilde 95) and Fra X Til Døden (Live Roskildefestivalen -95). Sleeve Ex+/Ex/Ex- (ørlite slitasje kant) Cd Ex Ex(+) Kr 100
Travellin' Strawberries – The Støvel Dance - EMI – EMI Promo 394 - 1 spors promo Cd - Erling Mylius, Ivar Gafseth, Tore Johansen (Alle fra Difference). Sleeve/Cd Ex+ NM Kr 100
Thorsens Bageri & Cafè – Ole Peder - Stavanger - Rogaland - 1995 - 6 spors Debut album - Privat Pressing - LD0104 - m bl.a Stian Tønnesen (Vamp) - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM - Vanskelige å finne i pen tilstand - Lite opplag ble produsert - Kr 300
The Tuesdays – It's Up To You - 1998 - Norway - Polydor – Tuesdays 9801 - 1 spors promo - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Tall Trees – Beat - 1993 - Dag Lauvland - 1 spors promo cd - Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDCDPRB 36 - Sleeve Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Two Tall Trees – Whole Lot In Common - 1993 - Dag Lauvland -Norsk Plateproduksjon – IDPRS 36 - 1 spors promo Cd digipack - Sleeve Ex+ Ex Cd Ex+ Kr 75
Thulsa Doom – She Fucks Me - Cd-ep - SEALED - 2000 - 5 SPORS -
Safety Pin Records – SPCD-007 - kR 150
Theatre Of Tragedy – Superdrive - 2002 - Tuba Records – TUBAPROMO - 2 track album promo inc. Play - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Kr 150
Jahn Teigen – Gi Alt Vi Har! - 1994 - EMI – EMI-PROMO 194 - 1 spors promo Sleeve/Cd Ex+ --- Solgt ---
Jahn Teigen – Min Første Kjærlighet - Promo - Emi promo 294 - 1 spor - Sleeve / Cd Ex+ -- solgt ---- ---
Jahn Teigen – Gi Meg Fri - 1992 - 2 spors cd single - EMI – 1375 652 - Sleeve/Cd Ex --- solgt ----
Jahn Teigen – Ensom Natt / Heij - 1993 - EMI – EMI 1375772 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 140
Jahn Teigen – Teigens Beste Grand Prix Hits - 2008 Se og Hør - Grand Prix Hits - Promo Sleeve Ex Cd Vg+ (Hairlines en god del) Kr 75
Jahn Teigen – Mine Grand Prix-Favoritter - 2016 - Se Og Hør – TEIGEN2016 - Promo - 7 spors cd - Sleeve Ex (ørliten liten bulk nederst venstre kant) Cd Ex+ NM Kr 150
Jahn Teigen – Jahn Teigens Beste - 2006 - Se Og Hør – 12 spors - Sleeve Ex Minus Cd Vg+ (Bruks slitasje) - Kr 50
Ulver – Perdition City (Music To An Interior Film) - 2000 - Jester Records – Trick 007 - Sleeve Ex Ex+ Cd Vg+ Kr 100
Upstrokes – Gonna Get'em - 2004 - nodakcd01 - 6 spors Punk Rock Cd-Ep - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ Ex - Kr 200
Velvet Belly – Colours - 1992 - dBut – d-but cd007 - 1STE PRESS CD - 9 track - Sleeve Ex+ CD Ex+ NM Kr 350
Velvet Belly – The Conversation Stops - 1994 - 4 spors cd maxi -
BMG Norway AS – 74321 34300 2 - Sleeve Ex+ nm Cd Ex+ NM - Kr 100
Velvet Belly – Drowning Sun - 1996 - Cd Maxi 5 track -
RCA – 74321 41609 2 - Sleeve Ex+ Cd EX+ kr 100
Velvet Belly – Easy - 1999 - promo - card sleeve - BMG Norway – VELVET PROMO 0397 -Sleeve Ex Cd Ex+ ---Solgt -----
Velvet Belly – Unreal - 1997 - 1 spors promo radio edit - BMG Norway AS – 0198 - Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Vestlandsfanden – Flytta For Meg Sjøl - 1994 - Sonet – PROVEST 079 - 1spors - Sleeve/Cd Ex+ Kr 100
Vidar Vang & The Northern Men* – Here It Is - 2004 - 2 spors Cd single - Columbia – COL 675257 1 - Sleeve Ex Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 50
Vidar Vang & The Northern Men* – Highways Of My Mind - 2004 - Columbia – COL 675700 1 - 2 spors promo Cd - Ex / Cd Ex Ex+ Kr 50
Various – By:larm Live. Skred - 2001 - Stiftelsen By:Larm - 3-cd and 54 songs of the best bands in Norway in 2001 - Incl. Magnet, Thulsa Doom, St. Thomas - See disgogs for full tracklisting - Rare compilation - 500 made - Sleeve Vg+ (Slitasje punk tpå kant/spine) Cds: Mellom Ex og Ex+ Kr 175
Various – :Larm | 5 År - BYLARM - 2002 - Virgin – 7243 812297 2 - 2cd-set m 27 Norske Artistrer Bl.a Kaizers Orchestra, Rungtvann, Morten Abel, Kings of Convience og mange flere. Sleeev Ex+ Cd Ex+ Kr 150
Various – Første Bylarm Promo - By:Larm Live - 1998 - BYLARMPROMO 1 - 19 Tracks m Bl.a The 3rd And The Mortal Elephantine Walls, Fru Pedersen Landsväg, Bönkers When Life Comes Crashing - Rare First Bylarm Promo released - Sleeve Ex+ Cd Ex+ NM - Kr 200
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