Div. Religiøse Bøker på Engelsk/English/Norsk (Innbundet/Heftet)
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Til Salgs: Div. Religiøse Bøker (Innbundet/Heftet)
One Way Love, Inexhaustible Grace For an Exhausted World av Tullian Tchividjian på Engelsk (Heftet)(SOLGT)
Lioness Arising, Wake Up and Change Your World av Lisa Bevere på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places, A Conversation in Spiritual Theology av Eugene H. Peterson på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
There is More, When the World Says You Can't, God Says You Can av Brian Houston på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
The Discipline of Grace, God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness av Jerry Bridges på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
...ismer Verdens Religioner av Theodore Gabriel & Ronald Geaves på Norsk (Innbundet) (SOLGT)
En Million Mirakler, Perleproskektet: Historien Om Hvordan En Million Bibler Ble Smuglet Inn I Kina På En Natt av Paul Estebarooks på Norsk (Heftet, Navnet var skrevet på innsiden, men er krysset ut med svart penn. Boken er i god lesbar stand ellers)
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One Way Love, Inexhaustible Grace For an Exhausted World av Tullian Tchividjian på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
Publisher : David C Cook (October 1, 2012)
Language : English
Paperback : 240 pages
ISBN-10 : 0781406900
ISBN-13 : 978-0781406901
Real life is long on law and short on grace—the demands never stop, the failures pile up, and fear sets in. Life requires many things from us—a stable marriage, successful children, a certain quality of life. Anyone living inside the guilt, anxiety, and uncertainty of daily life knows that the weight of life is heavy. We are all in need of some relief. Bestselling author Tullian Tchividjian is convinced our exhausted world needs a fresh encounter with God's inexhaustible grace—His one-way love. Sadly, however, Christianity is perceived as being a vehicle for good behavior and clean living—and the judgments that result from them—rather than the only recourse for those who have failed over and over and over again. Tchividjian convincingly shows that Christianity is not about good people getting better. If anything, it is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good. In this "manifesto," Tchividjian calls the church back to the heart of the Christian faith—grace. It is time for us to abandon our play-it-safe religion, and to get drunk on grace. Two hundred-proof, unflinching grace. It’s shocking and scary, unnatural and undomesticated … but it is also the only thing that can set us free and light the church—and the world—on fire.
Lioness Arising, Wake Up and Change Your World av Lisa Bevere på Engelsk (Heftet)
Publisher : WaterBrook (September 6, 2011) (SOLGT)
Language : English
Paperback : 240 pages
ISBN-10 : 0307457796
ISBN-13 : 978-0307457790
An irresistible call for Christian women to live boldly and fully into their God-given wisdom, power, and capabilities.
The lioness rises from her slumber, a magnificent image of strength, passion, and beauty. Her mere presence commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them.
You too are a lioness.
In Lioness Arising, author and speaker Lisa Bevere offers the life and image of the lioness as a fierce and tender model for women. Revealing the surprising characteristics of this amazing creature, Lisa challenges women to discover fresh passion, prowess, and purpose.
Learn what it means to:
• be a stunning representation of strength
• fiercely protect the young
• lend your voice to the silenced
• live in the light and hunt in the dark
• raise a collective roar that changes everything
Packed with remarkable insights from nature and a rich depth of biblical references to lionesses, Lioness Arising is a call for women to rise up in strength and numbers to change their world.
Jesus is, after all, the lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places, A Conversation in Spiritual Theology av Eugene H. Peterson på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
Publisher : Eerdmans (January 29, 2008)
Language : English
Paperback : 380 pages
ISBN-10 : 9780802862976
ISBN-13 : 978-0802862976
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places reunites spirituality and theology in a cultural context where these two vital facets of Christian faith have been rent asunder. Lamenting the vacuous, often pagan nature of contemporary American spirituality, Eugene Peterson here firmly grounds spirituality once more in Trinitarian theology and offers a clear, practical statement of what it means to actually live out the Christian life.
Writing in the conversational style that he is well known for, Peterson boldly sweeps out the misunderstandings that clutter conversations on spiritual theology and refurnishes the subject only with what is essential. As Peterson shows, spiritual theology, in order to be at once biblical and meaningful, must remain sensitive to ordinary life, present the Christian gospel, follow the narrative of Scripture, and be rooted in the "fear of the Lord" -- in short, spiritual theology must be about God and not about us.
The foundational book in a five-volume series on spiritual theology emerging from Peterson's pen, Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places provides the conceptual and directional help we all need to live the Christian gospel well and maturely in the conditions that prevail in the church and world today.
There is More, When the World Says You Can't, God Says You Can av Brian Houston på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
Publisher : William Collins (March 22, 2018)
Language : English
Paperback : 240 pages
ISBN-10 : 0008290407
ISBN-13 : 978-0008290405
Founder and Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and author of LIVE LOVE LEAD shows how, with God's power, you can believe and achieve a life that exceeds every earthly expectation. When you surrender control and follow God's guidance, you become empowered and equipped to do the impossible, reach higher, and go further than you could imagine.
By building our lives around godly principles, surrounding ourselves with wisdom, and living for a cause greater than ourselves, we can effectively live out God's purposes and have an enduring impact. As Brian Houston has personally discovered, when we depend on Jesus as the source for our identity, our lives can be a lasting legacy that maximize the gifts He has given each of us as unique individuals. There is More is for anyone who wants to be challenged to live with expectancy. Ephesians 3 is a call to release the immeasurable potential within you and the exceeding, abundant, and above plans and purposes of a Holy God that are beyond your greatest imagination. "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen" (Ephesians 3:20-21).
The Discipline of Grace, God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness av Jerry Bridges på Engelsk (Heftet) (SOLGT)
Publisher : NavPress; New edition (May 12, 2006)
Language : English
Paperback : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 1576839893
ISBN-13 : 978-1576839898
The Discipline of Grace offers a clear and thorough explanation of the gospel and what it means to be a believer. Written by Navigator author Jerry Bridges, this book explores how the same grace that brings us to faith in Christ also disciplines us in Christ. In learning more about grace, you also will learn about God’s character, His forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit.
...ismer Verdens Religioner av Theodore Gabriel & Ronald Geaves på Norsk (Innbundet) (SOLGT)
ISBN 9788245808124
Publisert 2007
Utgave 1. utgave
Utgiver Orion
Vekt 450 gr
Høyde 207 mm
Bredde 143 mm
Dybde 20 mm
Aldersnivå Voksen
Språk Bokmål
Format Innbundet
Antall sider 160
Forfatter Gabriel, Theodore Geaves, Ronald
Oversetter Larsen, Ingrid Sande
Denne alt-i-ett guiden til å forstå menneskers åndelige oppfatninger er inndelt etter de største gruppene (kristendom, jødedom, islam, buddhisme osv.), og så videre inndelt i sekter, trosretninger og avledninger av disse - kort sagt ismer. Hver isme er gitt et tosiders oppslag med et destillat av troens læresetninger, hvordan den skiller seg fra andre religioner, og viktige historiske skikkelser som er knyttet til ismen (fra paver og profeter til politiske og kulturelle størrelser). I alle kulturer til alle tider har religionene inspirert kunst, arkitektur og formgivning. Hver religion er her illustrert ved sine ypperste og mest kjente estetiske verk, og ved en nyttig tidslinje som plasserer alle religionene i en kronologisk kontekst.
En Million Mirakler, Perleprosjkektet: Historien Om Hvordan En Million Bibler Ble Smuglet Inn I Kina På En Natt av Paul Estebarooks på Norsk (Heftet, Navnet var skrevet på innsiden, men er krysset ut med svart penn. Boken er i god lesbar stand ellers)
EAN 9788230215968
Forfatter Paul Estabrooks
Format Storpocket
Sider 272
År 2021
Opp av asken etter kulturrevolusjonens ødeleggelser vokser det i skjul fram en raskt ekspanderende kirke. Behovet for kinesiske bibler er skrikende, og en flokk alminnelige menn og kvinner tar utfordringen med urokkelig tro på miraklenes Gud.
Med hjelp av en slepebåt og en spesiallaget lekter overleverer tjue menn i all hemmelighet i løpet av én natt én million kinesiske bibler – 232 tonn – til tusenvis av kinesiske kristne som venter ved en strand i det sørlige Kina.
Her fortelles historien fra innsiden om de mange miraklene som gjorde den spektakulære leveransen mulig. Beretningen om Perleprosjektet forteller oss hvorfor og hvordan en million bibler bidro til å sette fart på vekkelsen som pågår i Kina.
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